Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 808

Chapter 808: Ivan: Although I am kind by nature, I am by no means gentle...

"The Blood Wizard of Hogwarts (

Pierce’s praise of Ivan was all deaf ears. Although the plan this time was perfect enough, it was at best able to hide it from some outsiders.

For example, the Dark Lord will definitely find something wrong, and Knott, who mysteriously disappeared before the war, is also a hidden danger...

Fortunately, now the most dangerous time has passed. After this war, the entire Ministry of Magic is in his grasp.

In addition, the newspaper’s voice channels have been controlled in advance, so even if someone sees something and chooses to stand up and expose the truth, it’s impossible to make waves.

Thinking of this, Ivan's tense expression relaxed a bit, looking at Pierce who was still trying to flatter, shook his head, and interrupted.

"Don't talk about the useless, casualties and losses? Are they all counted? I want all the data..."

"I've already asked. About 600 wizards participated in this battle. Of these, 127 wizards were slightly injured, 94 were seriously injured, and 245 wizards died. In addition, some of the ruins are still there. We are cleaning up, so there may be some omissions..."

At this point, Pierce's face became serious. Such a large casualty is an extremely headache for him, the incoming Minister of Magic.

"So many people died?" Ivan was somewhat surprised. Before the war, he did a lot of measures to reduce casualties.

For example, the protection ring sold to the Aurors before, or ordering the Death Eaters not to fall in love with each other, and directly kill Fudge and implement the beheading operation. This way, the process of making a knife is eliminated, and it should be able to save many people. Life.

And he himself, although he released a lot of powerful magic in the battle, he was just pretending to look at the grand scene, but he kept his hands. Just looking at killing traitors and destroying buildings, he couldn't kill a few people. .josei

Seeing Ivan's doubts about this, Pierce immediately explained it.

Most of the two hundred and forty-five wizards who died were prisoners of Azkaban. Aurors and Ministry of Magic clerks accounted for only a small part of them. A total of 67 were unfortunate in the fight against the Death Eaters. In the deaths, the law enforcement officers suffered even fewer injuries, and only 21 people died from beginning to end.

Ivan then understood that the cruel order to the Death Eaters was personally issued to prevent Voldemort from robbing the prison again to rescue people, destroying the results of this operation, and also saving a lot for the Ministry of Magic by the way. Expenses.

As for the deaths and injuries of more than 80 friendly wizards, Ivan's heartache is still acceptable.

Although he is kind by nature, he is by no means indecisive!

To defeat Voldemort and reverse the current disadvantages, some sacrifices are necessary, and this plan has the smallest casualties of all the actions he can think of!

Ivan is very clear that if he continues to be negative as he did in previous years, Voldemort will definitely increase the penetration of the Ministry of Magic and use official power to deal with himself. Unless he is willing to dissolve the law enforcement officers and prove his innocence, it will be 100% longer. New contradictions will break out.

At that time, it will not be solved by the death of one or two hundred wizards. The second British wizarding war will break out immediately, and the entire magical world will be charred...

As the culprit, Voldemort was able to hide in the dark and reap the benefits of the fisherman. This is something Ivan said could not accept, so he finally decided to attack the opponent first, and in turn cheated the opponent!

Thinking of this, Ivan sighed, and then continued to speak. "All the people who died in this battle were heroes of the magical world. They were given three times the pension. In addition, all wizards who were injured or participated in the battle were given an additional three months' salary as comfort and reward."

For the dead, Ivan couldn't bring them back to life, but paying more pensions would give the families of the deceased a guarantee, which was the only thing he could do.

Pierce naturally had no opinion. After such a big battle, the people in the Ministry of Magic were panicked, and raising a little bit of welfare would help unite people's hearts.

Even if Ivan didn't order, he planned to do so, but...

Pierce couldn't help but think of the news he had received from the logistics office, and his face suddenly became a little sad.

"What's the matter?" Ivan keenly noticed the change in Pierce's face, and asked strangely.

"Your Excellency Hals, the Ministry of Magic was badly damaged in this war, and coupled with the plan to pay the pension, I am afraid it will take about 600,000 gallons, but..." Pierce hesitated for a long time until Ivan's face appeared. He was obviously impatient, and he continued quietly.

"But there are less than 300,000 gallons in the vault of the Ministry of Magic..."

what? Is the Ministry of Magic so poor? Ivan looked at Pierce with weird eyes. He couldn't imagine that as the official institution of the magic world, the Ministry of Magic's treasury only had so little money...

In the face of Ivan's questioning gaze, Pilston was very bitter and condemned the former Minister Fudge for perverse actions and would not increase revenue and reduce expenditure at all.

Despite the fact that the Ministry of Magic collects a lot of taxes each year, the various expenses are equally astonishing. Especially in recent years, the annual fiscal deficit has forced them to borrow a large amount of money from the fairies of Gringotts!

The reason why Fudge insists that the mysterious person does not exist may also have this reason ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After all, the Ministry of Magic is too poor to fight a war.

"Your Excellency Hals, I can take out one hundred thousand gallons personally, but it's still a lot worse..." Pierce gritted his teeth and took out all his savings. Sinknis is not a pure-blooded family with a long heritage. One hundred thousand gallons was saved by his hard work.

"I will give you 400,000 gallons as a reserve fund. Recently, the Ministry of Magic has a lot of money to spend..." Ivan readily agreed to Pierce's request. Now it is not the time to save money, but to control it smoothly. In the magical world, Jin Jialong doesn't need as many as there are.

"By the way, I remember that among the dead Death Eaters, some were members of the pure-blood family, right?" Ivan suddenly thought of this, and was shocked that he didn't have to pay, but he could make a fortune instead. Then he spoke and suggested. "You can consider confiscating their property to make up for the financial shortcomings..."

Others don’t know it, but Bella’s vault has a lot of good things. Her husband Rodolphs Lestrange is the patriarch of the ancient pure-blood family. His family is also rich. It’s enough to copy this one. Fill this vacancy.

"This is probably difficult to do, Your Excellency Hals, these people's property and land deeds are basically stored in Gringotts. Those goblins always only accept contracts to do things. Even if I become the Minister of Magic, I am afraid I can't force it. Collect it." Pierce said helplessly.

"Gringotts again?!" Ivan's face showed a bit of unpleasantness. He has never understood why the wizard who dominates the entire magical world can tolerate such an important place as a bank to a group of greedy goblins. In hand.

If you know that fiscal power is the lifeblood of a country, you can't be too careful...

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