Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1416 What Is Her Background

Chapter 1416 What Is Her Background

Chapter 1416 What Is Her Background

Of all these people, Terry had not only treated Elisa with reverence and respect but had changed the way he addressed Gareth.

Due to Ethan vomiting blood, Elisa checked him and informed the rest of Terry's men of his diagnosis, causing them to panic.

All they wanted was to survive. They thought they could stave off the effects of the poison by fighting poison with poison.

Elisa felt uncomfortable seeing them begging for her help.

She was not a heartless person.

Then, she explained her stance, "Since I promised you before this, I will fulfill it. Furthermore, you saved me and Gareth. So, don't worry. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here!"

She glanced at Gareth after saying that.

The two did not say anything but focused on brewing the medicine.

Unbeknownst to them, a group of people came to their door.

However, they were restrained before they could even put explosives on the door.

The leader of this group recognized the man directing others to control them. He was Mr. North, the manager of KKCD Casino.

The group that attempted to break in was filled with fear.

On the other hand, Mr. North seemed relaxed with a hand in his pocket while holding a cigarette in his right hand. He took a drag and said mockingly, "Return to your master and tell him that Elisa is under our protection. We will protect her as long as she is in Moranta!"

The group consisted only of lowly lackeys acting under Mr. Carrerra's instruction. Since the casino sent someone as prominent as Mr. North to inform them that Elisa was under their protection, the group did not dare to disobey.

They feared causing a dispute between Mr. Carrerra and the casino. Thus, they had no choice but to retreat.

When they informed Mr. Carrerra about what had happened, his gaze darkened, and his expression turned cold.

His eyes gleamed with danger and ruthlessness, reminding one of a ferocious beast.

What is her background?

The prince from Estoccia approached her a few times. Now, even KKCD Casino is protecting her.

Suddenly, Mr. Carrerra felt immensely curious about her.

Meanwhile, the corridor before Elisa's suite was now empty.

Mr. North had led his men into the elevator and arrived at the underground car park.

Everyone entered the car, but the car remained still. It seemed the car would not be moving anytime soon.

Mr. North ended a call and ordered his subordinates to hide in various corners of the hotel. He also instructed them to watch the area around Elisa's suite.

Henry was confused by the arrangement and looked at Mr. North. "Mr. North, what is Elisa's relationship with our boss?"

He did not hear the answer he sought but received a hard slap to his head.

As he was confused, Mr. North scolded furiously, "Why are you such a busybody?"

In actuality, Mr. North was also curious about why his boss asked him to investigate Elisa. Furthermore, they had not discovered anything unique about Elisa's background, yet his boss organized a special gathering.

His boss even instructed him to protect Elisa.

Mr. North looked at Henry coldly. "Who are you to guess our boss' intentions?"

Henry touched his head and appeared bewildered and helpless. He said unhappily. "Mr. North, are you sure you don't find it suspicious? Elisa met with our boss the first time she entered the casino.

Moreover, no one could leave the casino after winning as much money as she did. Yet, she was the first exception. She also did a few other things in the casino that would have gotten others killed if they had done them. Strangely, our boss did not blame her and assigned us to protect her. They don't make sense unless… there is some kind of relationship between them."


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