Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 501

Chapter 501

Chapter 501

Chapter 501

He uttered lowly, "Get at Will Darcey"

He didn't want to see him again! Thomas halted his footsteps and assented.

Jeremy didn't say anything but just smiled.

Both of them left one after another.

Soon, only Gareth and Elisa were left in the ward.

The Elisa from the past would have treated him scornfully or tried to steer clear of him.

Gareth thought she looked much more approachable in a coma than when she was conscious.

He was grateful that the accident didn't mar her delicate face.

Gareth caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers.Her impeccable soft skin dazzled him.

He can't help but linger his fingers on her skin.

But in the next second, Gareth realized his intention and instantly retracted his hand.He scowled and stared at the woman on the bed.

This woman, Elisa Benett, was his ex-wife! He bared his teeth and shushed.

Nobody could possibly understand his thought.

At this moment, inwardly, rage flowed through him like lava.

At Benett Residence.

Anxiety terrorized Linda.

She couldn't help but pace back and forth in the living room.She frantically rushed up to Rose when the latter came home, "How did it go?"

Rose looked pensive and puckered her forehead, "Let's talk in the room"

Rose's vague response had Linda's brows pulled together in a knot while she chewed her lower lip.

She followed Rose into the room.

Before Rose could speak, she quizzed anxiously, "What's going on?"

She was chagrined to see Rose look somber.

Rose grimaced and lamented through her clenched teeth, "She got lucky!"

"What do you mean?!"

Linda could already sense a bad omen from her mother's glum expression.

She would be a fool if she couldn't make head or tail of her frustration that their plan had failed.

Rose winced in contempt, "She only had a broken rib after plunging down the cliff in her car."

With her eyes bulging, Linda exclaimed, "How is that possible!"

How can she just break a rib after crashing down the cliffina moving car! It's ridiculous! Rose's lips drew back in a snarl, "She was lucky that there happened to be passersby along the road to call the police and help her.The drivers we hired fled the scene immediately after that"

Linda thumped the armrest of the sofa and bellowed, "Cowards!"

She couldn't believe Elisa was able to cheat death in a ghastly cliff crash! Rose seethed, "She was then sent to the hospital, and the police are looking into the matter now"

Linda was shaken up by Rose's statement, "Can we trust the drivers? Have you made the necessary arrangements?"

"Don't worry.We'll be fine."

Rose asserted.

Linda breathed a sigh of relief and groaned, "Then what should I do next? She only broke a rib; she'll recover in no time.After that, she can resume the project.What should we do then?"

Rose winced, "We've done it once, so it'll be difficult to do it again."

Linda cussed, "F*ck Elisa Benett! Is she a cat with nine lives?!"

Initially, they thought that injuring Elisa would buy them some time.

But after thinking twice, they decided to do away with Elisa to avoid unnecessary drawbacks.

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