Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 966

Chapter 966

Chapter 966

Chapter 966 Gareth is Upset

Carle's heart skipped a beat, and he promptly agreed, "Okay, I'll stay."

Elisa's gaze shifted. She refused, "I'll find good bodyguards. You all don't have to..."

Rachel interrupted, "You're all talk and no show. It's settled! The three of us will stay upstairs while Carle guards below. To thank us, you can prepare some delectable meals for us over the following three days!" It was evident that Rachel was already beginning to see her coming days filled with food as she spoke. Her face reflected hunger.

Sheena struggled to hold back a chuckle. Sheena argued, "Where will Elisa find the time to prepare meals for you when she works every day?"

Rachel countered, "Hah… one meal a day is fine!"

The three of them had an unyielding stance. It seemed they had made up their mind and weren't leaving. Elisa had no choice. However, her feelings of gratitude grew stronger for her friends.

Carle was efficient and recruited five bodyguards—three men and two women. The two women were there to make things more convenient for Elisa, while the three men were positioned to guard outside.

Internally, Elisa was grateful for them. She ultimately did not refuse.

Elisa acknowledged the risk and gratefully appreciated their charity.

After dinner and a joint clean-up that evening, they talked briefly before retiring to their bedrooms.

They spent the next few days together.

News of their arrangement reached the ears of two CEOs.

At Wickam Group.

Gareth was in his office. Thomas stood in front of him, feeling a bit awkward. Thomas rubbed his nose.

The office's cool air turned frigid. The temperature gradually lowered.

Thomas huffed at the uncomfortable tension. He informed, "Despite their renewed friendship, there is no longer any attraction between Carle and Elisa. Also, they are all concerned about Elisa because she will likely encounter some danger. In addition, Carle hired five bodyguards to accompany Elisa at all times because he worries that something unexpected will happen to her."

After a pause, Thomas added, "Elisa is preparing to sue."

Gareth remained silent and maintained a stern expression. Thomas could sense the CEO's displeasure from his body language.

Gareth wouldn't have cared if it had been just Rachel and Sheena, but Carle was in Elisa's house too.

Gareth decided to make a substantial collaboration with relatively high stakes. "Go contact the Benett family. Tell them about the recently authorized project and have Elisa talk to me about it one-on-one," ordered Gareth.

Thomas gave Gareth a surprised expression.

Gareth should have collaborated with Tabor Group but contacted Benett Corporation instead. He couldn't let Elisa go. The underlying motive for that decision was to get closer to Elisa.

Thomas responded, "Alright."

As Thomas realized Gareth had no further instructions, he left the room to contact Elisa.

According to protocol, they had to locate Benett Group's department head responsible for reporting their progress. However, Thomas knew what Gareth wanted, so he called her himself. He had to contact Elisa since he didn't like putting it off too long. novelbin

Elisa answered the phone quickly. She calmly greeted, "Mr. May?"

"Hello, Ms. Elisa," said Thomas. "Mr. Wickam has a project he wants to discuss with you. Are you available to hear the proposal?"


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