Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 732

Chapter 732: Interrupted assembly

While Ivan was speaking, the seventeen magic texts engraved on the left wrist bracelet were instantly lit...A shock wave composed of magic power spread quickly in all directions,

The expression on Jamie's face suddenly froze, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer in his chest, and flew out embarrassedly, rolling all the way and hitting the huge stone pillars erected around the square.

The law enforcement officers guarding over there were not too slow to react, and neatly **** Jamie, who was left with only a breath after landing.

Ivan seemed to have done a trivial thing. He didn't even look there. He turned his gaze to the two dozen dark wizards who had been pushed out by the crowd, and used the spirit of sedentary mind to scrutinize them one by one as before. Their crime...

Robbery... Killing... Stealing... Fraud... Curse...

One by one, overt or undercover crimes were gradually revealed by Ivan.

Every sorcerer who was named has a cold sweat on his head and a warrior figure. Ivan on the stage is like a devil in hell, digging out the deepest secrets in their hearts.

The wizards standing below were filled with righteous indignation, and Ivan's words mobilized all the anger they had accumulated over the years, and they wished to rush up and smash these people immediately.

If the eyes can kill people, these twenty-odd thugs would have been battered long ago.

Dougert was a little curious about Ivan’s source of intelligence. In the afternoon, Ivan asked him to get a list of people who need attention in the Knockover Alley, but the information he wrote in there was far less than Ivan’s current information. It was so detailed.

Could it be that Ivan has other sources of intelligence?

While Dougte was contemplating hard to understand, Ivan had finished talking about everyone's crimes and made a corresponding trial. Among them, nine people were immediately sentenced to death for their crimes, and the remaining sixteen were sentenced to life imprisonment!

In the indifferent sound of Ivan’s trial, the twenty-five wizards were full of ugliness, either kneeling to pray, or crying bitterly. Only one old witch stared at Ivan viciously and shouted with a sharp voice. Tao.

"You have no right to judge us..."

The law enforcement officers gathered around this place laughed, but to their expectations, Ivan nodded and said in agreement.

"You are right, I don't have this right."

Everyone present was startled, even the old witch did not expect that Ivan would actually agree with her words.

However, before she could react, Ivan turned his head and scanned the wizards under the high platform, and continued loudly.

"Yes, I certainly don't have this right, but they do!"

"It is not my selfish desire to judge you, but a choice made by all the wizards in Knock Down Alley..."

Ivan's words immediately awakened the wizards gathered in the square, and soon someone spoke in agreement.

"Yes! Put them to death! Hang these people on a pole!"

"No, you can't make them so cheap, use a heart-breaking curse!" Another wizard looked at the old witch angrily and retorted loudly.

The voices of the crowd made the dark wizards who were about to be judged plunged into deep fear. There were even a few voices in the crowd suggesting that Ivan cut them off, or tortured them to death with a heart-piercing curse...


Amidst the noise, Ivan raised his hand, and his voice was as loud as thunder under the blessing of magic.

A few seconds later, the chaotic square was silent again, and a pair of eyes looked towards the stage, and compared to the previous look at Ivan, the eyes were a little more agreeable.

At the same time, the system prompt for the completion of the task also rang in Ivan's mind.

It's just that this meeting, Ivan didn't have time to pay attention to it for the time being, he put all his energy on the hundreds of wizards in the audience.

"My fellow citizens, I understand your inner anger very well..."

"But blind killing is undesirable. Some of them are guilty and some are not dead. What we should pursue is order rather than chaos... Judgment is not to vent anger, but to give them the retribution they deserve!"

Having said this, Ivan paused, and then solemnly spoke again. "I promise you that each of them will get the most fair trial! Starting today, Knockdown Alley will also usher in a new chapter!"

With Ivan's encouragement, the enchanting wizards of Knockdown Alley gradually calmed down.

Paying attention to the expressions of everyone, Ivan nodded secretly, he knew that his prestige had been initially established.

It's not in vain that he memorized the entire afternoon's speech, and he secretly rehearsed several times in the middle...

Now it seems that these efforts are worthwhile, and even the effect is surprisingly good. He originally thought that in the end he would need to rely on a strong policy to make these people succumb, but he did not expect the wizards of Knockdown Alley to cope better than he thought. .

The corners of Ivan's mouth were slightly raised, and at this moment, a slight applause suddenly passed from the right side of the square, breaking the silence on the court.

At first, Ivan thought it was the law enforcement officers who were cheering for him, but when he looked over, he was shocked in a cold sweat. The two law enforcement officers guarding there had fallen to the ground for some time, life and death unknown. .

The faint applause came from the depths of darkness that the fire can't reach...

"Who?" Fren and others also reacted at this time, drawing out their wands and pointing them in the direction of the sound.

Under the dim night, a tall and thin figure slowly walked out, the dark wizard robe and the night almost merged into one, only the red eyes were faintly visible in the night.

"What a wonderful speech..."

He stepped to the front of the stage ~www.mtlnovel.com~, stopped applauding, and said in an admiring tone. There was a slight smile on the face of the pale snake with no trace of blood, which was creepy.

Voldemort? !josei

Ivan's pupils shrunk, staring at the strange figure in front of him in amazement, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Why is he here? How could it be here?

Was it because there were traitors among those law enforcement officers, or because they called each other's name in the underground fortress, or did the Death Eaters successfully activate the Dark Mark before they were captured?

Countless thoughts flashed through Ivan’s mind.

But these are not the key points. What really puzzled him was that according to Dumbledore's judgment, Voldemort had suffered a fatal injury in that battle, and he needed to lie in bed for a while.

This is why he dared to hold this big rally in the wizarding market.

But now Voldemort, who should have been seriously injured, stood in front of him with good grace...

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