Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 796

Chapter 796: Crazy plan!

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Looking at the golden fireplace in front of him, Draco was stunned.

Even Lucius, who was well-informed, was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and then couldn't help stepping forward to touch the golden bricks.

The intuition of dealing with money for many years told him that this is real gold!

But this... how is it possible?

Lucius couldn't hide the shock in his heart. He preferred to believe that this was the effect of Transfiguration, but Ivan's magic skills were too high, so even he couldn't tell...

"Nico LeMay is my teacher..." Ivan faintly explained, breaking the fantasy of Lucius Malfoy.

Although he needs these 700,000 gallons as military expenses to reduce the magic consumption of the Philosopher's Stone, he does not want Lucius to take this so-called money payment too seriously, thinking that he can't do it without this money...

"Nico LeMay... turning stones into gold... Philosopher's Stone..." Lucius muttered to himself, his face turned pale, he knew that he had lost the most important bargaining chip.

Just as Lucius Malfoy was desperate, Ivan's voice suddenly came over. "Didn't you just say that you have important information to report to me? Lucius?"

Lucius Malfoy suddenly woke up from the lack of consciousness, only then did he remember that he had another bargaining chip, and hurriedly responded.

"Yes, I have recently received news that the Dark Lord will have a big operation this month. The Aurors stationed in Azkaban will undergo a shift in 15 days. Voldemort is ready to use this opportunity to defend When we are weak, we will rescue all the Death Eaters locked in Azkaban..."

In order to seize this only opportunity, Lucius kept out everything he knew, and even broke out several Ministry officials who took refuge in Death Eaters.

"Very good, this information is pretty useful." Ivan nodded, affirming Lucius' contribution.

The news that Voldemort wanted to rescue the Death Eaters had naturally been received by Ivan, and the dementors who guarded Azkaban clearly told him that they would have a one-day vacation in fifteen days.

Of course, this holiday was not given by the Ministry of Magic, but Voldemort let them rush out of the island guarding the prisoners that day, and attack wizards and Muggles on the road to block the Ministry and distract the Aurors.

When Ivan received this information, he determined that Voldemort must take the opportunity to rescue those imprisoned Death Eaters. The previous plan for the Ministry of Magic was also determined by this.

Now with the addition of Lucius Malfoy, the plan may be able to make some changes.

"I have one thing you need to do, Lucius." Ivan said after hesitating for a while.

"Please also tell me, Your Excellency Hals, as long as it is something I can do, anything is fine!" Lucius responded excitedly.

"That's good! I want you to figure out the specific time of Voldemort's hands, and find a way to rush in front of Voldemort in fifteen days, release all the Death Eaters locked in Azkaban, and lead them there. Stirring up chaos and swearing to the entire magical world that the Dark Lord will return..." Ivan said word by word.

"What?" Lucius looked at Ivan in amazement, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Do you need me to repeat it?" Ivan increased his tone a little dissatisfied.

"No, I can hear you clearly, Lord Hals..." Lucius shook his head quickly, and then hesitated. "It's just... those Death Eaters may not be willing to believe me, after all, in their eyes I have abandoned the Dark Lord once."

"Don't worry, there will be another Voldemort willing to cooperate with your work..." Ivan put his hand on the armrest of the sofa and tapped it lightly, and said casually.

Another Voldemort?

Lucius' pupils shrunk slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a bit ridiculous. Could it be that there are two dark kings in this world who fail? And one of them is willing to cooperate with their actions?

Wait... it doesn't seem to be completely impossible!

After experiencing a brief surprise, Lucius quickly regained his senses.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had used a lot of money to buy the memories of several Knock Down Alley wizards some time ago, and saw Ivan cut off Voldemort's hand!

As long as the other party randomly cuts some flesh and tissue as raw materials and makes a compound soup, they can conjure a second Voldemort out of thin air!

With Ivan's magic level, pretending to be Voldemort will not show up...

Thinking of this, Lucius was a little dizzy. This is definitely the craziest plan he has ever heard in his life!

But just because they are crazy enough, those Death Eaters would never have imagined that someone would dare to pretend to be Voldemort and take them away from Azkaban on the agreed day!

"Can you tell me why you want to release those Death Eaters in advance?" Lucius swallowed hard, and asked cautiously.

"Fudge has been Minister of Magic for long enough, and it is a wise choice to retire now." Ivan said with a sneer.

retirement? Are you retired?

Lucius murmured to himself in his heart, and he understood some of Ivan's thoughts.

For the past six months, Fudge has been proclaiming that Voldemort does not exist at all, and has allowed the Daily Prophet to hype this view.

The news that Voldemort suddenly robbed the prison and led the escaped Death Eaters to wreak havoc in Diagon Alley would undoubtedly turn into a loud slap slammed on Fudge's face, kicking him off the throne of the Minister of Magic.

Also ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Lucius didn’t think Ivan would let the Death Eaters escape. In all likelihood, these people would be rushed to the "Auror in time" after the destruction. "Enthusiastic people" arrested or killed again.

Then, as a beautiful political achievement, it was added to the candidate selected by Ivan and became an important support for the opponent to run for the Minister of Magic.

Lucius couldn't help shivering. The young wizard in front of him was so bold to calculate Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic at the same time. Such courage was far beyond his imagination!

The most important thing is that such a careful plan can never be thought up temporarily, and just more than 20 days is not enough to complete the preparatory work of the plan.

This means that Ivan Hals has known the news a long time ago and has been preparing secretly.

In addition to himself, there must be other ghosts in the Death Eaters' camp!

"Lucius, what do you think of this plan, how sure is it?" Ivan asked.josei

"70%, you can take a gamble! But there are two problems that need to be solved!" Lucius carefully considered for a while, and said solemnly.

"First, our number is too small. It is impossible for the Dark Lord to take me to the rescue alone!"

Having said that, Lucius glanced at Ivan secretly, seeming to want to ask how many internal responses he had put in the Death Eaters, and how many people could participate in the implementation of the plan.

However, Ivan did not respond, but looked at him with interest, as if expecting him to give a solution.

Lucius had no choice but to speak helplessly. "Among the Death Eaters, I am not the only one who wants to get rid of the control of the Dark Lord. Many people have rebellious minds. I am more familiar with Gibbon, Crabbe, Gower, and Gargson, and maybe I can think of ways to persuade and control them. "

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