Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1695 How Could I Let Her Have Her Way!

Chapter 1695 How Could I Let Her Have Her Way!

Chapter 1695 How Could I Let Her Have Her Way!

Rachel struck Vincent's chest. "You bastard! I was so worried about you! But you stood aside and watched it happen like a show! Stay away from me! I don't want to see you!"

Vincent caught her hand when it landed on his chest. He held on to it before she could retract it. "It was worth it if it meant I got to be with you."

Rachel, "…"

How could he say such things after everything that had happened? Rachel shook her head in fear and denial. "No! You need to leave! You're deranged!"

Rachel gritted her teeth and kicked him as hard as she could.

While Vincent staggered backward, Rachel saw her chance and took off.

"Damned woman! Stop!" Vincent glared at her retreating figure. "Sly thing!"

Without even saying hi to Jeremy, Vincent quickly chased after Rachel.

As for Elisa and Linda…

Knowing Rachel was with Vincent, and he wouldn't let her go that easily, Elisa drove off in the car they came in.

Linda sat across from her in the passenger seat while Elisa drove.

Linda turned to Elisa. Her eyes filled with worry, "Elisa, what's going to happen to your friend?"

Rachel struck Vincent's chest. "You bastard! I was so worried about you! But you stood aside and watched it happen like a show! Stay away from me! I don't want to see you!"

"She'll be fine. Don't worry about it. She and Vincent will come to an agreement." Elisa didn't look like she was going to divulge any more information.

Cold intent flashed through Linda's eyes. She didn't know how to continue the conversation!

Rachel had obviously deceived her into coming to the hospital! Linda was ready to bet her life that Rachel wasn't pregnant at all!

If it weren't for her father's situation, Linda would never have doubted Rachel. She might even believed her. But now!

Rage bubbled in her chest, but she couldn't say a thing.

"I see. As long as everything's okay between the two of them." Linda answered, continuing to assess Elisa. Her eyes devoid of all warmth.

Linda knew it! Rachel had deliberately taunted her earlier because she knew who Linda was!


No wonder Elisa and she were friends! They were both b*tches! novelbin

To Linda's surprise, Elisa found out about her real identity even after Linda had gone to such lengths to hide who she was. But now that she thought about it, it wasn't completely surprising Elisa knew.

Elisa must have known Linda wasn't the type to take her own life when she saw the video. Elisa knew Linda would return with a new identity. It wasn't wholly unexpected if Elisa had been keeping an eye on her all this while.

If that were the case…

Linda needed to tell the boss about this. Otherwise…

Regaining her composure, Linda turned to Elisa. "Where are we going next?"

Elisa smiled breezily at her, "Where would you like to go?"

Linda smiled back, "I'm open to anything. But about the collaboration you mentioned earlier…"

She trailed off as if she didn't know what to say next.

If they were in the past, Linda would have grabbed the opportunity, but now!

She did not care one bit!

There was no way Elisa would help her if she knew who Linda was!

When had she become so good at acting?

Well, we'll see who's the better actress!

She used to be able to fool Elisa so easily, and now, she would make sure Elisa knew nothing!

Elisa slowly turned to Elisa.


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