Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 720

Chapter 720: Morning in Knockoff Alley

Aysia almost thought that Ivan was going to fool herself again, but she followed Ivan’s direction and looked at it. There was a narrow passage on the originally flat wall, and more importantly, the vague memory changes before. It became clearer.

"This magic is really magic!" Aisia said with emotion, the passage was always in front of her, but she couldn't notice it.

"If it is not magical, there is no way to hide from the mysterious person..." Ivan said.

"Then have you figured out what we should do next? Who are you going to let into this safe house?" Aysia asked.

Ivan hesitated for a while and said. "Let’s take a break today. Tomorrow morning I will call everyone here for a meeting!"

"Are you going to tell everyone the location of the safe house?" Aysia frowned. She didn't understand how Ivan would have such unwise thoughts.

Don't look at these wizards who are very obedient, but people's hearts are always unpredictable, and it is hard to guarantee that they will not have a different mind in life.

"I know that some people may not be reliable. Because of this, we need to eliminate those unstable factors as soon as possible!" Ivan explained.

But Ivan’s words made Esiah even more confused. Even if everyone was summoned, how could they confirm who had the problem?

Ivan said confidently without waiting for Esiah to ask. "Of course I have a way! As long as they can be there, then things are much simpler!"

Aixia looked at Ivan suspiciously. She didn't say anything just now, but Ivan guessed what she wanted to say twice and directly answered her.

"Desperate Mind? You were reading my mind just now?" Ivan's behavior was so obvious, of course Aysia quickly understood what was going on, she stretched out her hand and squeezed Ivan's cheek. "What an annoying magic!"

"But sometimes it works, doesn't it?" Ivan grinned.

"I don't deny this. By the way? When did you learn this?" Aisia looked at Ivan curiously.

Contemplation is a very special magic, usually requires related talents to practice. Therefore, there are very few Contemplationists in the entire magical world, and there are only a few well-known ones. Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will be no wizards who specialize in defense. at this point.

"Of course it was at Hogwarts." Ivan rubbed the sore cheek that Asiah had pinched.

Esiah did not ask much, but repeatedly ordered Ivan not to read her thoughts casually.

Ivan hurriedly nodded his head to make a promise. He knew very well how annoying the Sesame Master was, so for relatives and friends, unless agreed, he would not just read the mind.

And this time I specifically offended, just to show Aysia his ability.

"Since you are going to meet Dougt and the others again tomorrow, then the two of us can just get together tonight!" Aysia said with a smile.

Of course, Ivan would not refuse. Because they had been busy dealing with the affairs of Knockout Alley before, the opportunity for them to be alone with each other was rare.

Not to mention that he had to pretend when he was in front of the dark wizard, and he was so exhausted, that was the reason why he didn't call these people right away.

After re-entering the underground fortress, Aisia asked Ivan to sit in the living room, and then personally went to the kitchen to prepare today's dinner.

Because of the house-elf Dobby doing housework on weekdays, she hasn't been cooking for a whole year.

Fortunately, Aysia moved the magic kitchen utensils from the house a long time ago, so the craftsmanship has not regressed at all.

The two of them just ate and talked, tacitly avoiding all the disturbing topics, only talking about the interesting and happy experiences.

It wasn't until late at night when I was about to go to bed that Ivan went out and called Dobby to make it the third creature to know the location of the safe house.

Such a big place cannot be taken care of without house elves...


"Sir... wake up, sir!"

The next day, early in the morning, Yifan was awakened by a slight shout.

Ivan opened his eyes, and it was dark all around, with only two big round eyes leaning against the edge of the bed, which shocked him.

Ivan snapped his fingers quickly, and the magic light in the room suddenly lit up. Only then did he realize that Dobby had been standing next to his bed.

"Is it morning now?" Ivan asked. The inconvenience of living underground is that the weather cannot be used to confirm the approximate time.

"It's ten o'clock, the hostess asked me to call you over..." Dobby said sharply.

Ivan immediately got up from the bed, and after washing, he arrived in the living room, and Asia had already been waiting there.

"Why didn't you get up so late today, did you sleep last night?" Aisia asked concerned.

"No, I slept well...so take a break." Ivan grabbed a sandwich on the table and stuffed it into his mouth, then looked at Aysia, and said in a vague tone. "Dougt and them?"

"I have asked Walker to inform them, maybe this will be coming soon." Aysia looked at the clock on the wall and estimated that the time should be almost up.

"Are you going to pick them in yourself?" Aisia asked~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan shook his head, which would damage his style.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Ivan asked Dobby to get a piece of parchment paper, wrote down the specific location of the underground fortress on it, and handed it to Aysia.

"Show them this and they can come in! But remember to burn the note after reading it..." Ivan exhorted.

As a confidential person, there are many ways he wants to let people enter the safe house. Saying it directly, writing on paper with a pen, or bringing people in directly is considered a leak.

Aixia solemnly put away the note, and then got up and left.

Ivan was eating breakfast alone, thinking with a headache how to deal with those brains, and how to complete the task of rectifying Knockout Alley.

On the side, Dobby was carrying a broom and fighting against the foxes hiding under the carpet. After Ivan finished eating, he hurriedly put down the broom, began to pack the tableware, and left the two of them. A few pieces of bread for today’s breakfast.josei

In fact, Ivan and Aysia never mind Dobby’s eating together at the table, but whenever he mentions it, Dobby screams in fear—it thinks he doesn’t deserve such a big honor...

Ivan shook his head secretly looking at the house-elves who were busy going up and down, and without the intention of persuading, walked straight to the meeting room...

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