Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1387 Playful Banter

Chapter 1387 Playful Banter

Chapter 1387 Playful Banter

Upon hearing that it was Vincent on the other end of the line, Gareth's furrowed brows eased, and the restlessness and anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

Gareth was taken aback by this sudden shift in his emotions.

Meanwhile, Elisa had made her way to the terrace and leaned against the railing, a playful smile gracing her lips. She quipped, "Wooing Rachel can be both simple and difficult, but the key is to understand and cater to her preferences."

It never occurred to her that Vincent would call her for advice.

Elisa was willing to share all her knowledge about Rachel and help Vincent in navigating their complex situation. However, the decision on how much Vincent would compromise for Rachel ultimately rested with him.

Their situation was intricately tangled, and Elisa was unsure of Vincent's desires for a future with Rachel.

In fact, Rachel also had feelings for Vincent. And Elisa's role was limited to offering words and suggestions. Whether their paths were meant to cross if Vincent genuinely sought redemption and if Rachel was willing to forgive him... Only time could tell. Elisa could only observe from the sidelines.

Vincent, on the other hand, was in a dilemma. "How do I cater to her preferences?"

"Find out what she likes and enjoys doing, and ask her out. She's straightforward, so it's better to be direct with her," Elisa said, smiling.

"I... I've asked her out many times, but she just refuses!" Vincent felt somewhat frustrated.

Frustrated with the constant bickering and stagnation in his friendship with Rachel, he wondered if confessing his feelings would push her further away.

Vincent felt a sense of turmoil as he recalled a friend's similar experience, where the relationship soured to losing their friendship altogether.

In distress, Vincent finally swallowed his pride and consulted with Elisa.

Elisa replied, "Sorry, I can't help you right now. I've got some stuff to sort out here, and it looks like I won't be able to wrap it up for another four or five days."

Vincent was a bit surprised by the timeframe. "Really? I thought it would only take two or three days. Why's it taking so long?"

Showing her frustration, Elisa shrugged and said, "I wish I could speed things up, but Gareth's dealing with some unexpected problems. If you need my help, you'll have to wait until I'm back."

"So, what's his deal?" Vincent asked nonchalantly, but Elisa could detect the underlying concern between close friends.

Elisa didn't elaborate much, stating simply, "Don't worry, he's not in any danger."

"Tsk," Vincent sneered, "that lucky b*stard always manages to escape unscathed. It wouldn't hurt for him to stumble a bit more along the way."

"I... I've asked her out many times, but she just refuses!" Vincent felt somewhat frustrated.

Elisa raised an eyebrow in response, choosing to remain silent.

After a moment of silence, Vincent's voice came through.

"Alright, then I'll wait for your return." Vincent still believed that having Elisa's help would be more reliable.


Afterward, Elisa ended the call.

Upon entering the living room, Elisa noticed Gareth still seated on the sofa, engrossed in his phone, evidently preoccupied with company matters.

Respecting his concentration, Elisa refrained from disturbing him and quietly retreated to her room.

Meanwhile, Thomas took the opportunity to update Gareth on the progress of the assigned tasks. "That guy Eden is making preparations for tonight's barbecue. We've reached out to others for further investigation, and the information gathered by Ms. Benett aligns with our findings. Now, as for that woman... the casino's surveillance footage only captured her fleeing the private room, and conveniently enough, the casino claims that all their cameras malfunctioned."

"We've made every effort to communicate with the casino, but they consider that woman inconsequential and not worth investing a fortune to rectify the camera issue."


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