Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

No Chance Of Remarriage

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 1021

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 1021

Chapter 10211 Have Evidence

Linda had never gasped this intensely before. She even held onto her breath to avoid

missing out on her mother’s words.

Rose held a mic so everyone could hear what she was saying.

“Firstly, my brother-in-law always had poor health, which can be verified through the

hospital’s medical records. I prepared one copy, especially for today. Please take a


After revealing this, Rose opened her bag and took out a pile of medical records to

show everyone in the courtroom.

The judicial assistant came over to receive the medical records and handed them to

the judge.

As the judge looked through the medical records, Rose said, “His health was declining

as the days passed, and he didn’t have much time to live. He was in unbearable pain

daily, so he asked us to help him end this suffering. That was the reason I started to

tamper with the dishes. Everything happened within his awareness.”

Elisa’s face darkened, but she knew it wasn’t the time to interrupt.

The revelation took everyone aback while Rose continued to speak. “We used this

medication because he would not feel the pain after taking it. I tried to advise him that

this medication would have detrimental side effects. Still, he insisted that living a

normal life without pain was better than suffering in agony and troubling others. I can

present the evidence.”

As she was speaking, Rose took out a recorder.

Linda’s eyes gleamed with hope. Even though she knew her mother had to be

imprisoned one way or another, the evidence meant she would be free from the death

sentence. A reduced sentence was also a good thing!

Soon after, Rose played the recording in front of everyone.

“Nelson, at this rate, your body will not be able to handle it…” Rose’s voice was filled

with concern. She stayed quiet for a while before she continued to speak.

“If Elisa knows about your condition, she will be heartbroken. You have to get through

this no matter what.”

Nelson smiled, “Rose, I know you are concerned for me, but you can’t let Elisa know

about this now. Wait until I pass on, then you can share the truth with her. This way,

she won’t dwell in sadness for too long.”

Elisa’s whole body trembled, and her eyes looked confused as she sat at the plaintiff’s


She knew this recording must have been real, but she was sure that Rose had

purposely trimmed the recording and only presented ambiguous parts of the

conversation that aligned with what she had shared.

My dad isn’t the type to escape the pain by taking his own life!He gave his final

message in the recording because he knew he did not have much time left!

Elisa felt her chest tighten but tried to stay composed and control her emotions.

The recording was still playing when Rose started speaking with her hypocritical tone,

“But Elisa…”

“Rose, I understand you and my brother are sad to let me go, but I’m doing

comparatively well as I no longer suffer in pain. I only have one final request. Please

help me care for Elisa so she still has a family to rely on.”

“I will, but your health…” Rose sighed. “Ah, I can only fulfill your wishes. I will care for

Elisa like she is my daughter.” “Thank you, Rose. Thank you.” Nelson was genuinely

grateful, but Elisa felt sorrow as she listened to the recording.novelbin


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