Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 711

Chapter 711: The mysterious man has no heart at all

Due to the decline of Fox’s strength in Nirvana just now, everyone had to apparate to Hogsmeade Village and then return to school from there.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when they arrived. The castle was still brightly lit, and there were noises from the auditorium from time to time.

Aisia, Bill, and Jasmine waited anxiously outside the hall, and when they saw a few people approaching, Mrs. Weasley greeted them with excitement.

"It's great, it looks like you are all safe!" Mrs. Weasley held Harry and Ron tightly in her arms, looked around, and noticed that all the people involved in the operation Not less, the heart she had been holding was completely let go.

Aisia on the other side pulled Ivan to the corner, and looked carefully at Ivan's body. He was relieved to see that his complexion was not bad at all, and he was not injured at all.

Immediately afterwards, Aysia hurriedly questioned the whole story. Although she had already inquired a lot of information from Jasmine, it was not comprehensive enough.

"It's a mysterious man! He sent someone to pretend to be Sirius and captured Harry, and used his blood to restore his strength and obtain a new body." Ivan explained solemnly.

"That is to say, the mysterious man is resurrected?" There was a little haze on Aysia's face. She had experienced the last wizarding war, and she knew exactly what it meant.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore and I wounded him together, and he should be safe for a while..." Ivan said.

Esiah was not happy because Ivan had injured the legendary Dark Lord, on the contrary, she became more and more sad. She was worried that Voldemort would retaliate against them after he healed the injury.

Ivan also understood this. When he went to save Harry before, he knew that he would definitely attract Voldemort's attention.

Of course, even if there was no such thing, he would have been in the eyes of Voldemort for a long time. After all, he destroyed three whole Horcruxes in the past four years, plus the original enmity of the two eggs, Voldemort would not be able to bypass it anyway. he.

Fortunately, the way to deal with it, he had already thought about it during the summer vacation last year...

"Mom, do you remember the magic that I told you last time?" Ivan suddenly asked.

Aisia was stunned, but soon understood what Ivan meant. "Are you talking about the Courageous Faithful Curse?"

"Yes! We can use this magic to build an absolutely safe stronghold!" Ivan nodded.

The worried look on Aisia’s face disappeared a lot, and she knew the effect of this magic. In this case, even Voldemort would not be able to find them where he wanted revenge...

"Who will be this secretive?"

Aisia frowned at the thought of this.

The power of the Red Loyalty Mantra is powerful, but it is not invincible. The biggest weakness lies in the secretaries!

When Ivan talked to her about this magic, he mentioned that because the secretaries need to bear the secret, they can’t stay in the safe room for a long time, which will cause the power to protect the magic to become weaker and weaker.

If Voldemort arrives near the protected site to explore at this time, it is very likely that he will find some clues...

So it is said that most of the time the confidential person must stay outside at all times facing the risk of being pursued and killed.

This is also the reason why Peter, who took on the important role of the secrecy more than ten years ago, did not live with James and Lily, but needed to find another place to hide.

Because of this, if you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes, the confidential person must be a powerful and truly trustworthy wizard, otherwise, if the other party betrays or is killed, the confidential location may be leaked out.

At this stage, there are too few powerful but trustworthy wizards. Although she and Ivan meet the requirements in all aspects, they are also not suitable to be secretaries, because the use of the loyalty spell to build the safe house is to protect their safety. ...

"How about letting Dougert act as the secretive?" Aysia said hesitantly.

"No, never!" Ivan shook his head resolutely.

After the resurrection of the mysterious man, Dougt's position became blurred, and whether he was trustworthy was still open to question.

After all, this guy has a precedent for betraying his colleagues and taking refuge in Voldemort. Even with a variety of reasons, this can't be completely cleared!josei

So Ivan can't trust him at all, and the dark mark on Dougt's left arm has not been eliminated. This is a great destabilizing factor!

If Ivan hadn't seen Dougt in the Death Eaters camp when he was rescuing Harry tonight, he should discuss with Aysia how to lock up this guy...

"How about this, Mom, you have been looking for a suitable place in Knockdown Alley these two days, and I will cast the spell myself..." Ivan hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take the risk by himself.

However, before he could finish speaking, Aysia was strongly opposed.

"Do you want to be a secret security by yourself? Are you crazy? The person the mysterious man wants to kill most is you!" Aysia said angrily. Even if she assumes the role of secret, it is better than Ivan personally. .

"The mysterious man is not as strong as you think, he can't kill me, mother, can't you forget? I just beat him away!" Ivan said helplessly and comforted ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Actually Ivan has never worried about his own safety. Although he is not yet Voldemort's opponent in terms of strength alone, Ivan is confident to escape Voldemort's pursuit without dragging him down.

Not to mention that he still has the bloodline magic Bogut transformation, can pretend to be anyone, even any creature, it is strange that Voldemort caught him.

After Ivan persuaded him for more than ten minutes, Aysia finally reluctantly agreed.

In its current form, this is already the best plan, because Ivan spends most of the year in Hogwarts, Dumbledore is here, Voldemort has no guts, and summer vacation You can also go to Nico LeMay to learn alchemy...

At least these places seem to be safe from Esiah.

While the two were chatting, Jasmine Weasley and others were also listening to Harry and Sirius talking about what happened.

After learning that Harry was tortured by Voldemort with the Heart Drilling Curse tonight and was almost hit by the Killing Curse, Mrs. Weasley almost couldn't control her emotions and said in a trembling voice. "Oh my god~ how can he... how can he bear to use such a vicious spell on a child... this is terrible!"

"Mysterious people have no heart at all, mother..." Ron murmured, but soon Mrs. Weasley gave him a fierce look.

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