Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 297 Burning Whip Of Justice!

Chapter 297 Burning Whip Of Justice!

Blink. Blink.

Everyone was short for words.

How did this happen?

How did the flowers multiply?

"Kid, forget about the petal-slicing thing!!!"

Someone in the audience couldn't go blurting out.

And the 29-year-old Chan-ki inwardly cursed at himself for letting things get this bad.

That's right. With every petal he sliced off, 2 more grew out in place.

But that wasn't all.

If he sliced too many petals off the same flower, the entire flower stalk would split into two like cell division.

And once separated, each stalk would grow back to its full diameter.

What was scarier was that the newly grown petals could stretch out longer rangers than their original counterparts.

Their spokes were also longer, and their bodies redder in color.

Chan-ki was dumbfounded. 'I got a little bit excited, didn't I?'

[Audience]: You think?!!

No time to waste.

Jump here, roll there... Chan-ki's feet never stopped as he moved through the now tighter jungle.

'The Grandmaster had only said to kill the mother but didn't explain the strangeness of these flowers.'

It was probably to let him learn and survive on his own. After all, Dorian couldn't keep spoon-feeding them every time.

The lessons one learned the fastest were those experienced and tackled by themselves.

Only when necessary would Dorian aid them.

How can future teachers in the academy be useless?

They had to toughen themselves and prove their worth, not just for the Academy's sake but also for their reputation and prestige.

Who would have it be their disciples if they didn't grow strong?

Chan-ki thinned his lips. 'If they multiply when sliced off, I just need to apply the perfect force to injure them, making sure not to sever their petals from the flowers.'


A nearby petal snapped back like a child whose hands had been slapped away from a cookie box by their parents.

So hateful.

If they had eyes, the petals would've looked at Chan-ki spitefully.

​ 'This is taking too long. I have to get to The Mother fast... But how can I do this?'

'Chan-ki's face was a little lost until it soon regained vigor from a sudden thought.

'Hold on! Didn't I just master the first step of the Sonic Spin? Though my mastery isn't strong and very lacking, these creatures aren't too strong either. So it should be enough to get me by... But first, I'll need a lift.'



The flowers relentlessly moaned, not slowing their attacks on this human.

But before they could react, the human boosted his speed, smacked on several of their stems, and jumped high above their already towering structures.

Chan-ki kept his legs closed and held his golden whip with both hands.

"Sonic Spin!!!!!"

Chan-ki began spinning so fast that the audience could only see a small golden tornado appear.

Many teens and children held one another, shocking themselves crazily.

"Do you see that? Do you see that??!!!"

"Awesome! You can also play like this?"

"Ahhh~~~... Why did my phone battery die down? Just look at the blockbuster movie I could've recorded?"

"Dead battery? Bro, I think you're lucky. Almost everyone's phone was broken and arranged when we got carried here. That is, some people even lost their phones on the way."

"F***! From today, I declare this guy as my brother."

"Screw you! Who do you think you are to be his brother? Aren't you just claiming relationships at this point? Of course, as someone with potential, I'm the only one worthy of being his brother."


"10 on 10!!"

Pah. Pah. Pah~josei

The petals were slapped away whenever they tried to touch the golden tornado.

And just as Chan-ki intended, their petals didn't get sliced off but got injured fatally.

"Sonic Spin!"

Chan-ki once again performed the same move after landing a good distance ahead.

He performed the Sonic spin a few more times before reaching the pile of human bones.

But if one thought the lines were the eeriest things here, they would be in for a wild surprise.


"The Mother," Chan-ki murmured underneath his breath.

Its petals were all lined with human bones, and its stalk was also made of a collection of bones.

But this wasn't all.

Since breaking past his mortal shell and taking in the heavenly oath, Chan-ki's were far different from everyone else's.

He squinted his eyes at the tiny hole on the money stalk, only seeing several pale bluish-white figures swimming inside.

This... These were human souls!!!

They were most likely those whose bones were scattered here.

In one day, these beings had managed to do so much destruction?

Chan-ki shuddered, thinking of what would have happened if they had come a day later or even 5.

Looking at the figures swimming in the bony stem, their souls were changing.

The stem was acting like a pot, cooking the souls for the benefit of these creatures, making them easier to devour.


Chan-ki's ears rang, listening to the souls crying from within.

'How despicable!' Chan-ki was furious. 'Don't worry; I'll free you all.'


With resolve, Chan-ki stared at the vicious bony plant.

"Whip of Justice!"

Chan-ki's whip flew to the flower's bony stalk. But just when it was about to hit its mark, the stalk suddenly grew 10 bony claws: 5 on each side.

It looked like a spinal cord with ribs sticking out from the sides.

Its appearance was truly eye-boggling.

And unlike the other flowers, this one had eyes and a toothy mouth!

As expected of the Mother.


The flower blocked the attack, letting the while wrap around its bony claws rather than its stalk.


Its eyes turned upwards in glee, as though gloating victoriously.

However, it was too early to say whether Chan-ki had lost.

"Burning Whip!!"


The flower screamed in agony, feeling the overflow of heavenly energy shatter the claw that held his whip.

It hurts! It hurts!!

Amidst the Mother's evident pain, Chan-ki retracted his whip with an expressionless face.

"You underestimate me too much. But don't worry, I'll end things fast."

"Sonic Spin!!"

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