Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 806

Chapter 806: Abandoned Death Eater

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Seeing the Ministry of Magic officials kneeling and begging for mercy, the Death Eaters onlookers laughed happily...

Kingsley Shaker and others flushed their cheeks and felt shameful for those colleagues who abandoned their dignity.

"My patience is limited, I will only wait for the last minute! There is no need to live for those who are still standing at that time!" Ivan said casually, looking at the ten people who were still standing at the end.

A little hesitation appeared on the faces of the wizards who were still firm in their beliefs, considering whether to choose to sacrifice fearlessly here, or to compromise to save their lives for the time being, and then plan a counterattack in the future.

If there is still a chance of victory, they will definitely fight for it without hesitation, but it is a pity that they are bound to die in their current form, and it is meaningless to die!

As time passed bit by bit, just as Arthur and the others were preparing to compromise, the wall behind them suddenly burst open, and the flying debris fell like a arrow toward the Death Eaters.

The sudden attack surpassed everyone's expectations, and only a few powerful Death Eaters could react to it, constructing a protective barrier to block the sky full of rubble.

In the smoke and dust from the explosion, more than two dozen Aurors and a large number of unfamiliar faces emerged from the tunnel.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the entrance of the meeting room. Under the attention of everyone, the executive director Pierce, who had been missing for a whole morning, strode forward with hundreds of wizards and surrounded the Death Eaters from all directions. When he got up, he shouted righteously.

"Your end is here, the Dark Lord!"

Arthur and others, who had fallen into despair, were shocked when they looked at Pearston, who seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Although they still don't understand where Pierce went this morning, and why he suddenly appeared here with so many people, those are not important. What is important is that the time to fight back has arrived!

"Reducto~ (Bone torn Kingsley Shaker seized the opportunity and took the lead in provoking the battle. The spell beam instantly hit a Death Eater who hadn't reacted, knocking him to the bottom.

As soon as the war was about to start, the Death Eaters who had reacted launched their counterattacks, but the Death Eaters who had just escaped from prison and experienced a fierce battle were not the opponents of the law enforcement and the Aurors at all, not to mention Pierce’s manpower. They are more!

Within a few moments of the battle, more than a dozen Death Eaters died one after another...

However, the besieged Death Eaters quickly regained their composure after the initial chaos, because everyone knew that the Dark Lord was powerful, and his combat power alone was enough to make up for the difference in numbers.

The fact is exactly the same. Ivan waved his wand vigorously, and the wall on one side was violently pulled over, blocking the attack of dozens of law enforcers. Then, with another wave of the wand, several Aurors fell to the ground. Sorry.

Just as the battle was relapsed into anxiety, Pierce shouted loudly again.

"What are you waiting for? Don't hurry up!"josei

Pierce's heartbreaking shouts stunned the Death Eaters who didn't know the truth, Kingsley and others.

Could there be an ambush?

As the shouting sounded, 20 wizards including Malfoy, McNeill, Crabbe, etc., turned their wands at almost the same moment and pointed them at the Death Eaters beside them.

"Diffindo! (torn apart

"Petrificus~ (all petrochemicals

"AvadaKedavra (Avada Kedavra)!"


A large number of spell beams hit the unsuspecting Death Eaters, and in that instant nearly a quarter of the Death Eaters fell on the spot!

Arthur and Kingsley were stunned when they watched this scene. They never expected that Lucius Malfoy and others would suddenly turn back and attack the Death Eaters.

Could it be that these people are the undercover agents that Pierce sent to Voldemort?

No wonder the executive director came here with a lot of manpower as if he had already prepared.

The rebellion of McNeill and others completely changed the situation of the battle. The Death Eaters became a mess and their morale plummeted.

Only Bella reluctantly dodged the first wave of sneak attacks, and turned her head to look at Malfoy and others who were madly killing her colleagues. The whole popularity went crazy.

"How dare you... dare to betray us, Lucius!" Bella didn't know who attacked herself, so she pointed her wand directly at the most familiar Lucius Malfoy, and roared in anger. .


Luciusston, who had just killed a Death Eater, felt a palpitation. When he saw the green light on Bella’s wand, it was even more unforgettable, but he found it too late. The green beam had already flown towards him. Come here.

Fortunately, one foot kicked over and kicked Lucius to the ground. The green light beam drew across Lucius's head in a thrilling manner and hit the wall behind.

At this time, Bella, who was distracted by the rage, was quickly blasted away by the spell beam from the side.

Lucius rolled on the ground twice in embarrassment, with a cold sweat on his forehead, and blessed himself with an iron armor curse before he got up again with lingering fears.

Until this time, Lucius unexpectedly discovered that it was Arthur Weasley who had saved him for many years!

"I've always hated you, Malfoy! But I have to say, you finally did something right this time!" Arthur Weasley waved his wand and knocked down a Death Eater, turning his head to look at Lucius. Said with emotion.

"Huh, be nosy, don't need your help~www.mtlnovel.com~ I can avoid it myself!" Lucius defended very stiffly, but he couldn't help leaning against Arthur. So as not to be singled out by others.

Arthur Weasley didn't say much, and devoted himself entirely to the battle.

The sudden change of the situation on the court made the Dark Lord furious, and the wand waved one after another, and bursts of explosions sounded in the conference room!

But at this time, the balance of power between the enemy and ours has been completely out of balance. Under the joint control of dozens of law enforcement officers, even if it is as strong as the Dark Lord, it will not be able to recover, and a large number of Death Eaters have fallen under the encirclement.

"I beg you to find a way, master!"

"help me!"


Auguste and the others wailed bitterly, and under everyone's attention, the Dark Lord seemed to be extremely angry.

"Enough, all die for me!" Ivan furiously waved his magic wand, and in an instant he blew up 30 law enforcement agents around him!

However, before the Death Eaters felt happy, Ivan suddenly turned around, stretched out his black robe like a black lightning, and was blown out of the hole in the wall and flew out.

The Dark Lord... escaped? !

Everyone present was stunned, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be no surprises. Once all the Death Eaters here were defeated, facing the siege of more than two hundred wizards, even the famous Dark Lord would do it. Die here!

"No, master! You can't abandon us!" August looked at Voldemort who was fleeing in a hurry, and shouted in despair.

"Take me away, Master, please, take me away!" Carlos brothers and sisters lay on the waste rock, their heads covered with blood, they could not accept the fact that they were ruthlessly abandoned by the Dark Lord.

The rest of the Death Eaters also cried and cried, completely lost their fighting spirit, and fell into endless despair...

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