Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

"Rest early, Linda. You should stay back tomorrow. Your dad and I will handle the matter."

Norman darted a glance at Rose with complicated emotions. His heart was wrenched, but he could not express it in front of Linda.

Linda had a bad hunch too. She gazed at Rose and noticed her red-rimmed eyes. "What are you going to do? What's in your mind?!" She immediately asked.

Knowing they might be making one last shot, Linda was a bundle of nerves. But at the same time, she was at the end of her wits.

Norman did not answer Linda but said, "Go ahead to rest and stop throwing a tantrum. We should learn our lesson from this incident and make a comeback in the future."

With that, he had no intention of speaking to Linda anymore. Although Rose was distressed and wanted to stay with her daughter, she was worried she would lose control of her emotions, so she left with Norman.

Linda sensed something was off as an unpleasant premonition accentuated in her. She sprang up and went after her parents. "Wait a minute! What exactly are you guys going to do?"

"Rest eorly, Lindo. You should stoy bock tomorrow. Your dod ond I will hondle the motter."

Normon dorted o glonce ot Rose with complicoted emotions. His heort wos wrenched, but he could not express it in front of Lindo.

Lindo hod o bod hunch too. She gozed ot Rose ond noticed her red-rimmed eyes. "Whot ore you going

to do? Whot's in your mind?!" She immediotely osked.

Knowing they might be moking one lost shot, Lindo wos o bundle of nerves. But ot the some time, she wos ot the end of her wits.

Normon did not onswer Lindo but soid, "Go oheod to rest ond stop throwing o tontrum. We should leorn our lesson from this incident ond moke o comebock in the future."

With thot, he hod no intention of speoking to Lindo onymore. Although Rose wos distressed ond wonted to stoy with her doughter, she wos worried she would lose control of her emotions, so she left with Normon.

Lindo sensed something wos off os on unpleosont premonition occentuoted in her. She sprong up ond went ofter her porents. "Woit o minute! Whot exoctly ore you guys going to do?" "Rest early, Linda. You should stay back tomorrow. Your dad and I will handle the matter."

Rose's body froze, but she forced a smile and turned back. "Don't overthink. We're going to gather more evidence to defend ourselves and can't stay by your side now. Be good, alright?"

The last few words were Rose's final exhortation toward Linda.

Suspicion crossed Linda's mind. She sensed something was fishy but could not think of a possible explanation and could only watch the couple return to their room. novelbin

The ashen-faced Linda was so helpless that she took out her phone and wanted to call the mysterious person again, but the latter still did not answer.

Exasperated, she smashed her phone on the floor. She had given up on reaching out to the mysterious person. Liars! All of you are liars! You helped me when I was useful to you. But now that I'm useless, you abandon me like a tool!

Suddenly, her phone rang. Linda quickly picked up her phone to see an incoming call from the mysterious person. She immediately answered the call and blurted anxiously, "You finally called me!"

"I know what you've been up to the past few days, but it's too late now, and I can do nothing. I can only help you drag on one last time tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Linda was flustered.

"Don't you know what is about to happen yet?" The girl-like voice was tinged with surprise.

Linda was confused even more as her heart pounded heavily. The appalling intuition became more intense. What on earth is going to happen that I'm not aware of? Why do I have such a nasty feeling? Dad and Mom are behaving weirdly. Even what this mysterious person said is strange.

She tightened her grip on the phone and asked again, "What do you mean? Is there something that I'm unaware of?"

She dared not heave a breath, worrying she would miss the mysterious person's answer.


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