Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 803

Chapter 803: It's impossible for the mysterious man to bring in Death Eaters, right?

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

The words of Lucius and McNeill made August awake. No wonder they didn’t see Wormtail and others. It turned out to be a decoy mission...josei

The rest of the Death Eaters also praised the Dark Lord's wonderful plan.

In this way, the Aurors guarding the Ministry of Magic will definitely be greatly reduced. In addition, those annoying protective arrays cannot be opened. Their advantage is great, and the Ministry of Magic will be destroyed today!

"Master, when do we start to act?" Amikus Carlo asked eagerly. He could not wait to enter the Ministry of Magic to vent his quiet anger for more than a decade.

"Of course it is now!" Ivan said without hesitation, then looked at the group of high morale Death Eaters in front of him, and spoke gloomily again. "All take the wand! Let's go to the Minister of Magic...a special Halloween gift!"

"I think Fudge will like it!" Bella laughed wildly.

August, Dolohov and others also laughed at the same time. They can't wait to make a big fuss...


England, at nine forty in the morning.

With a burst of space replacement, hundreds of figures appeared out of thin air on a dilapidated and abandoned street in London.

Directly in front of them, an old red telephone booth stood quietly on the right side of the road. Ivan, who had been there twice, knew that this was the entrance to the Ministry of Magic!

"Should you say hello to the Ministry first? Master?" McNeill asked jokingly, looking at the phone booth.

"Of course!" A smile was drawn from the corner of Ivan's mouth, and he raised a finger at random, but without chanting, the red telephone booth suddenly burst into fiery fire, turning into a deep red fireball toward the bottom of the earth. Fell everywhere.

About ten seconds later, a violent impact and explosion came up from the ground...

After a simple greeting, Ivan took the lead to jump into the bottomless tunnel. Under the action of the floating curse, the black outer robe was propped up, like a bat wing with his body to fall quickly, and outsiders looked like It's like flying.

In order to simulate the signature skill of the Dark Lord, Ivan spent a full week trying it out, and now it is finally decent.

The rest of the Death Eaters turned into a cloud of black smoke and plunged into the ground with Ivan...

At the same time, the originally orderly Ministry of Magic was plunged into chaos due to the sudden fall of the phone booth, and the harsh explosion attracted a large number of Aurors and curious clerks.

"What happened?" Gadvin, who was the deputy director of the Auror Command at the time, rushed here quickly and frowned at the fire rising from the entrance of the tunnel.

"It's an attack, Captain! Someone has blown up the phone booth!" A young Auror waved his wand to disperse the smoke and fire. He looked at the phone booth that was almost melted into iron and replied with a solemn expression.

Attack? how is this possible?

Gadevin's mind was dumbfounded, who would dare to attack the Ministry of Magic?

Compared to this, he would rather believe that the phone booth was out of repair and malfunctioned, so he fell...

It's impossible that the mysterious man brought in Death Eaters... right?

Just as he was thinking about it, Gadvin's expression suddenly became dull, his eyes staring straight ahead, his eyes wide open.

In the deep tunnel, a figure dressed in a black robe flew down quickly. The wizards present were like a group cast a silent curse. All the words were blocked, and only the scarlet ones were left in their eyes. Eyes and snake-like terrible faces...

"God...mysterious man?!" Gadvin swallowed hard, his body trembled, and his brain went blank.

Didn’t the Daily Prophet say that the resurrection of the mysterious man was fabricated?

But now the other party is standing in front of his eyes with good grace, and Gadvin can't wait to give the editor of the Daily Prophet to the editor...

"Hurry up and inform the minister! It's a mysterious man!"

A screaming scream suddenly broke the short silence on the court, the wizards surrounding the hall fled in panic, and the harsh screams continued.

Ivan looked around, his eyes quickly locked on a wizard, and then he waved the wand hidden in his sleeve and shouted fiercely.

"AvadaKedavra~ (Avada Kedavra

The dark green light beam flashed in mid-air, and the locked wizard showed a look of horror on his face, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"No, the Dark Lord, you shouldn't kill me..."

Before the words fell, the green light had already hit him. The hapless wizard was instantly taken away from his life, and fell to the ground unconsciously, with an incomprehensible color in his eyes before he died.

He wondered if the Dark Lord had hit the wrong person. He clearly became one of the Death Eaters three months ago...

After clearing a residue, Ivan continued to cast the spell without stopping, trying to cause greater chaos.

After the first deceased appeared, the hall of the Ministry of Magic had become a mess, and countless clerks screamed and wanted to escape from the hall. However, the surrounding fireplaces lost their proper function for some reason. Floo fans can't send them away~www.mtlnovel.com~ What makes everyone feel desperate is that a large amount of black fog is pouring in from the deep tunnel above, and after landing, it will turn into a bite to die. They fought against the Aurors who had plucked up their courage to resist.

"~ (heart-cutting As soon as the crazy Bella landed, she immediately waved her wand to the nearest Auror. Compared to killing them directly, she preferred to torture the opponent fiercely.

Brothers and sisters Carlo, Auguste and others did not have the interest of Bella. They attacked fiercely one by one, venting their anger recklessly. Twenty-odd Aurors who dared to resist quickly lost their combat power or simply lost their strength. Dead on the spot...

But this is the Ministry of Magic, after all, more and more Aurors gathered here, and many clerks who had no hope of fleeing also took out their wands and joined the resistance camp...

Even though the time of this raid was perfect, everyone was caught off guard, but after all, the Death Eaters had just taken out of the prison and were in a surprisingly poor state. After a large number of reinforcements arrived, they soon lost their early advantage and fell into a bitter battle. Among.

In addition, over the years, the Aurors’ equipment has been greatly updated, and the strikers are all wearing protective rings. Unsuspecting this, Bella and others quickly suffered a big loss, more than ten people in a row. The Death Eaters were knocked to the ground by the curse that bounced back...

"Serpensortia~ (The Oolong Out of the Hole Of course, Ivan would not let the form become so eroded. He whispered sharply, his wand shook slightly, and a tens of meters long terrifying python rushed out of the floating black smoke. , Rampaged in the already chaotic hall.

After consuming two full scales of magic power, this low-level black magic was more than a hundred times stronger in Ivan's hands. The giant python's thick tail flicked and flew several Aurors away...

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