Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 710

Chapter 710: Have you defeated the mysterious man?

For a while, everyone was stunned by the news, and the atmosphere on the court suddenly became a bit condensed.

In the end, it was Hermione who reacted first and asked curiously. "What about the mysterious man now? You must have defeated him, right?"

"Well, the mysterious man was beaten badly by us and suffered serious injuries. Professor Dumbledore said that he would definitely not be able to come out and make a fuss during this time!" Ivan said with a heart to ease the atmosphere.

"Yes, when I was in the cemetery, the Killing Curse I released almost hit him!" Sirius also pretended to be relaxed, adding.

"There is such a thing?" Lupin was surprised, "then you almost became the second savior of the magic world?"

"I also think it's a pity, just a little bit!" Sirius said with a raised eyebrow.

"Then after you go back, you must tell me how you escaped from Voldemort's hands..." Lupin stepped forward and patted Sirius on the shoulder, laughing and joking.

Amidst the conversation and laughter of several people, McGonagall, Arthur and others also gradually slowed down from the shocking news of Voldemort's resurrection, especially after learning that Dumbledore and others had injured Voldemort once. I feel relieved a lot.

If they can defeat Voldemort once, they can defeat him a second and third time! Until he was sent to hell!josei

"By the way, Sirius. We just heard Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley say that you brought Harry out of Hogwarts. What is going on? Is it possible that you were also taken by the mysterious man? The soul curse is under control?" Lupin asked strangely.

"It was Peter who used the compound decoction to become me and sneak into Hogwarts..." Sirius sighed, and then briefly said the cause and effect of the matter.

When Sirius talked about Kreacher risking his life to sneak into Riddle’s House, but he was tortured to death by the Imperius curse, the faces of Lupin, McGonagall, and Arthur were full of horror. , It is both the miserable experience of poor Kreacher and the loyalty of this house elf.

When Hermione heard this paragraph, she lay on Ivan's shoulder and sobbed in a low voice...

Ivan calmed Hermione softly, with mixed feelings in his heart. It was Kreacher’s leak in the original time and space that indirectly led to Sirius’s death. I don’t want this house elf now to do the exact opposite and sacrifice his own. His life saved Sirius.

"It's an amazing elf! We should have treated him better..." Lupin sighed.

Sirius's expression was very lonely.

He has always hated Kreacher since he was a child. He thinks that this house elf's mind is full of extremely pure blood thoughts inherited from his mother, so he has never had a good face for Kreacher, and never thought about each other. He was willing to save his life for himself.

Just when everyone was feeling sentimental, Moody interjected wildly. "I have to say, Sirius... you are usually too public, so mysterious people can easily grasp your movements and learn that you and Harry will go to the game..."

Sirius did not refute Moody's words, his face was full of guilt and regret. He understood that Moody was right.

During the time that he was successfully acquitted, he could not wait to make up for the ten-year delay in Azkaban. Voldemort wanted to investigate his itinerary couldn't be easier.

After reprimanding Sirius, Moody turned his gaze to Arthur Weasley, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel. "And you, Arthur, I have long reminded you to pay close attention to every doubt when handling the case. If you could find out the difference between me and Sirius earlier, things might not have progressed to such a bad stage!"

Arthur laughed bitterly. At the time of the World Quidditch Cup, the mysterious man had no news at all. How could he imagine that the other party would appear directly in the camp, and controlled Sirius with the Imperius Curse...

Moody slapped his mouth and wanted to continue, but Dumbledore interrupted his words at this time.

"Well, stop for a while, Alastor, now is not the time to discuss these, we still have a lot of things to deal with..."

"In addition, I don't think that this time the failure was caused by the fault of one person. Even if you are always cautious, Tom will make other plans to achieve his goals!" Dumbledore was relieved. Talking.

Lupin nodded together. Voldemort was able to hit them by surprise this time. The most important reason was that no one could have expected that Voldemort had quietly recovered some strength with Peter's help, so they were a little negligent.

"Albus, now that Harry is safe, then it's time for us to return to Hogwarts... The children also need a rest!" McGonagall reminded eagerly.

She had heard Hermione talk about the riot in Hogwarts, and was very worried that if they went back too late, other accidents would happen.

Dumbledore naturally had no objection, and he greeted everyone and prepared to apparate and leave.

"Wait, Professor..." Harry said anxiously as if he had suddenly remembered something. "Sparkling...Sparkling is still there!"

"Sparkling, the house elf who was expelled by Barty? Isn't it working for Voldemort now?" Moody asked strangely.

McGonagall and the others also turned their eyes to Harry. After listening to Sirius, they certainly knew who Shining was~www.mtlnovel.com~ Harry quickly tortured Shining with Voldemort in the cemetery. The matter was told, and he felt that Shining should have been forced to obey Voldemort, and now after the death of Little Crouch, it has become an ownerless house elf.

Now that Voldemort had been beaten away by them, those Death Eaters would not dare to stay in the cemetery for a long time. Shining who had been in a coma is likely to be abandoned there.

"Harry, although I don't want to say that, those Death Eaters won't allow Shining to live, it knows too many secrets..." Sirius reminded hesitantly.

Harry's eyes dimmed suddenly.

Dumbledore on the side suddenly spoke. "After I send you back to Hogwarts, I will take the time to look there... Maybe those Death Eaters will spare it if they go in a hurry."

"Thank you, Professor!" Harry turned his head to look at Dumbledore in surprise.

"As for now, holding my wrist, we should go back, Harry!" Dumbledore said with a smile.

(PS: One more)

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