Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

No Chance Of Remarriage

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 663

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Sure enough, Gareth retracted his gaze and looked at the crowd calmly.“The project will start tomorrow. Everyone has to work with Elisa and take her instructions.” “Noted, sir,” some replied, while others nodded.Elisa didn’t make any further comments. Her throat was getting dry from all the talking moments before. Then, Gareth made his way out of the room.“The meeting is over. You may proceed with your work,” Thomas quickly announced.The crowd collected their belongings and left the room.There were different attitudes toward Elisa suddenly becoming one of the company’s directors. Some were neutral, some annoyed – thinking she had nothing to offer, and some indifferent.Meanwhile, she didn’t care what they thought about her.After all, she was bound to encounter challenges in life. She just had to resolve them when the obstacles arose.After returning to her office, she started drafting a new action plan.However, as soon as her hand touched the mouse, her phone rang.“Ms. Benett, I’m Serena Jenkins, Mr. Wickams’s new assistant. He is calling you to his office.”Serena? A new girl?Elisa was surprised to hear that. Gareth usually delegates most of his tasks to Thomas. Perhaps Thomas is busy with other stuff. I’ve never heard of Serena Jenkins, though.“Sure,” she replied.“See you.”She put the phone down and made her way to Gareth’s office. When she arrived at the door, she knocked before saying, “It’s me, Mr. Wickam.”“Come in.”His voice was void of all emotions. As soon as Elisa entered the room, she saw a tall, beautiful woman standing behind him.Something is definitely up with them.They appraised each other simultaneously, but Serena quickly smiled and nodded at Elisa as a greeting.Elisa returned the greeting in a similar fashion before looking at Gareth.“Yes, Mr. Wickam?” she asked, standing in front of him.Behind him, Serena placed a document in front of him. “Your sign is needed here, Mr. Wickam.”Gareth perused the document quickly and signed.Serena took back the document and asked, “Is there anything else, Mr. Wickam?”“You may leave,” he instructed coolly.“Alright.”She flashed another smile at Elisa before walking out of the room.Elisa’s lips twitched into a smile, but she remained still at the same spot.“Sit.” Gareth lifted his gaze to look at her.Elisa flopped into the seat ungraciously.“Next to me.” He frowned.When she saw him inserting a pen drive into his laptop, she understood his intentions and shifted her chair to sit

beside him.The atmosphere in the office was relatively peaceful, though they were once married, and he used to hate her.When they divorced, they were constantly at odds with each other.Yet, at that moment, they could sit next to each other peacefully and work together.

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