Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 676

Chapter 676: Magic transformation

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Is he dead? "Hermione muttered, covering her mouth, looking at the broken, disgusting body in front of her.

"I think so!" Dumbledore nodded, in his impression that neither Madam Pomfrey's medical magic nor Snape's potion could save a cooked wizard.

"Unfortunately, if you can catch Barty Crouch Jr. alive, you might be able to ask something." Ivan was somewhat disappointed. After so much effort this time, there was still an oversight.

"We can't expect everything to be perfect, at least now Alastor has been saved. When he wakes up, he should be able to solve some doubts for us." Dumbledore said with relief.

Although he was also on the battlefield in the previous battle, but Barty’s suicidal actions really exceeded his expectations. In addition, he had to protect Hermione and Moody, who had passed out in a coma, so he could not be timely. Stop it.

Ivan nodded, and now he can only hope to get some information from Moody's.

Dumbledore waved his magic wand and turned into a white cloth to cover the body of Barty Crouch Jr., then turned his head and looked at Ivan again, and said in a deep voice.

"I have to say that your strength and diligence are always so unexpected, Hals, I thought you might need some help to defeat Barty Jr. and Alastor..."

"That's right, professor, if you hadn't come in time, I would have almost died there..." Ivan shrugged helplessly, but before he could finish speaking, Dumbledore interrupted.

"You don't have to belittle yourself, Hals. I know Aristo's strength very well, plus Barty Crouch, a young man who is proficient in dark arts, and the two work together.

Dumbledore, who had witnessed the entire battle in person, naturally saw it clearly. Except for the last suicide attack by Barty Jr., Ivan was perfectly able to deal with the two.

This kind of strength has even surpassed Silifus. If Silifus were to do it, he might be able to subdue Batty and Moody, but it would never be as easy as Ivan.

Hermione on the side said proudly. "A few days ago, Professor McGonagall said in class that Ivan's transformation magic is better than her, and it's not far from yours."

Hermione's praise made Ivan embarrassed, and he certainly understood that Professor McGonagall had mistakenly taken him to bind Norbert with the Transfiguration Curse.

It's a pity that it was all performed, and he may not be able to do it now...

Hermione didn't know this. In her opinion, Ivan was able to defeat Moody and Barty Jr. at the same time. It was very remarkable. This was something that even professors couldn't do.

In her impression, only President Dumbledore was better than the professors.

But this would leave the dark secret room, and Hermione also keenly noticed the abnormality of Ivan's body, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but ask.

"Ivan, your hands and your face... is that special magic?"

Ivan was stunned for a moment and hurriedly raised his hand to take a look. Although he had been released from the dragonized state at the end of the battle, his control over this new bloodline magic was very limited.

Probably because it took too long to maintain the dragonization this time, there are still some dragon scales still remaining on his arm, which has not completely faded away.

Under Hermione's curious gaze, Ivan looked a little embarrassed. He couldn't see what he was like now, so he had to speak in a serene manner. "Almost? This is my unique magic, will it be ugly?"

Hermione stared at Ivan for a while, and shook her head with red cheeks. These crimson dragon scales were not unsightly, but they covered Ivan's neck and arms, giving him a different kind of charm.

It was the faint coercion that made Hermione very uncomfortable, as if being stared at by a three-headed dog or a fire dragon.

Regarding this, Hermione had no intention of concealing it, and truthfully stated her feelings.

Long Wei? Ivan raised his eyebrows, no wonder Barty Crouch Jr. and Moody suddenly interrupted the cast in the previous battle.

He thought that someone was helping him secretly, but he didn't expect that this coercion was actually incidental to the dragon transformation. It is no wonder that the deformed horned snoring beast would fear him so much.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Dumbledore suddenly spoke harshly.josei

"I think I need to remind you, Hals, that magical transformation is extremely dangerous, especially at your current age... it looks like this is not the first time you have done this."

Dumbledore’s expression was very serious. He had noticed Ivan’s abnormality early in that battle. Combining several fire dragons from this year’s Top Three Cup, he quickly realized that Ivan had used dragon blood to accomplish this magic. Transfiguration~www.mtlnovel.com~ But if he remembers correctly, Ivan already had the blood of a unicorn when he was in the first grade, and in the second grade he finished second under the "deception" of Tom Riddle. Magic transformation.

It is incredible that a wizard can live in two bloodlines at the same time without losing control. Dumbledore can only attribute it to the fact that Slytherin's attainments in the field of potions surpassed his imagination.

Maybe... Ivan's great luck will be added.

The combination of the two together creates a miracle!

He thought this was the end, but he didn't expect Ivan to recklessly choose to fuse the third bloodline.

Although it seemed that the magic transformation was very successful this time, no one could be sure whether there would be any serious hidden dangers if the blood was merged multiple times, and Ivan's excessive thirst for power also made him a little worried.

"Professor, what is magic transformation? Is it dangerous? Ivan will be fine, right?" Before Ivan could reply, Hermione asked urgently.

Dumbledore explained in a deep voice:

"Generally speaking, a wizard who wants to improve his magic power can only rely on day-to-day spell practice and knowledge accumulation.

But there are always exceptions. Some wizards use potions, contracts, alchemy, and specific spells to transform themselves to increase their strength and break through their own upper limits. I call these magic transformations. "

Having said this, Dumbledore paused, his eyes turned to Ivan again, and continued solemnly.

"Hals, I don't know what kind of magic knowledge you got in the secret room of Slytherin. As far as I know, every ritual corresponding to magic transformation is extremely dangerous. There have been countless The wizard died as a result! So the mainstream wizards in the magic world from all over the world have all given up such a dangerous attempt..."

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