Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 760

Chapter 760: This must be another test of friendship and love

"Where's your badge? Ivan?" Hermione put away the prefect badge, looked at Ivan and asked.

"I don't know, I haven't received a similar letter, maybe Professor Dumbledore intends to let others become the prefect..." Ivan shook his head and said hesitantly.

"It's impossible. The prefect is usually the best among fifth graders!" Hermione said very positively.

"You are the winner of the Merlin Medal. Last year, you defeated the Warriors of Boothbatten and Durmstrang, and won the top three for Hogwarts. There is no better than you in the whole school. Students..."

The little witch talked about Ivan's great achievements, and then guessed that maybe the owl who sent him the letter could not find a place, so it was delayed.

This speculation seemed to Hermione extremely possible. After all, Ivan's whereabouts during the summer vacation was very mysterious. Every time she sent a letter to Ivan, she had to wait for several days to wait for a reply.

Harry, George, Fred and others also nodded, agreeing with Hermione's guess.

Just as everyone was thinking like this, a voice suddenly rang.

"Um...that letter is with me..."

Everyone turned their heads puzzled, only to find that Ron was speaking. He slowly put his hand into the pocket of the wizard's robe and took out a crumpled letter and a gold-red badge from it.

"Little Ronnie, how come this letter is with you? Is it because the owl couldn't find Ivan, so he sent the two letters together? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" George took both things Coming over, I asked very curiously.

"No, no, this letter was sent to me!" Ron's face flushed flushed, and he stammered.

George froze for a moment, thinking Ron was joking, but after scanning the letter in his hand, he was surprised to find that Ron's name was actually written at the end.

"Oh my god, how is this possible! Ronnie is going to be the prefect?" George's eyes widened and said in surprise, while holding the envelope high under the light, as if he wanted to verify its authenticity.

"You must be joking, George?" Fred was also taken aback, snatching the letter from George, and after seeing the contents clearly, he shouted in surprise.

"Impossible. Professor McGonagall must have made a mistake. For a normal-minded person, who would choose Ron as the prefect?"

Harry and others who were standing around also gathered around to check the letter.

When the envelope was passed to Mrs. Weasley, she let out a scream, her face was full of surprise and joy, but after looking at Ivan, the gaze that looked at Ron was vague. There was a trace of suspicion.

George and Fred, who were free to shoot, were also looking at Ron with a very strange look, as if he had done a prank.

Sirius strode forward, drew out his wand and clicked on the letter. After searching for it, he spoke. "This letter has not been modified by magic. It should not be a prank..."

"But why did the professor choose Ronnie as the prefect? ​​This is so strange." George muttered.

Everyone at the scene turned their heads. Under their gaze, Ron's face was blue and white, and finally he muttered to himself extremely unwillingly. "How do I know? Probably... it's probably the wrong post... But it's my name written on it, how could I post it wrong?"

"This letter is definitely not wrong, you are going to be the prefect, Ron...Congratulations!" Ivan pushed away George and the others who stood in the front, looked at Ron, who was very depressed, and said.

"Congratulations?" Ron's mind didn't seem to turn around for a while, his face changed constantly, and he said in a panic. "But, I mean...you don't blame me?"

In fact, when he received this prefect appointment letter this morning, he himself was shocked, because no matter how I looked at Ivan, he was more suitable than him...

Otherwise there will be Harry, they are all the warriors of Hogwarts, no matter what happens to them.

It is precisely because of this that Ron never took out the letters and badges before, because he always felt that this prefect had been stolen by himself...

"Blame you for what, Ron? I'm not the prefect, and the professors didn't send me a letter... Maybe President Dumbledore thinks you are more suitable to be the prefect." Ivan shrugged and smiled. Said.

Although he didn't understand the reason why Dumbledore chose Ron as the prefect of Gryffindor, he still wanted to come to a test of friendship and love...

The thought of Dumbledore still doing these crooked things, Ivan heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that this year's school banquet should not become a funeral.

As for the position of Gryffindor prefect?

Ivan didn’t care. He was very busy this semester. Not only did he need to find the magic storage room at Hogwarts, but he also had to practice enchanting magic. There was no time to manage a group of reckless and trouble-loving Gryffindor cubs...

"You are great, Ron!" After Ivan's congratulations, Arthur Weasley also realized how much their questioning would cause Ron, and immediately stepped forward and gave him a big hug. .

Then Lupin, Harry, Sirius and others reacted and came forward to congratulate him. Mrs. Weasley happily hugged him several times and kissed him.josei

Only George and Fred insisted that the letter must have been sent wrong. When they arrive at school, they will find that it is just a prank by Principal Dumbledore...

Ron didn't pay attention to their yin and yang strange tone. After being kissed by Mrs. Weasley a few times in public, his pale face turned red, and he broke away embarrassingly, and said dissatisfied. "Don't do that, Mom, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Let's say, what reward do you want? We gave him an owl when Percy was the prefect, but you already have one and you can choose something else." Mrs. Weasley let go of Ron. Asked happily.

"Reward...reward?" Ron couldn't believe his ears~www.mtlnovel.com~ After he confirmed that he had not misheard, he immediately thought about it in his mind.

A brand new new dress? Or replace the old crucible that has been rusted? Or buy a new broom?


The sudden roar of the train interrupted Ron's thinking. Arthur Weasley looked at the watch on his wrist and hurriedly urged.

"Ron, you can go to school and think about it slowly. Now there is no time to delay. Get in the car as soon as possible..."

At Arthur's reminder, Ivan and the others hurriedly said goodbye and embarked on the train with their suitcases.

Just as a few people were looking for vacant cars on the train, they saw three familiar figures walking towards this side...

"Halse?" Walking ahead, Malfoy didn't expect to see Ivan here. He was stunned and stuck in the middle of the road.

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