Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 0

Chapter 0


Feathers descending from the sky...

Suspended in bubbles, they flew down...

Covered in white glow and enclosed within them, these floating feathers came raining down...

In front of the young lad, this scene unfolded....

This scene registered itself in the young lad who looks 11 or 12 and in the true sense of the word just born. After obtaining a will and consciousness this scene entered his eyes....

Everything is white before him....

Those glowing bubbles with feather suspended is even whiter...

In a world where there is nothing else...

There’s only a blinding white, bubbles of feathers gently raining down and floating about in a world of white feathers....

Observing this surreal scene, the youngster went into a daze, his silky hair fluttering along with the wind, his starry dark eyes looked upon the feathers falling from the heavens. It feels like he’s submerged in amniotic fluid inside the embrace of his mother, there’s a weird warmness and peace.

This feeling didn’t last long however as an instance later the scene took a drastic turn, so drastic it made his heart jump.

It’s still the same bubbles with feathers descending from heaven...

However, this time, what fell were feathers that had lost their resplendent glow and broke down into pieces as if deliberately destroyed. They were oh so dim...

Looking at the broken fragments with their light lost, he watched as these feathers rained down, he felt really complicated right now...





Perhaps a mix of all of them.

But what came out more often than others were a kind of——-pain.

As the feels flowed through him, he had a hunch at that very moment.

His birth, it appears is to right these scattered and smashed dim feathers, return them to their former glory and state...

Without conscious though he reached out towards the nearest broken feather....

『White dreamworld... at this point... was discontinued...



Like he just woke up from some nightmare the youth opened his eyes abruptly and like a spring he raised his body from laid down position.

“Hufff... huff...”

With heavy brethes he held his head, his dark deep eyes kept shaking, there was still some despondence from the white dream world but he’s more at a loss of what to do then dazed.

With a forlorn expression the youngster raised his head and using that lost eyes, he turned his attention towards his surrounding.

This is a forest unknown and foreign to him.

He can see that in this place there’s only trees with various sizes and scattered leaves everywhere.

Redolent of his dream world, the leaves of green and yellow intertwined to fall from the trees, some landed on the ground, some were carried towards him who was sitting on the ground with a vacant expression covered by nothing but a piece of cloth. This made him almost fell back into a stupor from recalling the white dreamland.

Compared with dreamworld however, reality is cruel.

Unlike 『white dreamland』the forest lacked its beauty and its surreal nature. It however gave him a jump and made his mind go blank in a different sense when he looked towards a bush near him.


Low growls resounded one after another in this space.

“rustle.. rustle...”

Steps lightened on purpose came to his ear after rubbing with something.

In moments, big figures started appearing from the bushes surrounding him and slowly they became clearer in his eyes.

It was a bunch of quadrupedal organisms with over 2 meters height and feral faces.

If he had the common sense of humans then he would no doubt know tha these creatures are overgrown wolves.


The growls continued as the black wolves appeared from inside the forest locked onto the youth and slowly encircling from all directions.


Sitting on the ground the youth covered by only a cloth felt his mind crying out in alarm, his heart throbbed hard and his muscles tensed up, and his throat had a searing sensation.

Though he didn’t know what these creatures are, from their vicious looks he could feel his predicament.

His alarmed brain is telling him — run!

His throbbing heart is telling him — escape!

His dry throat told him —-withdraw! josei

It even sounds like there’re voices coming from all directions shouting at him—- run!

Run! Run! Run!

He understands his most logical move, but his limbs simply won’t listen and the thing known as ‘strength’ sap away as the scary things drew closer.

Even if he looked 11 or 12 but besides the scene in 『white dreamland』 there’s nothing he remembers.

In other words, he doesn’t know why he’s here, why he only has a piece of cloth covering him, even why he’s actually 11 or 12 but don’t seem to remember any past details of having lived for slightly over a decade.

It’s really as if he’s just born!

Too bad, moments after his birth, this world gave him his first experience of an emotion.

Called —- terror!


The encroaching lifeforms faintly felt like the youth has lost all hopes of survival and gave in to the desire in them called ‘hunger’, they didn’t hold back their roars anymore, they shot out like bullet out of barrels or arrow from bows, each of them charged at him looking lke black shadows.


In that moment, the fear inside him exploded.

His burning throat can’t utter a sound.

His weak limbs won’t support his body.

He can only stare with his pupils dilating, mind ringing in alarm stopped at this moment as well, he felt cold inside as he watched the beasts getting closer and bigger inside his horizon and he let the thing called ‘terror’ bring forth a weird warmness.


A strong and piercing light beamed out from him like a sun, except the light didn’t carry with it the searing heat that should accompany any such strong beam of lights. Shining past the dark shadows that’s about to pile up on him, it lit every corner of that area.

And then the strong light materialized into something more concrete and shot out with the youth as the event center.



Dull thuds and collision sounded and what seemed to be the creatures’ last roar reverberated in that area. The wolves who were about to pounce on him were sent flying away faster than they came and scattered about. Some kissed the ground, some personally redecorated the trees with their bodies, they yelped, they were laid down never to rise, dead or alive unknown.

The bright light receded revealing the youth who still had a face full of panic.

Only until then did he recover his cognitive processes. Looking at the fainted wolves littered around him he was alarmed and stupefied.

Clearly the youth could not process what just happened with his newborn brain.

He can’t understand, but that didn’t mean bystanders couldn’t.

“What a powerful magic...”

This is the first line he has heard since coming to this world that he placed in his memory.

Except that this complete sentence didn’t sound that much different to the youth than did the growls of the black wolves, it only brought him panic and dread.

“There’s no need to be afraid... child...”

Perceiving his terror and dismay the owner of the voice lowered his tone and spoke with much affection and softness. And just as he voiced this out he appeared in front of the youth.

The youth felt his gaze went out of focus for a bit before seeing a figure appear in his sights.

It is a very old man who looks like he’s 70+, but he only has the height of a little kid, he’s wearing a white windbreaker.

The midget old man focused his eye on the youth who’s still flipping out in panic, he sized him up before showing a genial grin.

“Kid, what’s your name?”


The foreign vocab entered his hear but inexplicably he understood it.

Hence he responded using the name that mysteriously appeared to him within his memory and slowly spitted it out with a hoarse, unnatural and tender voice.

“Noah (Tl:诺亚, will change this name if it’s separated into individual characters as an affectionate name, alternative name in mind is Nuo Ya.”

Tl: No, I don’t know if he’s gonna split seas I haven’t finish this novel yet. Anyway, tell me if you think I should continue this series.

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