Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 728

Chapter 728: Is it really appropriate for you to invite people like this?

Due to time constraints, Ivan did not discuss the details of the battle in a lengthy manner. After a simple reminder, he looked around at the crowd and signaled that they were ready to go!

The wizards gathered in the square immediately took action. After establishing their respective teams and goals, they all performed Apparition and disappeared in place.

The whole process was efficient and fast, and it only took less than half a minute. Ivan, who was watching this scene, nodded secretly.

Compared to a year ago, these wizards have indeed grown a lot, and they are no longer like a patchwork army, with a certain degree of organization and discipline.

It seems that Aysia has not trained them less this year, and it is no wonder that Dougte confidently said that in the case of group fights, the law enforcement officers can beat twice as many Aurors.

Thinking of this, Ivan suddenly realized that he already possessed an extremely large power, second only to the Ministry of Magic, even the Death Eater army that Voldemort had just rebuilt, or Dumbledore’s Order of the Phoenix. Not as good.

However, it is a pity that the magic world is different from the Muggle world. The level of individual spellcasting ability can directly determine the outcome of a small battle.josei

Ivan has not forgotten that Dougte once told him that the Ministry of Magic arranged a beheading operation against Voldemort in the last Wizarding War. The Auror and the rebels who spontaneously participated in the war had a total of fifty wizards. !

Everyone is an elite honed in the Wizarding War!

However, even such a resistance team was still defeated by Voldemort!

Because there are no survivors, no one knows whether Voldemort alone did this battle or someone leaked the information in the middle. Voldemort planned to summon his servants to fight against the encirclement...

In contrast, Ivan prefers the former.

Because with the increase in strength, Ivan felt more and more that ordinary wizards were no longer a threat to him.

In the situation of melee, it is not a problem to hit ten Aurors in one breath. This is still limited to too little magic power, let alone Voldemort.

For a wizard of this level, the role of the human sea tactics is very limited.

This also means that even if the law enforcement officers have outstanding combat power, their biggest role is only to help him contain the large number of Death Eaters, and it is difficult to provide him with much help in high-level battles.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, the slight explosion and the light of fire in the distance came into view, pulling his floating thoughts back...


At the same time, two figures appeared out of thin air in the street on the east side of Turnover Alley.

"Well, it should be here. According to intelligence, the wizard we are going to invite this time is living alone. There is no other person in the family. He is of average strength and is the best one to deal with among all the targets." Grace looked at her hand. Map, said enthusiastically.

"But how should we invite him? Just knock on the door and ask?" Walker scratched his head and asked puzzledly.

The smile on Grace's face suddenly froze. She hadn't thought about this problem at all before she came, and now she has heard Walker mention it and realized it.

In the middle of the night, if someone suddenly comes to invite you to a place, it is unlikely that anyone will agree to it...

"Anyway, give me a courtesy first, then try to speak, what if the other party can talk very well?" Grace hesitated for a long time, and finally said.

Walker was a little worried about being stunned and ran away by the other party, but it was not easy to hit him directly... After all, there was more than this room nearby.

After the two discussed, Grace stepped forward quickly and knocked **** the door.


After a long time, no one responded.

When the two frowned and wondered if there was no one inside, a husky and nervous male voice rang.


Grace felt a shock, and said cautiously. "That's it, sir, we are the law enforcers of the wizarding market. Your Excellency Hals sincerely invites you to meet in the wizarding market immediately..."

Grace's words seemed to relieve the wizard inside, but his words quickly became a little annoyed, and said very impatiently.

"I'm not interested...Get out of here, don't bother me to rest!"

Walker's face suddenly darkened, and Grace was also a little angry.

It's just that they also know that it is very impolite to come to disturb others to sleep in the middle of the night, so they plan to persuade a few more words.

But just as the two were about to speak, there was a wave of spatial fluctuations behind them.

Grace was holding the magic wand and turned her head very vigilantly, but her tight expression soon relaxed, because the apparition was shifted by three law enforcement officers, and Joseph behind was also carrying a coma on the shoulders. The wizard of the past.

"Grace? Walker? Haven't you figured it out yet?" Joseph looked at the two of them, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said in surprise.

"Josell? Why did you come here?" Walker said unexpectedly. The goals of each team are unlikely to coincide.

"Hey...does that need to be said? Of course it is because his wife is inside!" Joseph pointed to the wizard who had passed out on his shoulders, and said with a strange smile.

Walker and Grace were a little confused. The information they got was that the owner of this room should be a wizard who lives alone.

The faint voices of a few people gradually spread to this small room, and there was a burst of harassment inside.

"Go, don't let them run away!" Noticing this, Joseph didn't hesitate at all. He waved his magic wand and broke the lock with the opening curse, and then rushed in directly with the wizard on his shoulders.

The other two law enforcement officers were also very decisive, without saying a word, rushed into the house with Joseph.

The next moment, fierce shouts and fighting sounded from the room.

Walker and Grace hurriedly chased after them, and the battle was over after just such a moment of effort.

When the two rushed into the house, the place was in a mess. In addition to Joseph and the others, there were also a man and a woman two wizards on the ground. They looked disheveled and seemed to have just put on their clothes. Has passed out in a coma.

Joseph was instructing a law enforcement officer to take the fainted witch with him, and then turned his head to look at the two people who walked in, and enthusiastically stepped forward and patted Walker on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't take credit for your work, I have already caught this person for you, no thanks!"

Seeing the wizard who fell on the ground and passed out into a coma, Walker and Grace looked at each other. If they remember correctly, Your Excellency Hals asked them to "invite" people to the wizarding market...you really "invite people" like this. Is that good?

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