Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271


The more they talked, the more Rose felt unsure about her stance. Her panic was rising to the surface and soon, it would be obvious to all.

The male guard snorted. "He deserves it. They have no one but themselves to blame for what happened to their family."

The last thing Rose wanted to do right now was continue weeding, but she knew they would stop talking too if she stopped. She took a deep breath and continued tugging at the grass.

The female guard laughed. She glanced at Rose crouching not too far from them and said, "According to Twitter, Norman Benett has become a public enemy number one, which makes sense. He'll probably get beat up if he shows himself in public. He can't stay home. He's lost all the influence he once had, so he has no one to change the tides of what's trending."


Rose's expression tightened.

What's trending?

How could that b*tch Elisa, do this?!

The female guard read Rose's mind. She wanted to tell Rose to be patient. She'd tell her everything in a minute.

After a short pause, the female guard continued, "The way I see it, this is just karma. None of this would have happened if Norman wasn't rich and if he could keep it in his pants. Like I said, it's karma. He deserves it. His wife is in prison. His daughter is dead. But it all worked out for him in the end. He reunited with his affair partner and the daughter he had with her. You men are just the worst!"

The male guard felt insulted. "You can't say that! Not all men are disloyal like Norman! Instead of loving his brother, he murdered him. He even turned his back on his wife, who helped him kill his brother. Instead, he cheated on her and had a child with someone else. He has no morals whatsoever. So please don't group all of us men with him, okay?"

The female guard snorted. "Fine, fine… You are a good man. I won't group you with him. Except for you, all men are trash!"

Rose's expression grew darker. Trending… It sounds like Elisa had exposed that incident. There was a chance the photos Elisa had shown her were now on the internet.

"How could this happen?! How could Norman cheat on her?!

She looked up in disbelief, catching the female guard's mocking smirk. Rose had her suspicions they were doing this on purpose. Her mocking smile just confirmed her suspicions. They both had deliberately stood within earshot of her so she could listen in on their conversation!

She brushed the weeds from her palms, stood up, and stalked their way. She glared straight at them.

The two guards caught her gaze and stared right back at her. They had no intention of chasing her away or reprimanding her.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You want me to hear what you're talking about!" Rose tried to keep her voice calm. No one else knew of the anxiety bubbling beneath the surface.

She had not been doing well in prison these days. People have been threatening her. They'd mess her up if she didn't tell them what they wanted to know! It was only one day, and their threats had come true!

She did not know how she would handle the repercussions.

The two guards looked at her coolly. "You're overthinking it. You've abandoned your work to talk to us. Aren't you afraid of us punishing you?" Replied the female guard.


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