Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 680

Chapter 680: Misunderstanding, that's all misunderstanding!

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What, did I make a mistake? It was the night before the first game. If you didn't follow me on purpose, what would you do when you came out in the middle of the night? "Moody looked at Ivan's reaction and asked strangely.

"I think you have misunderstood, Professor Moody. I received news from Hagrid that day, so I went to see the fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest with Harry at night." Ivan shrugged and explained.

At this time, Ivan also remembered what happened that night. After returning from the Forbidden Forest, he planned to go to the kitchen to have a supper, and then accidentally ran into Moody there.

"No wonder..." Moody muttered to himself. When he first met, he felt that Ivan's reaction was a little strange, but after Ivan kept pestering him to ask various questions, he became more sure that Ivan was deliberately big. Come out to follow yourself at night.

"By the way, Professor, were you really following Karkaroff that night?" Ivan asked suddenly.

"Of course not, you should be able to think of the specific reason, don't I need to explain it?" Moody shook his head and said in a deep voice.

He went to the kitchen to prepare meals for Barty Crouch Jr. as usual that night, only to realize that Ivan was suspicious of himself, and he happened to see Karkaroff with his magic eyes, so he simply used this to get out.

Ivan also thought of this, and was speechless immediately. After a long time, everyone misunderstood that night!

The two people's guessing words sounded like Hermione was in the mist, and Dumbledore looked at them curiously and asked.

"Alastor... Hals, it seems that something interesting happened a few days ago. Is it convenient to make it clearer?"

Moody didn't mean to conceal it either, Dang Even gave a rough explanation of the whole story, and then continued.

"In short, I told Barty Crouch Jr. about this. He, like me, mistakenly thought that Hals had some key clue and was following us, so he ordered me to draw your attention to Crouch's body, so as to dispel your doubts about me."

"Then he doesn't worry that I will find more clues from Mr. Crouch?" Ivan touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"Battie Jr. didn't expect you to be so capable. He thought you must be unable to find out anything." Moody rolled his eyes. "Know that his father Barty Crouch is not a good role to deal with. Little Batty is counting on using this to hold your energy, so let me play a detective game with you."

"Better, wait until the time is right and then take your hand to send his father to Azkaban!" Moody added.

"Working with" Barty Crouch Jr. for more than half a year, he knows how much Barty Jr. hates his father that he wants to give a tooth for a tooth and let Crouch experience entering Azkaban and a Dementor. The taste of companionship.

Listening to Moody's account, Ivan was surprised. He didn't expect Barty Little to have so many calculations secretly.

If it hadn't been for the plot hanging by himself, I had always felt that Moody had a problem, coupled with the help of a live map, maybe he would really be turned around by him.

In a sense, Barty Crouch Jr. died very aggrieved.

"It's a good idea... When Barty Jr. came to Hogwarts to go to school, I couldn't see that he actually had a talent for plotting conspiracies." Dumbledore said with interest.

"Yeah, he did have two sons." Moody nodded as well. Barty's various plans were countless in one fell swoop, but it was a pity that he encountered a monster and his plans were all in vain.

It took only ten minutes for Ivan to dig out Crouch's secret easily, and Dumbledore did not twist Crouch into Azkaban as Barty Young had imagined.

"You must not have guessed how angry Barty Young was when he heard the news..." Moody said mockingly, recalling the scene.

"No, I think we've all felt how strong this anger is tonight..." Ivan looked at the dilapidated corpse wrapped in white cloth and said, vomiting.

Only a wizard who is angry enough can cast a spell to kill himself.

Dumbledore also glanced at the remains of Barty Jr., and soon asked again. "Alastor, did Barty Jr. tell you why Voldemort wanted Harry?"

"They are probably preparing for some dark magic ritual, which requires Harry." Moody said hesitantly. Although he has been controlled by the Imperius Curse, he can only be regarded as half himself, and he can't detect too secret news. .

"Magic ritual?" Dumbledore murmured, muttered for a moment, and looked at Moody. "Help me call Barty, Alastor, I need to ask him about something, so I just have to tell him that we have found his son..."

Moody responded to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and used the Transfiguration Curse to get himself a temporary prosthetic leg, and then left with his cane.

Dumbledore then looked at Ivan and Hermione and spoke gently. "Halse, Miss Granger, I think you guys have been busy all night, and it's time to go back and have a good rest."

"Then, good night, Professor Dumbledore." Ivan knew that Dumbledore was starting to drive people, so he didn't mean to stay for a long time, and even turned and left with Hermione.

After leaving the principal's room, the huge stone beast behind him slowly sank to seal the entrance with a dull sound.

Ivan was about to return directly to the dormitory, but unexpectedly, Hermione next to her leaped forward and hugged him.

"What's wrong? Hermione?" Ivan was surprised.

"Are you okay? Ivan? Are you injured, do you want to go to the school hospital to check it." Hermione asked excitedly, and then suddenly thought of it, muttering to herself in distress. "Oh, I almost forgot. The school hospital hasn't opened yet."

"I'm fine, nothing happened, but will it be too late for you to ask these?" Ivan said dumbfoundedly.

Hermione pursed her lips and didn't reply. Dumbledore and Moody were both here before, and Ivan stood there neatly, her clothes weren't torn, so she naturally didn't behave too obviously.

Ivan probably guessed the little witch's mind, so he didn't mean to study it carefully, and repeatedly emphasized that he was healthy now, and he didn't have any hidden injuries from the explosion.

After calming Hermione's worries, Ivan asked about the little witch's experience tonight. He wanted to know when Dumbledore followed him.

The two of them just walked and talked. When they arrived at the Gryffindor lounge, Hermione had already told that she and Dumbledore followed Ivan into the secret room...

(End of this chapter)josei

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