Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 716

Chapter 716: The third dream

Why can't the rewards summed up in the school year be legendary points?

Ivan thought greedily, while Harry and Ron on the side complained that he had to return to Dursley's house this summer vacation as usual.

Obviously, the protection magic on his body is almost ineffective, there is no need to stay there anymore.

"Professor Dumbledore must have his intention to do this, what if the magic is still working?" Hermione guessed.

"But Voldemort had confirmed that night, and he directly touched me with his hand and was not injured..." Harry said glumly. "Voldemort also told me that the reason he wanted to use my blood to resurrect was to gain the protective power of that blood magic, which would make him stronger than ever..."

"But he still lost to Professor Dumbledore, didn't he?" Ron said lightly.

"Yes! It's no use thinking about it now. With Professor Dumbledore here, things will always get better!" Hermione also uttered comforting words.

Under the comfort of a few people, Harry's mood improved a lot, and he stopped thinking about those bad things.

Ivan looked at the people who were talking and laughing, and shook his head secretly. If I let them know that Dumbledore might not survive this year, I wonder if I can be so optimistic.

As for the reason Dumbledore forced Harry to stay at Dursley's house, Ivan was clear.

Although Voldemort inherited part of the power of blood magic through the resurrection ceremony, he could directly touch Harry.

But Voldemort did not know that this would make him a link for blood magic transmission, greatly strengthening this protection, so even if Harry grows up, the power of blood magic will not disappear...

Ivan even suspected that Voldemort's resurrection was the result of Dumbledore's deliberate indulgence and even secretly pushing the flames.

Because Harry once said that when he and Voldemort were in a duel, a faint voice rang in his heart, guiding him to act, much like Dumbledore's voice.

The general flashback spell has no such effect!

But this kind of speculation is obviously untenable.josei

After all, the situation was too urgent at the time. If he and Sirius take one step at night, Harry will undoubtedly die!

And Dumbledore is unlikely to sit back and watch Sirius and Moody being controlled by the Imperius Curse. When meeting Dumbledore several times, the expressions on each other's faces did not seem to be acting.

Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind one by one, Ivan thought of some headaches, but couldn't figure out how many thoughts he was. Finally, he had to put the matter aside for a while, turned to Hermione, and asked.

"Where is the notebook I gave you last time? Hermione?"

"Is this this one? I have been carrying it!" Hermione rummaged in the box where the Extension Charm was cast, and quickly took out a thick notebook.

"Have you finished reading it?" Ivan asked again.

Hermione nodded. She had memorized all the contents as early as a month ago, and kept it with her as a souvenir.

After confirming with the little witch, Ivan took the notebook and threw it to Harry. "then!"

"What is this? A kind of brain-closing magic?" Harry hurriedly took the heavy book, opened it puzzledly, and all of the contents were about how to hide his thoughts.

"Yes, it's called Occlumency, to be precise! You should practice more this summer, and it is best to master it by the beginning of the next school year!" Ivan said.

"Then what's the use of it?" Harry asked puzzledly.

"This kind of magic can protect your brain, so you don't have to be influenced by Voldemort anymore!" Ivan said seriously.

Harry immediately understood.

It was only very fast, and Harry made it difficult again, because he couldn't use magic when he was at home during the summer vacation, and the Ministry of Magic could trace the traces of his spells.

And he has violated the rules twice in a row, and the Ministry of Magic will break his wand and expel him from Hogwarts if there is a third time.

Ivan also thinks about it, the Dursley family will not tolerate Harry practicing magic at home, so they immediately changed their words to let Harry memorize these notes during the summer vacation. Anyway, when school starts next year, Dumbledore should let it. Snape specifically taught Harry Occlumency.

Lay the foundation now, it will not be too late to learn.

"All... memorize it?" Harry flipped through the hundreds of pages of notes in front of him and swallowed hard. He felt that he was busy this summer vacation.

But in the end Harry agreed in distress.

"By the way, if I master this magic, won't I have that kind of dream in the future?" Harry said suddenly.

"As long as your Occlumency is proficient enough, you can prevent mysterious people from invading your brain!" Ivan replied affirmatively.

Harry's face became a little tangled, he opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Ivan suddenly guessed what he was thinking, and immediately shook his head and spoke.

"I should have warned you, Harry! Don't believe everything you see in your dreams, let alone use it to get information! Voldemort is a master of mind-trapping and Occlumency, I thought I had You have learned enough-the information you passed to us almost caused Voldemort to kill you!"

If all goes well, Voldemort will soon have his undercover by his side, which is absolutely confidential, more concealed than Snape, and will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

So Ivan doesn't need Harry to provide information that is not true or false. If Harry is fooled, he will be in an ambush like the original time and space, it will be troublesome.

Hermione on the side also said to help. "Ivan is right, Harry, forget those dreams! It turns out that what you see is only what mysterious people want you to see!"

Harry, who wanted to say something, had to shut his mouth, and a dull man thought of yesterday’s dream in his mind~www.mtlnovel.com~ In that dream, it became the snake again, and Voldemort’s The injury has also healed...

This is faster than everyone expected!

Besides, he also saw Lucius, McNeill and others in his dream, and... Snape!

The Death Eaters gathered in a room. Voldemort furiously rebuked them, but only praised Snape. They seemed to be plotting the next plan...

Everything in the dream seems to be getting more and more blurred, and Harry can't tell for a moment whether this is real or fake...

woo woo...

The sudden roar of the train interrupted Harry's thinking. He turned his head and looked out the window. The familiar nine and three-quarters station was already close in front of him.

Along with a long beep, the Hogwarts train slowly stopped, they had arrived!


(PS: The fourth volume is over! In addition, you have some misunderstandings about Voldemort's strength. McGonagall, Kingsley and Slughorn can't beat Voldemort together.

In the chapter of the original book, Harry once explained that after he took the initiative to "sacrifice himself" like Lily, the protective power of blood magic was spread to everyone Harry wanted to protect. , So Voldemort's magical power is greatly reduced, this is the reason why the three of them can temporarily contain Voldemort. )

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