Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

"These two days? You're just saying it to appease me, but you're lying."

Grandma's voice sounded very frustrated and upset.

Elisa immediately said in exasperation, "How can that be, Grandma? I'm not lying to you!"

"Are you free tonight? Do you want to have dinner with me? No one is around. It'll just be two of us."

Old Madam Wickam'’s voice sounded particularly feeble, as if afraid that Elisa wouldn't agree.

If they were talking in person, Elisa was afraid that she would have to see Old Madam Wickam’ss restless manner.

It was evident that Elisa didn't want to see Grandma like that.She could only smile and say, "Alright.I will come over tonight."

"Really? Are you lying to me, girl?" Elisa chuckled.

"When have I ever lied to you, Grandma?"

If no one else was around, she would be happy to go over to chat and eat with Grandma.She hadn't wanted to go over previously because not everyone in the Wickam family liked her.

"That's great!"

Julia was overjoyed in an instant.

She said at once, "I won't be out in the afternoon, and no one else is home.Come over whenever.I'll be waiting for you at home, my good girl."

Elisa couldn't help but laugh lightly.


The two of them talked for a while more before they hung up.

Rachel looked at Elisa.

"Are you going over tonight?"

"Mm.After we shop for a while more, I'll go over and spend time with her.She's quite bored at home" Elisa said seriously.

Rachel couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Large families, especially those of the same age as Grandma, would usually bully and look down on women.I never thought that Old Madam Wickam would be so gentle and have such high regard for you.You're like her actual granddaughter."

Elisa couldn't restrain her smile.

"Yes.I never imagined that this would be the case.I used to think that Grandma treated me very well and loved me a lot.When I had my divorce, I wondered if she would be disappointed in me.I never thought that she would be afraid of others holding me in contempt after the divorce, so she intentionally announced publicly that I was her granddaughter at her birthday party.I was very surprised by it."

Rachel chuckled.

"Yes.I was stupefied.It's just that...with Old Madam Wickam''s status, things are difficult at times.You don't want to disappoint or upset her, but you don't want to deal with those from the Wickam family too much.It's not easy..."

Elisa's lips twitched.

"Sometimes, I have no other way."

After they finished their food and shopped until around two in the afternoon, she parted ways with Rachel.

At three, she arrived at Wickam Manor.

According to Elisa's assumption, Grandma had been awake for half an hour.

Old Madam Wickam was suddenly astonished when she saw Elisa's figure.

She never imagined that the girl would come over so early.

The next moment, she grabbed Elisa's hand happily.

"Good girl.You came so early to see me.I believe you!"

Elisa was unexpectedly unable to restrain her smile.

"From what you're saying, you didn't believe me, did you?"

"Isn't it understandable? You haven't come to visit me for a long time, girl!"

Old Madam Wickam said accusingly, but she didn't let go of Elisa's hand.Elisa didn't know whether to laugh or to cry as she and Old Madam Wickam sat on the couch.

"Next time, I'll come and see you when I have the chance to."

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