Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 724

Chapter 724: Loyal Rozier

Ivan spoke while reading the memory that emerged in Avery's mind.

"Someone told me that you knelt down at Voldemort's feet on the initiative, and exchanged information from Knockdown Alley for his understanding so that he wouldn't punish you, right? Avery?"

"It's a pity that Voldemort won't spare a former betrayer so easily, so he ordered you to come back to me, listen to the information, draw in more wizards from Knockout Alley, and make them become Death Eaters..."

"But since you miss the Heartbreaking Curse so much, and specifically mentioned this, then I will naturally meet your requirements!"

Ivan’s words were sharp, and every sentence was like a heavy hammer hitting Avery’s heart.

Avery slumped underground and trembled. He looked at the young wizard in horror. He didn't understand where the other party heard the news. The details are as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes. The scene was the same at the time.

However, apart from the Dark Lord, there were only a few Death Eaters present that day, and each of them was someone whom the Dark Lord recognized and trusted...

"You are very secretive, can you hide it from me? Avery, but you may not know it. As long as a third person knows a thing, it is no longer a secret..." Ivan said with a sneer.

Avery's face suddenly looked very ugly. Even if it was confirmed that some of the Death Eaters must have betrayed him and leaked his information...

Yes, if those people are really so loyal to the Dark Lord, then this society should be locked in Azkaban instead of getting away with it...

In Avery's mind, Ivan naturally saw it clearly, and he didn't mean to correct it.

Because this kind of misunderstanding was caused by him deliberately, he made up a spy that didn't exist at all nowadays, to cover up his mind.

After all, no wizard would be willing to be read.

If you are aware that you are using spiritual magic to probe everyone's minds, even though no one will comment on the surface, there will definitely be grievances behind the scenes.

The most important thing is that without chanting the spell to increase the intensity of the spell, his mind can only read a person's superficial thoughts, and there is a possibility of being deceived or concealed.josei

Therefore, it is particularly important to hide your identity as a master of the gods as much as possible.

Of course, the disadvantages of saying this are not without.

If some of the wizards present in the future were arrested by the Death Eaters and tortured out this information, then Snape's life as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix would definitely be more sad.

Ivan mourned for Snape in his heart for a second, then turned his gaze away from Avery and turned to the other wizards.

"Apart from Avery, is there anyone else who wants to say something? Do you stand up by yourself, or do you want me to say your names one by one?" Ivan asked.

After a short silence, the three wizards stood tremblingly, and to everyone's surprise, one of them was a werewolf.

"Carter, I didn't expect even you to betray us!" Fren looked at the werewolf wizard who stood up, and scolded very angrily.

He didn’t understand why the other werewolves chose to betray. Ivan never treated them badly. Not only did he trust them, he provided everyone with stable and high-paying jobs, but he also developed and improved the wolf’s poison potion. They can live a normal life.

Carter's betrayal now is tantamount to revenge. If Ivan hadn't spoken yet, Fran would have already wished to kill him directly.

Walker and others also stared at the werewolf wizard with contempt and resentment, very worried that Ivan would have suspicions about them because of this incident.

Under the sharp gaze of a group of werewolf wizards, Carter stumbled to his knees, learning Avery climb all the way to Ivan's, begging Ivan's forgiveness.

The other two wizards pointed at Avery angrily, clarifying that they were only bewitched and dizzy for a while, so they made the wrong decision.

At this moment, Ivan had already sat back in his seat, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the excuses of a few people. He had given the opportunity before, but unfortunately these people had not been able to cherish it, and it was too late to regret it now.

While Ivan was silent, the wizards present were still looking for the last betrayer. They all agreed that since Lord Hals deliberately removed the five chairs, there would never be a mistake!

Rozier in the crowd looked restless, he was not sure that the chair that was left was referring to himself.

Because Avery had looked for him last night, even though he was hesitating and did not immediately agree, it was not strictly an act of betrayal... but who knows if Ivan would think so.

Thinking of this, Rozier kept looking around, hoping that someone would stand up, so that he would be completely at ease.

But after waiting for half a minute, Rozier could not see the scene he had hoped for.

As time passed, Rozier's heart pressure also increased, and in the end he gritted his teeth and took the initiative to speak.

"Your Excellency Hals, Avery met with me last night and wanted me to take refuge in the Dark Lord and become a member of the Death Eaters. He also told me that as long as I was willing to take refuge in the Dark Lord, they could help me regain the wizard. Control of the market..."

After speaking ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Rozier told the whole story like a bamboo tube pouring beans. He didn't dare to conceal the slightest bit. He knew very well that as long as Ivan sent someone to interrogate Avery, these things would be There is no way to hide it.

"So you agree?" Aisia stared at Rozier and said harshly.

Rozier hurriedly shook his head and explained. "No, no, I strictly rejected Avery's proposal, and advised him to think clearly that the person who betrays Your Excellency Hals will never end well..."

"Don't think you can get rid of the relationship by saying that, Rozier!" Avery, who was limp on the ground, got up with difficulty, stared at Rozier fiercely, and interrupted his words, "You were the other day. What I told me was that I was ready to carefully consider my opinion and give me an answer the next day..."

"Joke, I said this deliberately just to confuse you, so as to collect evidence, and tell your Excellency Hals at today's meeting!" Rozier said righteously, then turned to Ivan and said flatly. .

"It's just that I didn't expect Your Excellency Hals to be aware of it and expose your true face first..."

(PS: One more)

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