Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 697

Chapter 697: You haven't congratulated Harry yet...

Hearing Dumbledore's words, McGonagall nodded, so it seemed that even if they were not there, the safety of the students didn't need to be worried.

Thinking about this, McGonagall suddenly turned his head to look at Ivan who was surrounded by the crowd, and suddenly pursed his lips and laughed. "I guess the mysterious person would not have expected Hals to end this game so quickly!"

"Perhaps..." Dumbledore said non-committal.


"Halse, our hero!"

"Gryffindor's warrior... Hogwarts star!"

On the temporary award platform, a large number of over-excited little wizards lifted Ivan up and threw them into the air, screaming and cheering constantly echoed in the arena.

The colorful flags and petals of various colors in the sky fell like raindrops, which lasted for several minutes without stopping.

When they fall on the ground or on a person, these petals will collapse and disappear without a trace. Obviously, all of this is transformed by magic.

Such a wide range of transformation magic made Ivan speechless and weighed it secretly in his heart.

If there is a period of preparation, Ivan thinks that he should be able to create similar scenes, but the coverage may be smaller.

Looking at it this way, the gap between him and Dumbledore is still very large in terms of the knowledge of Transfiguration. After all, the old professor was obviously only on a whim when he was casting spells, and he did it casually...

After a while, the little wizards of Gryffindor finally released Ivan from the air.

But Ivan couldn't be idle for a moment, because soon more little wizards came up and asked about his exciting experience in the maze.

Compared with Ivan, who was surrounded by many enthusiastic students, the other warriors were much deserted.

Maxim and a few Busbarton girls were comforting Fleur softly.

Karkaroff kept his face black all the time, resisting the urge to swear, and pulled Krum away directly. The students of Demstrang also had no face to stay here, disappointed with Karkaroff. Leave.

Harry, who is also a Hogwarts warrior, was squeezed aside by the crowd. Although from time to time there will be little wizards congratulating him on his second place, but most of the students will choose to go to Ivan's side. Only Ron and Xiao Sirius was still around him.

"You are really amazing, Harry!" Ron reached out and hammered Harry in the chest, talking like a cannon.

"I saw it in that crystal ball. You defeated a few giant spiders and a snail in the maze alone. God, I bet that snail must be fifteen feet long and the one on the back The pointed shell is harder than steel... even if an adult wizard encounters it, it will never be able to pick it up. Unexpectedly, you will succeed in defeating it!"

With Ron's constant boasting, Harry's expression became more and more embarrassed. "It's no big deal, Ron... Ivan managed to solve a dozen snails in one go."

"No, that's different, Harry!" Ron shook his head. "Did you not listen to Professor Dumbledore? Ivan is the best genius in Hogwarts' history, even a mysterious person inferior to him! "

"Although you are not as powerful as Ivan, but you also defeated the warriors of Boothbarton and Demstrang, there is no doubt." Ron emphasized.

"That's just because of your help, and luck is better..." Harry said embarrassedly. He knew how much he was capable.

Without everyone's help, he would probably die in the dragon's mouth in the first game. It would be impossible for him alone to think of using a flying broom and a curse to capture the dragon egg.

"Come on, besides you, the other warriors also have someone to help. This is the same for everyone, but you can be much better than them during the game!"

Ron talked freely about Harry's wonderful performance in every game.

For example, in the second game, when he encountered a mermaid at the bottom of the lake, Krum transformed into a ferocious shark head but was beaten by the mermaid. Furong chased him all the way in a panic, and finally fell into a trap. .

But Harry easily drove the mermaids away by magic...

"And when you were dealing with that Hungarian hornet, you could fly better than Krum!" Ron said appreciatively.

Harry looked at Ron very unexpectedly. He knew how much Ron admired Krum. Before, he posted a portrait of Krum in the dormitory. He even wanted to get out of the bed and let Krum sleep in the dormitory. in!

Ron noticed Harry's eyes, shrugged, and replied freely. "Oh, please don't look at me like that... Harry, it’s true that I liked Krum before, but I’ve seen him clearly these days! I don’t admire a warrior who makes a fool of every game, he is at best. Just a little talent for flying!"

At this point, Ron's words paused, and he looked at Harry with a pair of eyes, hesitated for a long time, then hesitated.

"And... the last time, I'm sorry, Harry! I shouldn't have said that, let alone doubt you..."

"It seems that you finally figured it out, that's really good..." Harry said irritably. He had explained so many times, but Ron was regarded as a deaf ear. It has been more than half a year before he finally came here. Apologize.

Ron smiled awkwardly, when he was about to say something, Sirius suddenly interrupted.

"Want to relax with me? Harry?"

"What? Now?" Harry turned his head and looked at Sirius somewhat unexpectedly, then immediately thought of something, and shook his head quickly. "No, I'm fine, I forgave Ron a long time ago..."

"It has nothing to do with this ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ I want to talk to you alone... Just the two of us, how about? It's too noisy here..." Sirius looked away from the referee's bench Come, said with a smile.

"Can't you say it here? What about Ron? He can't follow either?" Harry was puzzled.

"That's what Dumbledore meant..." Sirius's eyes were a little erratic.

"What task did the professor arrange for me?" Harry thought of this subconsciously.

"Yes, you can say the same, you should know where they are now...so we'd better hurry up so as not to delay things!" Sirius said urgently.josei

Harry nodded and agreed, giving Ron an apologetic look...

Sirius laughed, clutching Harry's wrist tightly, and leading him away.

Ron looked at the two people leaving behind for a moment.

He suddenly remembered that until now, Sirius has not congratulated Harry for his good results in the Triwizard Tournament...

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