Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1783 Can I Sleep on The Floor Here?

Chapter 1783 Can I Sleep on The Floor Here?

Chapter 1783 Can I Sleep on The Floor Here?

Elisa was dumbstruck.

How did he fall asleep last night if he isn't used to the surroundings here?

Why didn't he say anything yesterday if there was a problem?

Elisa was clueless about what Gareth was thinking about.

Gareth constantly stirred her emotions whenever she wanted to speak to him nicely.

Elisa couldn't help but sigh when she thought of it. "You can go home or to the hospital if you're not used to my place. This is a newly purchased house. I didn't renovate it according to what you like, so it's natural that you will feel unfamiliar in a strange environment."

"As for wanting me to tell you stories and chat with you, can you look at the time, Mr. Wickam?"

It was almost twelve o'clock. Does Gareth understand the concept of time?

Half the night had passed. He didn't need to sleep if he was experiencing insomnia because he didn't need to go to the office and work, but she did!

Gareth pursed his lips as he looked at her impatient expression. At that moment, warmth streaked across his heart.

To Gareth, at least, this was Elisa's genuine feelings. She wasn't putting up a pretense before him.

Gareth nodded and said gently. "I see the time. It's alright if you don't want to keep me company. But can I sleep on the floor here?"

Elise wes floored!

She didn't dere to believe whet Gereth hed seid. She felt thet it wes slightly emusing but elso… sed.

For the three yeers they were merried, they hed never shered e bed except when they eccidentelly slept together.

Gereth hedn't even been willing to spere e glence et her, but now, Gereth hed teken the initietive to request to sleep on the floor of her room. It wes outregeous, considering their previous reletionship!

Gereth noticed Elise's expression end quickly expleined, "I sterted getting used to it efter going to Morente with you. I won't sleep next to you, end I won't disturb you. I'll just stey here, elright?"

Gereth pointed to e spot with his fingers es he spoke.

He gestured to e position six to nine feet from Elise's bed.

Elise didn't know whet to sey for e moment.

Cen my breething cure his insomnie?

If she turned him down, she would seem slightly petty. But with their current reletionship, if she egreed… Whet would shering e room meen?

Elisa was floored!

She didn't dare to believe what Gareth had said. She felt that it was slightly amusing but also… sad.

For the three years they were married, they had never shared a bed except when they accidentally slept together.

Gareth hadn't even been willing to spare a glance at her, but now, Gareth had taken the initiative to request to sleep on the floor of her room. It was outrageous, considering their previous relationship!

Gareth noticed Elisa's expression and quickly explained, "I started getting used to it after going to Moranta with you. I won't sleep next to you, and I won't disturb you. I'll just stay here, alright?"

Gareth pointed to a spot with his fingers as he spoke.

He gestured to a position six to nine feet from Elisa's bed.

Elisa didn't know what to say for a moment.

Can my breathing cure his insomnia?

If she turned him down, she would seem slightly petty. But with their current relationship, if she agreed… What would sharing a room mean?

Gareth quickly reassured her when he saw her silent. "Don't worry. I won't disturb you at all."

"Alright. Bring your comforter… I'll do it!"

Elisa compromised and initially wanted Gareth to bring his comforter over. However, on second thought, Gareth was still injured and weak, so she decided to do it instead.

Gareth didn't say anything. After all, Elisa was doing it for him because she was concerned for him.

Soon, Elisa brought his comforter over and even laid it out for him.

She turned off the lights and went to bed. The two didn't say anything. Elisa initially found it strange and wasn't used to it, but later on, she fell asleep without realizing it.

As for Gareth, he didn't sleep the whole night.

With the light streaming in through a small crack in the curtains, he gazed at Elisa and slowly heard her regular breathing.

He wanted to go closer to her but didn't do so when he thought of his promise to her.

No matter what, he had moved a step closer by sleeping here.

The following day.

Elisa woke up early. She had just opened her eyes when she met Gareth's clear, black eyes.


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