Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 714

Chapter 714: It seems that Knockdown Alley needs to be cleaned up!

Perhaps because this was the last meal before leaving school, today's breakfast was exceptionally rich, and the temptation of delicious food also made several people temporarily forget their worries and enjoy them intently.

After they ate and drank enough, an owl flew in from outside the hall and landed straight on Ivan's shoulder.

Ivan took down the Daily Prophet that was tied at the feet of Owl, opened it to confirm the contents, and then sighed.

"Sure enough!"

"What's wrong? Ivan?" Hermione leaned forward curiously, took a few glances, and quickly understood why Ivan sighed.

Today’s Daily Prophet only recorded the news of Ivan’s successful victory in the Triwizard Tournament, and spent two pages of content retelling the wonderful race of the Triwizard Cup, and the subsequent Harry’s arrest was nothing but a word. Not mentioned.

As for the riots in the school, it was prevarication by the negligence of the personnel.

"It seems that the Ministry of Magic won't make the mysterious people's affairs public..." Ivan casually threw the newspaper aside, and said with a slight disappointment, although this situation had long been expected by him.

"Is Minister Fudge still reluctant to believe that Voldemort has returned? There are so many people who can testify!" Harry was a little puzzled why Fudge was so stubborn.

"It's not the first day you met him, that idiot will only cause us trouble!" Ivan said gruffly.

Fudge’s stupid and stubborn behaviors have exhausted Ivan’s few patience. If he has the ability, he can’t wait to kick Fudge down immediately and switch to a reliable minister...

Harry recalled what happened to Sirius last year, and when he thought of these few contacts with Fudge, he no longer expected the Minister of Magic to wake up, and instead asked curiously.

"By the way, Ivan, don't you usually call Voldemort? Why have you suddenly changed to a mysterious person these days?"

"He has recovered his strength now, so naturally he needs to be more careful." Ivan shrugged and explained.

"Aren't you afraid of him?" Ron's face was full of shock, as if he suddenly learned that Merlin had crawled out of the coffin board.

Harry and Hermione also looked at Ivan in a puzzled manner. They didn't think Ivan would be afraid of Voldemort, after all, Ivan had just injured him two days ago.josei

"Of course I am not afraid of him!" Ivan said helplessly. "The key is that Tom used magic on his name. If you call out his name directly, you may be tracked. I don't want to cause trouble."

This is how Harry in the original time and space was hit, and he was chased by the Death Eaters and almost died.

Although Ivan doesn’t know if Voldemort ordered the Death Eaters to use this tracking magic, it’s better to be careful about everything. Who will let him beat the opponent...

Harry and Ron looked at each other. It was the first time they knew that there was such a thing. No wonder that few people in the magical world dared to call Voldemort's name. They originally thought it was just because of Voldemort's prestige.

"Ivan is right...it doesn't matter in Hogwarts. The mysterious people don't dare to come here, but if you are outside, you should pay attention to it. Try not to call Voldemort directly. The young wizard has suffered a lot from this!"

Just as a few people were chatting, a familiar voice came into their ears.

"Sirius?!" Harry turned his head in surprise and saw Sirius walking over from the hall.

"I haven't seen you for these two days, we all thought you had gone back." Harry said.

"That's because your Principal Dumbledore asked me to do errands these two days..." Sirius sat down carelessly, grabbed a few pancakes and stuffed it in his mouth, and then took a sip of a cold drink.

Harry and the others were very curious about what task Dumbledore had arranged for him, but Sirius apparently didn't want to say more, and went over it casually.

"Sirius? What about the Ministry of Magic? How did Professor Dumbledore and Fudge talk?" Ivan asked about the business. He didn't participate in the negotiation. Everything was a guess.

"What else? Of course it's a fallout!" Sirius sighed, thinking of the dispute that night, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Compared with the resurrection of the mysterious man, Fudge is more concerned about Dumbledore's gathering of a large number of wizards without permission from the Ministry of Magic to conduct private actions, and believes that such behavior is a challenge to the authority of the Minister of Magic...Illegal!

They quarreled all night because of this, but nothing happened...

After listening to Sirius's narration, Ivan was speechless. He had already underestimated Fudge as much as possible, but he did not expect the other party to repeatedly refresh his lower cognitive limit.

He can only say about this...this is Fudge!

Harry and Hermione were also disgusted, and Ron even cursed...

"Where is Sparkle? Did you look for it?" Harry suddenly thought of the house elf he had seen in the cemetery, and asked eagerly.

"We have found it. Just as you thought, those Death Eaters rushed to escape and had no time to take care of the life and death of a house elf, so Professor Dumbledore saved it, and it should be in the kitchen now. "

Sirius said with emotion ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Really, Shining is also one of the culprits of the persecution of Kreacher. Before, she followed Voldemort's instructions to guard herself.

But seeing the other party's malaise being tortured by Voldemort's heart-piercing curse almost lost his life, he didn't bother to care about it.

"Then, before we leave, let's visit Sparkle together!" Hermione suggested.

Harry and Ron had no objection. Kreacher's death made them feel a little more fond of the house-elves.

Ivan also nodded.

After eating breakfast, a few people went to the kitchen together to care about Shining.

It was just that the purpose of Ivan who came in was not very pure. He found a reason to distract Hermione and the others, and directly searched for Shining's memory with the idea of ​​dementia, and successfully obtained the faces of most of the existing Death Eaters.

After all, the Death Eaters who intended to return to Voldemort's command that night all went to the cemetery, and everyone had appeared in front of Shining!

Although Harry also has this memory, he is not good at directly using the psychic mind on Harry, so he can only wrong the house elf!

Ivan closed his eyes and used Occlusion to sort out his memories, and fixed on those faces, his face gradually becoming gloomy, and his mouth muttered to himself.

"Damn it, after I go back, Knockdown Alley must be cleaned up!"

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