Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 777

Chapter 777: Rebuild the duel club

"Are you planning to establish a student association?" Ivan looked at Hermione in surprise and asked.

"It's a study group to be precise!" Hermione corrected. "I asked before, many people are willing to participate, and now only one qualified person is responsible for teaching us!"

"So, you want me to be a professor?" Of course Ivan could understand Hermione's subtext and smiled.

"Yes! You defeated Quirrell who was controlled by a mysterious person in the first grade. Last year you subdued a huge fire dragon alone. You did a lot of things that even a professor couldn't do. There is no more suitable candidate than you... …" the little witch talked endlessly.

When she formed the study group before, many people were willing to join in because of Ivan's reputation.

Having said this, Hermione took a deep breath and looked at Ivan with her brown eyes. "If someone can really defeat Voldemort, then I believe that person must be you, Ivan!"

Ivan was not affected by the little witch's flattering words, and became swollen. Instead, he looked at Harry with an embarrassment on the side. According to the prophecy, this was the savior who defeated Voldemort.

"Oh, sorry, Harry..." Hermione keenly noticed Ivan's gaze, and then realized that Harry was still here, and said apologetically.

"No, you just told the truth, Hermione!" Harry waved his hand, saying that he didn't care, he never thought he was special.

The last time I was able to stand in a stalemate with Voldemort in the cemetery for so long, until Ivan and Sirius were rescued, it was entirely because of the subtle connection between the two magic wands.

Or maybe it's just that his luck is better.

But luck clearly couldn't defeat Voldemort, so Harry agreed with Hermione's statement.

"It's okay to let me be a professor, but I'm very busy lately and I need some information. I may not have much time to come. The study group meeting is best once a week. It's better to set the time to Sunday morning." Ivan Hesitatingly said.

Now that the decision was made, Ivan began to cheer up a bit and began to seriously discuss the specific format of the rally with Hermione and others.

He plans to become like a second-year duel club, focusing on actual combat teaching, and setting up some small prizes to mobilize everyone's interest!

As for the free time on weekdays, the students can be divided into groups of three to four people to practice magic freely, and there is a duel once a week for spurring. If you don’t want to lose face, everyone should spend some time to practice magic in private... …

"Is it similar to a duel club? That's a good idea!" After hearing Ivan's thoughts, Hermione suddenly felt his eyes shine.

The duel club held by Lockhart was very lively when the students from the whole school came. Even if Lockhart's level was too low and often guided blindly, they also learned a lot of dueling skills.

However, there are many people who join the study group. If you want to set up a duel venue, you need a large enough space. Normal empty classrooms are not that big...

"We can go to the Screaming Shack!" Ivan suggested without thinking, this is the only suitable place.

After all, the responsive house is his own place, and accidents are inevitable. It is better not to let outsiders in this period of time.

Harry and Hermione thought for a while, and they nodded in agreement because they thought the place was quite secret.

At this moment, Ron said suddenly. "So many of us disappeared together, what if Umbridge finds out something is wrong?"

Ivan looked at Ron incomprehensibly. On the day off, it's normal for the school to lose dozens of people? If Umbridge asked, they could have said they had gone to Hogsmeade Village.josei

However, beyond his expectation, Harry and Hermione actually started to discuss ways to deal with Umbridge.

Seeing several people discussing a perfect plan for a long while, Ivan shook his head and said casually. "Isn't it enough to let her pause for a few days?"

How to stop? Harry, Ron, and Hermione were puzzled.

Umbridge would not listen to them.

Ivan kept his mouth shut, and sold it off, with no intention of answering at all.

It wasn't until three days later that the news finally came. Umbridge accidentally slapped his foot on the way downstairs and rolled down the stairs all the way, with a bruised nose and swollen face. Now he is sent to the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injury .

Many students suspected that Trelawney had secretly cursed her, and the "curse" prophecy went crazy in the school...

"You did it, right, Ivan? You are amazing!" Harry understood the moment he heard the news, and asked excitedly.

Ivan just smiled, tacitly acquiescing.

"If you want me to say, you're still too light to strike, it's okay to throw her to death!" Ron mumbled, Umbridge disgusted him these days.

Yesterday when they attended the Defense Against the Dark Arts class because they hadn’t copied the school rules fifty times, they were put in confinement by Umbridge. They were forced to hold an inkless quill and write a hundred times "Observe School rules and disciplines".

I don't know what kind of curse Umbridge cast on that quill pen, and the traces drawn on the parchment will be faithfully engraved on the back of their hands, like a needle prick.

If Ivan had not figured out a way to dispel the magic for them, I am afraid they would still not be able to get rid of the mark of shame.

It is very rare that Hermione did not comment on Ron's radical remarks, and even actively suggested that the two could use the [Automatic Pen] developed by George and Fred to complete the tasks assigned by Umbridge.

"Are you really Hermione?" Harry looked at the little witch in shock.

Ron also looked like he had seen a ghost, almost suspecting Hermione was the one who used the compound decoction. The real Hermione would not allow them to use cheating methods to complete their homework.

"Umbridge is an exception. We can't waste too much time on such useless things as copying school rules!" Hermione vowed to say that she was not so unreasonable.

But these remarks are obviously not convincing~www.mtlnovel.com~ because she wrote the rules manually for the fifty times.

"By the way, Ivan, when did you finish copying the school rules?" Ron asked curiously. He thought that Ivan would definitely not compromise with the demon Umbridge.

Ivan didn't mean to conceal it. He immediately explained that he was in class only when he remembered it, and then reproduced it temporarily with magic.

"I wanted to help you, but I didn't panic at all when I saw you and Ron. I thought you had already thought of how to deal with Umbridge..." Ivan shrugged, he didn't think of either of them either. The surface is calm and relaxed, but in fact there is no preparation at all.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, depressed.

Obviously, when we were chatting in the auditorium some time ago, everyone agreed to fight to the death!

Seamus even swore to them that he would jump downstairs if he copied the school rules!

It turned out that when they were actually waiting for the class, they were surprised to find that everyone had secretly copied it. Only the two of them were unlucky enough to believe it, and they were caught by Umbridge...

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