Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188


Elisa: 'No.'

Rachel: 'No? Then what is happening? How did the two of you suddenly get tied together? You even booked the whole cinema? I saw everything on Twitter! There are only two of you in the whole cinema! Tell me, what are the two of you up to!'

Elisa: 'There's a reason for everything. I'll explain to you when we meet later.'

She was a hacker. She knew how dangerous it was to reveal anything here. Some might be unable to hack into her handphone, but she couldn't guarantee that Rachel's handphone wasn't hacked.

Rachel was still in doubt, but she knew the importance of the matter, and Elisa would have a valid reason, so she could only cooperate with her. novelbin

Rachel: 'Alright then, explain to me later when you're free. I'll not bother you anymore on your date.'

Elisa: '...'

Rachel sent a playful sticker, but Elisa didn't reply afterward.

Elisa redirected her gaze onto the movie screen and coincidentally saw the scene whereby the male lead grabbed the girl's hand as he said, "Don't go."

Elisa's eyes quivered. These words felt familiar to her.

The male lead had a gloomy expression. "I had told you this before. All conglomerates are just role- playing. You should know you've entered this play with me now that you've become my wife. Whether or not there is hatred, you must still cooperate with me in public, or our shares will drop. If that happens, it will not only affect my family but also harm your family."

The female lead was dumbfounded after hearing his words. She replied sarcastically, "What does this have to do with me? Do I have a family? Everyone treats me like a chess piece. So how is your family's well-being related to me in any way? Let go!"

The female lead struggled in his grasp, but the male lead held onto her tightly without letting go. His eyes were filled with mixed emotions of anger and anxiety, making it look icy cold.

"Don't throw a tantrum. My patience is running thin."


The slap had a clear and distinct sound.

The male lead was startled by her slap. Soon, the male lead's face became so gloomy as if he could tear up at any second.

The female lead stared coldly at the man in front of her and said dreadfully, "Who do you think you are? Even if the world adores you, to me, you couldn't even compare to a dog! What right do you have to bark at me like that?"

Elisa didn't say anything.

These words resonated with her and made her feel a gush of relief.

It even felt like she was taking her revenge and felt the joy of victory.

The male lead looked at her with a gloomy gaze. "You've become more daring."

The female lead broke free of his grip and said unemotionally, "Don't ever bother me again! When the time comes, we'll get a divorce."

After saying all she had to say, she left without caring about the man.

Elisa was initially uninterested in the movie, but now that she had reached this plot and could only go after the film finishes, she decided to pay attention to the remaining plot.

As for Gareth...

He was also uninterested at first, but now...

He might not understand the reason but has also started paying attention to the film.

The film continued playing.

The two of them were staring attentively at the movie screen. After the female lead left, the male lead stood inside the room, staring at her back as she left. The male lead pursed his lips without saying a word, but his eyes carried mixed emotions.


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