Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 753

Chapter 753: Level 7 Alchemy

Ivan's remarks directly surprised Nicol LeMay.

He has taught many disciples in these six hundred years of career, but studying so hard like Ivan is almost equivalent to being the first one to work hard.

No wonder he was able to possess a level of magic far surpassing that of ordinary wizards at a young age.

Nicole LeMay sighed inwardly, but in the end he totally rejected Ivan's masochistic study plan.

After more than a month of continuous high-intensity study, even if you can bear it, you will be mentally sluggish. On the contrary, it may affect the learning efficiency, which is simply a measure of loss.

The most important thing is that his old bones can't stand the toss. He doesn't want to get up and teach Ivan alchemy before dawn.

If things go on like this, even if this kid can stand it, he won't be able to bear it...

Seeing that Nico LeMay insisted on reducing the burden on himself, Ivan did not say anything to refute, anyway, he can freely control the rest time and can use it by himself, such as reading a book or something.

After making a plan, Ivan devoted himself to the study of alchemy in the next few days. Nicol LeMay also gave him advice, and would spend a lot of time every day to solve Ivan's confusion.

However, Ivan was a little disappointed. Although his alchemy level has improved rapidly in the past few days, the level displayed in the system bar is still stuck at the limit of level 6, without a slight change. .

"Where is the problem?" Ivan muttered puzzledly.

If I didn't understand it, Ivan simply didn't want to, leaving the concept of breakthrough temporarily behind him, the knowledge he had learned recently will never be false, and his alchemy has indeed improved, that's enough.

Ivan believes that if we continue to improve like this, one day quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes...

And this time shouldn't be too long, because he specially left thousands of grade points unused during the previous school year, and now he is devoting himself to the study of alchemy.

Under the double BUFF of cheating and hard work, Nicol Lemaine expected that he would learn the lessons within a week, and Ivan would often be able to master it in two or three days. This surprised Nicol Lemaine and tried to continue. Heavier tasks put more pressure on Ivan.

This high pressure lasted for more than a month, and Ivan lived a boring life of going to school with his eyes open and sleeping after graduation.

It wasn't until a week before the start of school that Ivan, who was in the laboratory making magic props, finally heard the long-awaited system prompt in his mind.

[Ding, after a period of practice, your alchemy level has greatly improved. At the current level 7, Ivan has not hurriedly carved a ring in his hand and put it on the little finger of his left hand before turning on the system. Check the status bar of.

【Ivan Hals

Occupation: Blood Wizard

Blood Fusion: 4/7 (Unicorn, Basilisk, Bogut, Norwegian Ridgeback)

Magic scale: 239

Magic Bar: Transfiguration Curse, Oblivion Curse, Contemplation, Occlumency, Level 7, Alchemy Level 7, Legendary Points: 3 (23)

Grade point: 76】

"I have been stuck for more than half a year, and finally broke through." Ivan slowly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the alchemy in the magic bar that had been promoted to level seven.

This is his fifth skill to upgrade to level 7, and it is also the most difficult one. Just by looking at the long upgrade progress bar, you can tell how much effort he has spent on this.

In order to break through this bottleneck alone, he spent all the academic points he had accumulated, read most of the alchemy books collected by Nico Lemay, and mastered the guide magic freely.

If this couldn't be recognized by the system as a seventh-level alchemist, then Ivan would really be desperate.josei

In contrast, his talent in spiritual magic is very high. Forgetting spells, mind-trapping, and Occlumency, naturally broke through to level seven, with almost no targeted training.

Ivan suspects that this talent may be related to his frequent use of Xueba experience cards to enhance the speed of his brain.

Of course, the dark wizards who were imprisoned in their cages also contributed the most, because Ivan often used them for experiments when in Knockoff Alley.

"The magic power has also increased by 22 points compared with the last time, and the increase is almost comparable to the previous blood fusion." Ivan nodded with satisfaction and muttered silently in his heart.

From the age of fourteen, he entered the peak period of magical improvement, and then it will continue to grow faster and faster, until he slows down at the age of twenty-two or three, and then completely stagnates at the age of thirty.

Ivan estimates that by the end of this year, he will have 2.7 times the magic power of an adult wizard.

It's a pity that it's still not enough...

Ivan thought greedily, but soon turned his attention to the experiment table again. He didn't forget that he still had a very heavy task in the afternoon, and immediately picked up a ring and burned it.

Time passed bit by bit, and when he finished the production and put down the carving knife in his hand, the sky had gradually dimmed.

At this moment, Ivan heard a faint sound of footsteps, turned his head, and saw that the door of the laboratory was opened.

"How is it? Is it going well?" Nicole LeMay stepped from the door and asked.

"Well, it's all done!" Ivan nodded, and proudly stretched out his hand to show it, each of his ten fingers was wearing a protective ring.

The corners of Nicol LeMay's mouth twitched slightly, and Ivan was prepared to use the newly learned alchemy knowledge to transform the magic items he possessed, and thus he was naturally aware of the fact that he would increase his combat power.

But I didn't expect that Ivan would create a full ten enhanced protection rings in one go~www.mtlnovel.com~ and put them on his hands.

This is... too bad for your life, isn't it?

Nicol LeMay shook his head and said silently. "Hals, I think you should know that the more magic items you have, the better."

Ivan nodded nonchalantly, of course he understood the truth.

Ordinary wizards can distract and control four or five magic items in battle, even if it is the limit, no matter how much it will only cause confusion in the fierce battle, it will drag down the combat power.

However, he is an exception. With the increase of the Xueba experience card, he can control a dozen magic items at the same time without any problems.

In addition, the wizard's high offense and low defense has always been his heart disease, and he can't incarnate into the black mist like Voldemort and is immune to most attacks, so he created the ten commandment body!

The magic of other wizards and even Muggle’s hot weapons, if you want to attack yourself, you must pass ten layers of protection. Each layer of protection is tougher than the iron armor curse he casts himself, even if it is uninterrupted by a dozen wizards in a short period of time. Attack, it is impossible to break it...

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