Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 738

Chapter 738: Rise of the Dark Lord

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Ivan's heart was a little more gloomy. Although he looked very beautiful this time, and he was dubbed the title of the number one powerhouse in the magic world, Ivan was not happy at all.

He knew very well that they were all disguised appearances in the protection mode, which would be broken with a single poke, and he had no idea how long it could scare Voldemort.

If Voldemort senses something is wrong and tries again in a short time, then he will be completely gone...

Thinking of this, Ivan had some headaches.

With his current level of magic, it is not easy to make a major breakthrough. He was expecting to use the legendary points he had so hard to gather and then integrate a bloodline to increase his strength. Unexpectedly, Voldemort suddenly killed him completely. He messed up his plan.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the legendary title obtained after that battle has made up for the missing legend points, and only two more points should be enough.

Ivan took a sip of tea and opened the task bar of the system, ready to see if there are any tasks that can be completed quickly in the near future.

[Explore Hogwarts], [Housed Elf Savior (Establish a Housed Elf Legion)], Dark Minions (have a Legion of Dementors)...

Glancing at the unfinished tasks displayed in the taskbar, Ivan made trouble for a while, and it seemed that none of these tasks could be handled in a short time.

The first is to explore Hogwarts, which requires the task to reach 100% progress, which is almost impossible in Ivan's view.

This thousand-year-old castle is too mysterious, hiding countless secrets, even the current headmaster Dumbledore can't figure it out, let alone himself.

And the task of saving the house elves is not something that can be done now. At least, after Dumbledore's death, he can think of a way to become Headmaster of Hogwarts before it can be considered.

The only thing that still has some hope is the mission of Dark Minions. The goal is to obtain the allegiance of a hundred dementors. Just go to Azkaban. He had a similar plan before.

But how to persuade these mindless dementors to take refuge in themselves is a difficult problem.

Ivan was thinking hard, but when he was looking at the task list, he unexpectedly discovered a new task, which was probably activated last night and when he got the achievement.

【The Rise of the Dark Lord

Mission: To rule the British magical world

Task progress: 17%

Legendary value: 4

Mission description: After successfully defeating Voldemort, you know that you are invincible in the world without any consideration. You set your next goal on the British magical world and prepare to establish a new order.

Note: Your ambition is more than that, an evil plan has already surfaced in your mind...]

Looking at the system's taskbar, Ivan was stunned, a sip of tea was sprayed on Dobby's body, only a thought remained in his mind.

This broken system is not a short circuit!

It’s fine if other people don’t know the truth, but he has a clear indication on the status bar. How did the system determine that he knew he was invincible?

Not to mention that he didn't think about it at all...Bah, there was no evil plan to rule the magical world at all...

Ivan kept complaining in his mind.josei

And Dobby, who was sprayed with tea by him, suddenly screamed after a brief stupefaction. He kept knocking on his head with the broom and yelling in his mouth.

"Bad Dobby... bad elf!"

"Don't be like that, Dobby, what are you doing?" Ivan was taken aback, and immediately recovered, and quickly grabbed the broom from the elf's hand, and asked inexplicably.

"Dobby failed to take good care of his master... Dobby must punish himself." Dobby looked terrified. The bulb-sized eyes were filled with tears, and the nose twitched, thinking that it must have been prepared by itself. The tea made Ivan feel dissatisfied and vomited on himself.

The sick brain circuit of the house elves made Ivan a little bit dumbfounded. "It has nothing to do with you, Dobby, I just thought of some funny things. To be honest, I should apologize to you..."

While Ivan was consoling Dobby, the door of the living room was suddenly opened, but Asia, who had gone out before, walked in through the door.

"What's the matter? Ivan? Did something go wrong while I was away?"

As soon as Aysia entered the door, she saw Dobby's head drooping as if she had done something wrong, while Ivan was patiently squatting next to her with a helpless expression.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that Dobby made a fuss." Ivan shook his head and casually explained.

"The house elves are like that. The habits that have been cultivated over the years will not be able to be corrected for a while." Aisia sighed.

When Dobby first came, he took away all the housework from the house, and was so busy all day long~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even the floor in the house had to be wiped several times a day until it was clean and translucent. Will give up.

She did intend to reduce Dobby's workload, but once the incident was mentioned, the house elf would use whatever it could to punish herself in fear, and as time went by, Aysia gave up this thought.

"By the way, Mom, how about the things that I arranged last night, Fren and the others have dealt with? Are the wizards in Knockoff Alley still safe? No one is making trouble, right?" Ivan was not involved in Dobby's affairs. Chat more, and soon asked about business.

Aysia didn't mean to conceal, Dang Even gave a rough overview of what happened this morning.

Because the damage caused by that battle was too serious, even if it took a long time to repair, the traces of the battle could not be completely removed, and the hundred-meter-long gap still remained in the square.

And the wizards in Knockoff Alley were scared enough yesterday, one by one honestly, and even many people actively wanted to join them and become members of the law enforcement.

"It just so happens that we also need to recruit some more people, otherwise we won't be able to manage the more than forty wizards after we have captured the Ministry of Magic." Aysia added.

"Well, let's do that." Ivan nodded subconsciously.

Although they could recruit a portion of the Aurors to work for them at that time, they were not very reliable after all, and the wizards that they trained themselves would be more assured to use them.

Vaguely, Ivan always felt something was wrong.

Wait... When did I say I was going to fight the Ministry of Magic?

Before Ivan could ask, Aysia took a newspaper from the pocket of the wizard's robe and put it in front of Ivan, and said solemnly.

"This is today's Daily Prophet, you'd better read it..."

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