Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 704

Chapter 704: Courage and faith

The Death Eaters who watched this scene showed mocking expressions on their faces. Harry's attempt to resist the Killing Curse with the Disarming Curse was tantamount to a dream.

But the accident happened in front of everyone!

After the red light and the green light collided head-on, they were not defeated, but confronted evenly.

Harry holding his wand suddenly felt his wand vibrate as if it was electrified. He didn't release any spells at all, but a golden beam of light flew out from the top of the wand.

Under the shining golden light, Harry saw the same beam of light from the wand of Voldemort opposite, and the two "golden threads" were intertwined in mid-air.

The golden light ball composed of magical power gradually condensed in the center of the interweaving light beams, trembling unsteadily, bursting into several holes, and countless arcs of light erupted and hit all around, finally forming a dome. The golden net, a cage purely made of light, encloses the two people in the center.

A wonderful fairy music rang in the air, it was like a vibrating arc of light played together, and Harry could hear the song of a phoenix.

He almost thought Dumbledore was coming to save himself, but the reassuring figure did not appear beside him...

The Death Eaters on the periphery seemed panicked, no one expected such a thing to happen, and everyone backed up a few steps in unison to avoid being hit by the arc of riot.

Some people yelled hurriedly, asking Voldemort for instructions, while others drew out their wands and were about to attack.

"No one can move without my order!" Voldemort shouted loudly, his red eyes full of anger, incomprehension, and subtle fear.

The current situation also exceeded Voldemort's expectations. The little wizard in front of him was obviously so weak. It was as simple as crushing a bug to kill him, but when he launched a fatal blow, an accident happened... …This reminded him again of the fear of being dominated by prophecy.

No, this is impossible!

Voldemort's complexion became more and more ferocious. He never believed that Harry Potter would be his nemesis. He wanted to personally smash this nightmare in his heart!

"Go to hell, Potter!" Voldemort roared, increasing the output of magic power, and the light bead between the two gold wires quickly moved towards Harry.

Unspeakable pressure surged into Harry's heart. As the light bead approached, he felt the wand in his hand vibrate more and more, and he even felt that the wand was about to explode.

Harry tried to fight back, but his magic power was really low compared to his opponent.

Just when Harry was about to be unable to bear it, vaguely, there seemed to be a voice from the bottom of his heart...

Don't disconnect... the important thing is will, not magic!

The voice seemed to be transmitted from Xianle, Harry almost doubted whether he had any hallucinations, but now he can only do it...

Think about it, the Dark Lord killed my parents and planned to kill me!

Harry kept reminiscing about the night his parents died in his mind, struggling to put his left hand on the wand, his anger turned into strength, and the golden light bead in front of him slowly changed direction and pressed towards the opposite side. Past.

"It's impossible!" Voldemort looked at this scene in shock, and the fear in his heart became stronger and stronger. He could feel that the magic power he inspired was used by the kid in turn.

Harry suddenly felt that the pressure he was under was much less, and he immediately increased his strength. The gold thread on the right swallowed the gold thread on the left frantically. The golden light beads were getting faster and faster, and soon they hit the tip of Voldemort's wand .

The next moment, in Voldemort's horrified expression, a painful scream suddenly rang from the wand, and a human hand made of thick smoke flew out of the tip of the wand and disappeared.

It was the severed hand he made for Wormtail.

Then, a series of illusory and ethereal figures flew out of the wand.

Harry stared at this wonderful scene. The first one to fly out was an old Muggle man who had seen each other in a dream.

Soon a second silhouette made of smoke appeared in front of him. It was an unknown witch. Harry guessed that it should be Bertha Jorkins. Mr. Crouch once said that Voldemort killed her. .

The ghosts gathered around Harry, cheering for him.

Harry gradually understood the effect of this [乐文小说www.lwxs.xyz] magic, his eyes fixed on Voldemort's wand, what he was expecting.

Sure enough, the ghost of a long-haired young woman slowly emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand and floated to Harry's side.

"Mom..." Harry said in a shaky voice.

"Hold on, Harry, it'll be okay..." Lily Potter stared at him affectionately and said softly. "Your dad is here too... he wants to see you."

Harry turned his head and looked over again, his father James Potter's soul rose from the tip of Voldemort's wand and floated over.

James and Lily were exactly the same as what he had seen in the Mirror of Eris. Harry couldn’t hide the excitement in his heart. He even felt that it wouldn’t matter if he died here. At least he was not alone, his parents. Stay with him all the time.

"Don't think so, Harry! You will definitely escape..." James said gently, "After the connection is disconnected, we will try to buy you some time!"

"But what should I do? I won't Apparate, I can't leave here!" Harry said anxiously, and he regretted not having time to learn this magic this year.

When he came, Peter pulled him to teleport, and he can’t go back like this now~www.mtlnovel.com~ The ghosts also made trouble, Bertha Jorkins circled Harry, the Disruptor Death Eater In our eyes, the old Muggle man Frank Bryce was constantly cursing Voldemort with vicious words.

As time passed bit by bit, Harry felt cold sweat on his forehead, and he felt like he couldn't hold it anymore.

At this moment, James seemed to have sensed something suddenly, turning his head and looking into the distance, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the dark mist, and there was a little joy on his face.

"Fortunately, someone is here, they are here to save you!" Lily also looked over there and said happily.josei

what? Confused, Harry wanted to ask, but the gold connecting the two wands had broken.

"Anyway, we will buy you some time! Harry!" James said eagerly, and the erratic figure rushed straight to Voldemort.

"Hurry up! Harry...Run to the right!" Lily whispered softly, and quickly floated out.

right? Harry turned his head and glanced hurriedly, but it was blocked by the Death Eaters.

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