Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 667

Chapter 667: True biological transformation and clues to Batty

Generally speaking, the transformed creatures are the manifestation of the magic power of the wizard, and will obey the various commands of the spellcaster to a certain extent.

But the horned snoring beast in front of him was obviously different. Ivan found that he could not control the opponent's actions, and he could not see the slightest flaw with his current level of Transfiguration.

It's as if the creature in front of you is real and not deformed...

"The curse stops immediately!" Ivan pressed his wand against the head of the horned snoring beast, trying to release the deformation magic he had applied.

However, as a burst of white light flashed, the horned snorer still stood on the spot, looking at him with an innocent and scared look.

Ivan's face was full of joy and shock. Could it be that he really completed a biological transformation, completely turning a wooden block into a horned snoring beast? Created a whole new species?

Ivan subconsciously wanted to deny this possibility, the more he studied, the more he understood the difficulty.

The examples of complete transformation in the magic world today are legends that do not know whether they are true or false.

On the contrary, a large number of teaching books related to transfiguration art clearly mention that transfiguration magic cannot really change the nature of things.

For example, food deformed by magic can never be used to fill the stomach, because this food has no nutrition. After the magic power added by the wizard disappears, it will return to its original state, and even cause an extremely serious accident!

It is precisely this way that the magic world will have so many impoverished wizards, otherwise everyone can obtain all the resources they want with just a transformation technique.

"Could it be related to the promotion of magic to level 7?" Ivan changed his mind, thinking that it might be because of the enhancement of transformation magic that allowed him to break through a certain limit.

Thinking of this possibility, Ivan immediately tried, and once again swung his wand to aim at the crucible that was turned on the ground.

Under the action of magic, the crucible quickly melted and transformed into another horned snoring beast. It was the size of a human head and looked mighty and majestic. It was also impossible to find any flaws on the outside, but when compared Ivan always feels something is missing for the horned snoring beast above...

"Spell stop!" Ivan waved his magic wand again, and aimed at the newly transformed horned snoring beast.

Unlike the previous spellcasting, this time his transformation magic was lifted, and the horned snorer turned into a cauldron again.

"How could this be?" Ivan was very puzzled. It seems that he had thought wrong before. Even the seventh-level transformation magic can't completely change the essence of things...

Then there is only one last possibility left-the protection mode is more powerful than he thought, powerful enough to easily reverse the essence of things, and turn a sparse ordinary wood into a living horned snoring beast!

Of course, all of this was his guess. To be more specific, he would have to observe the horned snorer for a few more days to see if it would return to its original shape to be truly sure.

Thinking of this, Ivan took out a transparent jar from the drawer, poked a few holes, and applied an extension curse in it to expand the space, intending to transform it into a new home for the horned snoring beast, which is convenient for these days. Observed.

By the time he finished all this and threw the horned snoring beast in, it was almost time for dinner.

Ivan didn't stay much in the responsive house, stuffed the jar into his pocket, and used the restoration spell to restore the damaged things one by one, and then left here and walked downstairs.

Walking all the way to the third floor, Ivan unexpectedly ran into Crouch, who was about to return to the office. He changed his direction and ran after him.

"Wait, Mr. Crouch!"

"What's wrong, Hals?" Crouch turned his head and looked at Ivan in surprise.

"Nothing, I just want to ask if you found any news about Batty?" Ivan asked.

Ivan has been busy preparing for the second game these days, and can't really spare too much energy to investigate the whereabouts of Barty Jr., so he thinks that Crouch, who has been idle, might gain something.

However, after listening to Ivan's words, Crouch's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, he hesitated for a while before speaking. "Recently, Moody and I are investigating suspicious people in the castle, but there is no clue yet..."

Ivan was a little disappointed, it's been more than half a semester, but Barty Little is still missing.

Is it true that you have to guard the trophy of the three finals and wait for the opponent to replace it with the door key before you capture it?

But now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Harry's chances of winning the championship are slim, and Barty Jr. may not adopt the same method as the original space-time.

Therefore, Barty must be caught before the start of the third game.

"Mr. Crouch, do your son Barty Jr. have any obvious characteristics, preferences, or habits?" Ivan asked instead.

Crouch pondered for a while. He tried to think about Barty's little boy. Only then did he realize that he knew so little about this son that he couldn't tell Barty's hobbies and habits in one breath.

A little guilt appeared on Crouch's face, he was annoyed that he had been so busy with work that he had neglected to care about Little Barty. If he could find out that Barty and some dark wizards were close in time, maybe things would not develop to where they are today.josei

Although there are not many things that can be recalled, in order to help Ivan, Crouch said as much as he could.

"My son usually likes to play Quidditch the most~www.mtlnovel.com~ and occasionally studies some dangerous magic. In addition, he highly respects the theory of pure blood, which may be the reason why he surrendered to mysterious people... "

"Is there anything more specific, such as a certain habit that cannot be changed, the obvious one!" Ivan interrupted Crouch's words, and it was impossible to determine the identity of Barty Jr. from these alone. Judging from the experience of the original time and space, the other party can be very disguised.

Crouch hesitated for a long time, was about to shake his head, but suddenly remembered something. "By the way, my son Barty Jr. prefers sweets. Since Azkaban came back, he has been obsessed with sweet things."

Ivan nodded. He thought this should be a good clue. If you are really addicted to something, it is not easy to quit it, and this kind of small habit may not be aware of it sometimes.

"I know so much. I'll give you another picture of him!" Crouch sighed, looked through the pocket of the wizard's robe, found a picture and handed it to Ivan.

Ivan stretched out his hand and took a look. In the photo, it was a young wizard with pale skin and light yellow hair. The eye sockets were all slightly sunken and looked very thin.

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