Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

No Chance Of Remarriage

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 1023

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 1023

Chapter 1023 Where Did the Money Come From?!

She didn’t finish her sentence, but Charli understood what she wanted to say.

Norman just spent three hundred thousand to have Elisa break into Benett

Corporation’s classified system. They had never donated a single cent!

But now!

Where did the money come from?

Rachel was in disbelief at the current situation.

Rose took a deep breath before voicing out again, “That’s all I want to say.”

After she spoke, the courtroom went silent.

The judge looked through the materials while everyone waited for the final decision.

The judge spoke with a deep tone, “Based on the newest claims made by Mrs.

Benett, it is necessary to go through further investigations. As for the distribution of

shares, the court decided that all shares held by Mr. Norman Benett are to be returned

to Ms. Iris Benett. Moreover, all profits in the past few years shall be returned at once,

totaling up to 250 thousand, and a total share of 40%.”

Norman’s face turned pale as he sat at the defendant’s table. Despite everything, it

was a great relief that he was free from the death sentence.

He didn’t say a single word and took a deep breath.

“F*ck!” Rachel could not resist her outrage. She turned around and looked at Rose

with her eyes infuriated with anger. “This woman has so many petty tricks up her

sleeves!!! I cannot stand this anymore! It’s unbelievable how she could play such a

hypocritical act based on morality and get away from the death sentence!!”

Charli hurriedly held on to Rachel. “Please calm yourself down.”

Sheena was sitting behind her as she whispered, “Rachel, don’t cause trouble for

Elisa here.”

Carle didn’t say anything, but his eyes stared in agreement.

Carle and Sheena were sitting together. Carle had already told her they should stay

as friends. Despite her interest in Carle, Sheena could only suppress her feelings for

him deeply in her heart. She believed that their current state was already good


Just then, she looked at Rachel, who couldn’t control her emotions, and said, “No

matter what you do, there will be no changes to the verdict. Whether they are

sentenced to death or not will not make any difference. Elisa must have a trump card

to turn everything around, don’t be too worked up now.”

“I understand.” Rachel took a deep breath again and finally calmed down.

Vincent was sitting nearby. He glanced at Rachel and sneered, “Watch your attitude.”

Rachel knew where Vincent sat and coincidentally saw him as she turned around.

Hearing these words from his mouth, she couldn’t help but lose her temper, “Bastard,

who do you think you are!!”

She didn’t dare to speak too loudly as the trial was still ongoing.

Her voice was soft the whole time to avoid disturbing the courtroom.

Vincent turned around as he sneered, ignoring her remarks.

Rachel was furious.

She clenched her teeth but couldn’t let out her anger freely.

Bastard, wait until she gets out of here!!

“Defendant, do you have any objection?”

Norman looked as if he had aged a few years. All his effort to get hold of the shares

had gone to waste when Elisa retaliated. Now it had left him in utter disgrace!

Even with Rose’s rhetoric in the courtroom, they were of no use to him anymore. His

disguise for many years had been thoroughly disclosed to everyone.

Elisa was to be blamed for it all!

Norman’s lawyer didn’t dare to say a word. He just looked at Norman as if he was

waiting for his order.


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