Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 702

Chapter 702: A duel in front of the cemetery!

"Harry once told me about dreams in the letter, so the mysterious man knew very well that Harry could get some information through the snake's sight..." Sirius said distressedly, but Voldemort turned it around. Using and passing false information, Dumbledore was successfully transferred today.

There was a chill in Ivan's heart, so Voldemort knew everything they did at Hogwarts.

What makes Ivan more disturbed is that the root of Harry being able to possess Nagini is that he is also one of the Horcruxes, that is, it is not known whether Voldemort has noticed it.

"Wait, Sirius, you just said that Voldemort has been controlling you with the Imperius Curse, so how did you break free from the Imperius Curse?" Ivan suddenly thought of this and asked curiously.

"Thanks to you killing Barty Crouch Jr.... The mysterious man has no extra manpower to use, and he is worried that I will lose control again. He can only take the risk of having Peter pretend to be me with the compound decoction and go to Hogwarts. Go Harry!" Sirius said faintly.

After Peter left, Riddle's mansion was only left with the house-raised elf Shining, Voldemort with mobility problems, and the big snake named Nagini.

"The mysterious man was afraid that Harry could see the situation in the mansion through Nagini, so he only ordered Shine to take care of me, and then... Kreacher sneaked in."

At this point, Sirius's voice became a little hoarse, "It violated the instructions I gave him before, left the house and used magic to stun me and rescued me..."

"Kreacher?" Ivan looked at Sirius very unexpectedly. He remembered that during the summer vacation, Kreacher still had a lot of criticisms about Sirius, and kept talking about the annoying prodigal son all the time.

But he didn't want this house-elf to take such a big risk, and would not hesitate to forcibly defy the order and sneak into Voldemort's mansion to rescue Sirius.

It seemed that after they had fished out Regulus' body from the bottom of the lake together, Kreacher had completely approved the new owner of Sirius.

"By the way, how about the Kreacher? Didn't he come with you?" Ivan was a little strange.

Sirius' face was full of pain and hideous expressions, and after a while, he tremblingly continued.

"It's dead! I... killed it myself!"


Ivan looked at Sirius in astonishment, almost thinking that he was joking, but he soon thought of a possibility, and a chill in his heart couldn't help. "Is it the Imperius Curse of the mysterious man?"

"Yes! Imperius Curse!" Sirius gritted his teeth.

"Although Kreacher tried to rescue me from Riddle's mansion, it couldn't undo the Imperius curse in me. The mysterious man is still using this to influence me, forcing me to go back to see him immediately..."josei

"Kreacher... Kreacher pulled my leg desperately to stop me from going back, and then... and then I used a Heartbreaking Curse on it..." Sirius' voice kept trembling, and he recalled the scene at that time. , My heart is squeezed.

Voldemort did not fully control him, so Sirius knew very well that Kreacher was saving himself, but he could not control his actions at all. His body was controlled by another person. He used the most cruel magic to torture this one. Faithful house elf.

Kreacher’s tragic wailing seemed to still be echoing in his ears...

What makes Sirius most painful is that Kreacher clearly has the opportunity to resist him, but he is not willing to hurt himself...

This torment finally forced him to break free from Voldemort's Imperius curse, but when he did this, Kreacher had no sound.

Because when Voldemort sensed his resistance, he gave him the last order-to kill the house elf in front of him!

"Kreacher saved me, but I killed it..." Sirius's face was a little scary, he muttered to himself like a nervousness, his fists tightened and his sharp nails were deeply carved in. In the flesh, he can't feel the pain at all...

Sirius couldn't remember how he buried Kreacher at the time. His brain was blank. If he hadn't remembered Harry's safety, he might have been lying in the pit he dug out with his own hands.

Ivan, who was listening the whole time, was shocked and speechless, and the complexity of the matter far exceeded his expectations.

Kreacher died? Still died in the hands of Sirius...

Looking at the nearly collapsed Sirius, Ivan opened his mouth, wanting to offer comfort.

After all, this is not Sirius' fault, the real killer of Kreacher is Voldemort!

But Sirius interrupted Ivan's words.

"It won't be long before I will avenge it! Soon!"

Sirius said coldly, his eyes were full of hatred and anger, and the faint light had been shining in from the front of the passage-they were going to the village of Hogsmeade!

"Get ready, let's go now!" At the moment when he stepped out of the tunnel, Sirius squeezed Ivan's wrist and said hoarsely.

Ivan nodded, and then felt that his body was drawn into a whirlpool, and Sirius's voice also reached his ears.

"Apparate! (Apparition


Outside Riddle's mansion, in front of a particularly desolate cemetery, Harry, who was unable to retreat, was forced to fight the resurrected Voldemort under the crowd of Death Eaters.

Or maybe this is a unilateral torture...

"Come on, bow to me, Harry!" Voldemort leaned slightly and said in a mocking tone, "At least the etiquette of duel is to be observed... Dumbledore must hope that you will behave in the face of death. It must be very graceful... Bow to death..."

The Death Eaters gathered around laughed~www.mtlnovel.com~ Looking at Harry is like looking at a pig waiting to be slaughtered. They knew that the Dark Lord might not kill the kid in front of him so easily. Will die tortured and humiliated!

Harry pursed his mouth and did not move. He knew that his vitality was slim this time, but he would never allow Voldemort to use him wantonly before killing him...

"I said, bow!" Voldemort increased his tone, and the cruel red eyes stared at Harry impatiently.

He lifted his wand gently, without seeing the spell, Harry felt as if his spine was being held down by something heavy, forcing him to bow in a very standard way.

"Very good!" Voldemort relieved his control of Harry with satisfaction, a smile on his snakelike face. "Let us officially start the duel now!"

Harry couldn't help trembling with his wand's hand. He didn't understand why Voldemort didn't kill himself directly, instead he had to fight himself with a lot of effort, but he still plucked up the courage to ask.

"I can fight you, but you have to tell me where Sirius is..."

(PS: One more)

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