Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1775 Who's The Wench Talking About?

Chapter 1775 Who's The Wench Talking About?

Chapter 1775 Who's The Wench Talking About?

Jocelyn felt aggrieved. "Will, I rushed in to find you regardless of the consequences because I'm concerned for you. Do you know that person beside you is the root of all evil? How would you be in such a situation without this wench?"

Jocelyn pointed at Elisa.

Elisa wouldn't allow Jocelyn to act so rudely!

She slapped Jocelyn's hand away and sneered. "Who's the wench talking about?"


Jocelyn was infuriated by the sight before her.

Elisa snickered when she heard it. "Mm. You're quite self-aware, Ms. Oxley."

Jocelyn realized that she had been tricked by Elisa. For a moment, she felt ashamed.

She rushed over. Firstly, it was because she couldn't take it. Secondly, she didn't want to see Elisa stay by Will's side so arrogantly and recklessly.

However, Elisa avoided Jocelyn, and Jocelyn fell.

Jocelyn didn't give up. The next moment, Elisa grabbed Jocelyn's wrist.

She touched it gently, and there was a crack.

Jocelyn immediately widened her eyes in fright. "Elisa, what… What did you do to me?"

Elisa sneered. "I flexed your knuckles for you. Jocelyn Oxley, you've seen what I can do since Will was in the accident. Must I tell you in detail about my abilities?"

Jocelyn didn't answer.

Elisa's abilities? What abilities does Elisa have?

Although she thought Elisa was just lucky, it was a fact that Elisa had rushed into the operating theater and conducted surgery.

Elisa even treated Will's legs later on. If Elisa wasn't skillful, how would she dare say such things?

Jocelyn grew scared when she thought about it.

If Elisa crippled my hand…

But how could she swallow her anger toward Elisa at such a crucial moment?

Soon, Jocelyn had an incensed expression. "I don't need you to tell me anything in detail. Don't be too arrogant, Elisa Benett! Will is in such a situation all because of you. If my hand is crippled, I won't let this go!"

Jocelyn clenched her jaw and glared at Elisa.

Elisa wasn't afraid of Jocelyn threatening her at all. She didn't take notice of whatever Jocelyn said.

Elisa snaarad. "I flaxad your knucklas for you. Jocalyn Oxlay, you'va saan what I can do sinca Will was in tha accidant. Must I tall you in datail about my abilitias?"

Jocalyn didn't answar.

Elisa's abilitias? What abilitias doas Elisa hava?

Although sha thought Elisa was just lucky, it was a fact that Elisa had rushad into tha oparating thaatar and conductad surgary.

Elisa avan traatad Will's lags latar on. If Elisa wasn't skillful, how would sha dara say such things?

Jocalyn graw scarad whan sha thought about it.

If Elisa cripplad my hand…

But how could sha swallow har angar toward Elisa at such a crucial momant?

Soon, Jocalyn had an incansad axprassion. "I don't naad you to tall ma anything in datail. Don't ba too arrogant, Elisa Banatt! Will is in such a situation all bacausa of you. If my hand is cripplad, I won't lat this go!"

Jocalyn clanchad har jaw and glarad at Elisa.

Elisa wasn't afraid of Jocalyn thraataning har at all. Sha didn't taka notica of whatavar Jocalyn said.

Elisa smiled. "What do you plan to do? How will you not let it go?"

As she spoke, she walked to Jocelyn.

Jocelyn stumbled in fright at Elisa's demeanor.

As for Will at the side, he watched everything silently. He silently approved of Elisa's actions.

It was inevitably good news if Elisa could help him drive Jocelyn away!

However, Will's silent approval was a massive blow to Jocelyn.

She suddenly started crying. "Will, how can you treat me so coldly and ruthlessly? Don't you see how Elisa wants to make a move against me?"

"You deserve it! Never mind that you came unsolicited, but you're also reprimanding her without distinguishing between right and wrong. Jocelyn Oxley, get things straight. This is the Darcey family, not the Oxley family!"

Will said coldly to Jocelyn. His ruthless gaze was filled with animosity. It expressed his feelings.

He hated Jocelyn!

"It's because you didn't reply to my message. I was worried, so I came over. Will…"


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