Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 685

Chapter 685: Foreboding of dreams

"Yeah, we are friends!" Luna nodded and said briskly, and then put the horned snoring beast into the jar, and then curiously asked Ivan about the precautions for raising this strange creature. .

"Grass and leaves are good for eating. As for the others, I haven't tried it, so you have to understand it yourself." Ivan replied with a smile.

The two of them just walked and talked, and they finally separated formally at the intersection of the tower and returned to their dormitories.

By the time Ivan walked through the door of the bedroom, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

The room was very dim, with only a few candles lit on the wooden table. Harry lay on the bed early, rarely, while Seamus and Neville leaned against the window and told sneer jokes.

Ivan greeted a few people who were still awake, and got ready to go to bed. After working for several days, he had been with Luna for another night today. He was already too sleepy.

However, when I happened to pass by Harry's bedside, Ivan vaguely noticed a cold wave of magical power, and he turned his head and glanced subconsciously.

On the bunk next to Harry, wrapped in a quilt, closed his eyes tightly, his face was full of pain, his mouth was whispering one by one, the lightning scar on his forehead was gleaming. It was like a nightmare.

Ivan frowned and couldn't help but moved a few steps closer, standing in front of Harry's bed, and a murmur of whispers came into his ears.josei

"No! You can't do this..."

"He is very angry... the servant is dead... he is coming back... and killing everyone there..."

Harry murmured unconsciously, shaking his head from time to time, his expression getting more and more painful, and the big beads of sweat kept slipping down and soaking the pillows and bedding, like a convulsion.

Ivan's face became more serious. Although he didn't know what Harry was dreaming about, the information revealed by these dreams made him a little uneasy.

Could it be that Voldemort had learned of the death of Barty Crouch Jr., so he was very angry about killing someone to vent his anger?

Some doubts surfaced in his mind, Ivan was eager to ask, but he didn't dare to wake Harry up casually, worried about interrupting the dream and missing any key information.

He couldn’t be more clear about Harry’s particularity. As one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Harry would unconsciously enter Voldemort’s brain at some point to browse memory fragments, or share his vision with other Horcruxes. Some secret information...

Although there is a clear mention in the original time and space that Voldemort can use this in turn, using Occlumency to construct false illusions.

But Voldemort hasn't been resurrected yet, it should be impossible to detect Harry's prying eyes, so the credibility of intelligence is still very high now.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Harry who was lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly sat up from the bed, panting heavily, swept around in panic, and yelled frantically.

"Where is Professor Dumbledore? Where is Professor Dumbledore?"

While talking, Harry felt his scars start to hurt again, as if he had been burned by fire, and immediately let out a painful wailing.

The few of Seamus who heard the shout were startled, and jumped out of the bed without wearing their shoes, and they surrounded Harry's bedside with worry.

"Are you okay? Harry?" Seamus shook Harry's shoulder vigorously to make him awake.

"Or does your scar hurt again? Do you want us to take you to the school hospital?" Ron also hurriedly asked.

"No, I'm fine, and I don't have to go to the school hospital. I'm going to find Professor Dumbledore now." Harry shook his head and hurriedly rolled off the bed.

"But it's so late now. The professor should have rested. If you have something, it's better to go to him tomorrow..." Seamus didn't quite understand why he made such a fuss, and asked suspiciously. "Did you have a nightmare? Harry?"

"That's not a dream!" Harry shouted angrily.

"Then do you see anything?" Ivan on the side asked solemnly.

"Barty Crouch is dead! Voldemort is very angry that he has been torturing someone with the drill curse... That snake... I became that snake again!" Harry said hurriedly, he was desperately desperate. I want to describe the picture in my mind more clearly, but for some reason it becomes intermittent when I reach my lips.

But Harry added diligently. "Voldemort... Voldemort also said he wants to kill more people! Use their blood to restore power, and he wants to kill everyone in a Muggle village!"

After the words fell, the whole bedroom fell into a strange silence, and Ron, Neville, and Neville were all shocked by Harry's words.

"Did you just talk about the mysterious person?" Seamus looked at Harry in horror, unconsciously stepped back two steps, and almost hit the sharp corner of the bed.

"Did you dream about that person again?" Ron knew a little bit more, so he wasn't surprised like Seamus.

Ron still doubted Harry's words. "You said that Mr. Crouch is dead? How could that be possible? I saw him staying in the castle well yesterday."

"But I really heard Voldemort's own words!" Harry said eagerly, looked around, then turned his eyes to Ivan who was thinking about things, and said again. "Ivan, don't you have that map? Don't we know if we look at it?"

Ivan regained his consciousness and nodded solemnly, just as he wanted to see if both Crouches were dead, so he took the live map out of his pocket.

In the next moment, a plain picture of the entire castle appeared in front of everyone.

Ron glanced around on the map, and soon saw Barty Crouch on it~www.mtlnovel.com~, slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile. "Look, Harry, Mr. Crouch is still in the staff lounge, so you are just having a nightmare."

Harry was a little confused, he looked at the name on the map for a long time without replying.

Just when several people thought that the matter could be concluded, Ivan suddenly spoke.

"No, I'm afraid that Harry is right. There is indeed a Barty Crouch dead, but it is Mr. Crouch’s son Barty Jr. He sneaked into Hogwarts before and tried Throwing Harry's name into the goblet of fire."

"So Professor Moody arrested him that day?" Harry suddenly thought of Moody's anomaly a few days ago and asked anxiously.

"You can also say the same..." Ivan gave Moody a bit of face, but he was thinking about how Voldemort learned of this information?

Was it because of what kind of incantation was put on Barty's body that could detect his life or death, or was it someone told him specifically?

There should not be many people who know this information now...

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