House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 – Yang Yi’s Monkey Play

Mo Fei’s personality was just this stubborn that even ten oxen couldn’t pull back what she believed.

Having no choice, Mo Xiaojuan could only helplessly watch as Mo Fei sat in front of her computer, then clicked on the email to reply, and typed on the keyboard.

Mo Fei told Mu Li’ang in the email that although she was grateful for the song he had written for her, she was sorry that she could not accept it, “because I already have someone I like” and did not want to give him the wrong impression and delay his time!

“Sister, you can’t write like that, it’s too straightforward!” Mo Xiaojuan shouted to stop Mo Fei’s hand that was about to hit the send button.

Mo Fei looked at Mo Xiaojuan in bewilderment and asked, “What’s wrong with it?”

“You can’t tell him you have someone you like!” Mo Xiaojuan said with a headache, “What if he becomes angry and reveals this letter to the media?”

Mo Fei frowned. If she had just made his debut, Mo Fei would have said, “Impossible, how can people be so despicable?”. But now Mo Fei knew the wickedness of human nature.

“How do you think it should be written?” Mo Fei gave up her seat and left the professional work to the professional.

“For personal reasons, I can’t blablabla…” Mo Xiaojuan skillfully revised it. Not only this sentence, but she also revised the whole email. The words were more appropriate, and the tone was more tactful. Of course, the meaning was the same.

Mo Xiaojuan finally looked at Mo Fei and asked, “Elder sister, do you really want to send it? You have to think clearly! After sending it, we may have to say goodbye to these good songs! And your new album is going to fail!”

“Send!”, Mo Fei said firmly and unwavering.

All right, Mo Xiaojuan clicked the send button. Watching the email sent out, Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief and felt that some of the things she had been carrying had been put down.

However, after returning to the sofa and sitting down, Mo Fei looked at the music scores that lay scattered on the coffee table. She collected them, folded them carefully, and put them in a folder.

Maybe she would use it to practice in the future, but these songs no longer belong to her… There was a trace of sadness in Mo Fei’s elegant eyes.

“Reluctant to give it up?” Mo Xiaojuan went up, massaged her cousin’s shoulder and said with a smile, “You were so firm just now!”

Mo Fei rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, “What can’t give up? Am I the kind of person who can’t let go? Hurry up and book me a flight back the day after tomorrow!”

In the afternoon, Mo Fei was going to Beijing to participate in a two-day variety show recording. But according to Mo Fei’s own assumptions, after returning from this business trip, she will take half a month leave to spend time with her daughter.

Although Niu Meiling has become more and more snobbish in recent years, she has no intention of breaking off with Mo Fei. She temperately approved Mo Fei’s long holiday. It should be known, some newcomers in the company, or the trainees in the practice room, don’t receive such good treatment at all! There was no such thing as a holiday.

After Mo Fei talked to Mo Xiaojuan, she felt relieved. She looked back at the computer that had just sent an e-mail and thought to herself, “Maybe this is for the best! Don’t think about taking shortcuts. What is yours is yours and what is not yours, Mo Fei, you can’t take it!” josei


Yang Yi, who started all this, didn’t know about it. After he sent the email, he threw the computer aside. Just like when Qiang Zi couldn’t reach Yang Yi on the phone, this guy would log on to SNS or his email only if he had a need.

When would Yang Yi see Mo Fei’s email? This was still unknown. Presently, Yang Yi was teasing her daughter in the coffee shop.

“In other words, Wukong, who wanted a good weapon, arrived at the East Sea Dragon Palace. Does Xixi know the sea?” Yang Yi gesticulated, “it’s very big, it’s blue, and it’s full of water!”

After listening to a story of Journey to the West yesterday, the little girl was fascinated by the monkey that jumped out of the stone. She pestered her father all day to continue telling the story of the monkey, not even watching her favorite cartoon.

It was okay. Near noon, there were no customer in the coffee shop, so Yang Yi told his daughter another segment of the story.

“I’ve seen the sea! It’s so big!” Xixi raised her small hand and said earnestly, “To go back to grandma’s house, it will take a long, long flight! Then below the sea, Mama said there are big fish in it!”

“Yes, Sun WuKong just ran into the sea and asked the Dragon King for a good weapon!” Yang Yi said.

But Xixi was very puzzled. She asked: “Why can he go to the sea? Mama said that the sea is scary! Xixi can’t go to the sea to play.”

“Of course Xixi can’t go to the sea to play, because Xixi hasn’t learned to swim yet, but Sun WuKong can!” Yang Yi explained with a smile.

“Oh! Learn to swim!” Xixi nodded, seeming to understand.

After a while, Yang Yi finally said that after Sun WuKong made trouble in the East Sea Dragon Palace, he obtained the most precious treasure of the Dragon Palace, the Sea Calming Magic Needle!

“It’s a very big and thick stick, but Sun WuKong can make it smaller, just as big as the stick in Papa’s hand!” Yang Yi said as he got up and dismantled the mop, leaving the handle in his hand.

Xixi ran over cheerfully and asked her father to play for her. Of course, Xixi could hold it with both hands, but she couldn’t wield the long handle. After all, she was still too small.

“This Golden Cudgel weighs 13,500 jin! Even if it gets smaller, the weight hasn’t changed! It’s almost as heavy as two or three of Papa’s cars!” Yang Yi said, “but Sun WuKong weighed it in his hands and wield it wildly.”

At first, Xixi was still thinking about the weight of two or three cars, but soon, the little girl’s attention was completely attracted by her father’s performance.

She saw Yang Yi held the mop stick in hand and took a pose of “looking at the moon”[1] in tiptoes. Then he stepped back as he slammed the rod to the ground with his right hand, hooked his foot high up in the air like he was stopping a soccer ball, perfectly balancing it in the air!

Immediately, the tips of Yang Yi’s toes jolted, and the stick bounced into the air. He turned sideways and held the middle part of the stick with his left hand. And with just the movement of his fingers and wrists, the stick spun like a windmill.

“WuuWuuWuu!” The hollow stick created afterimages, and also made roaring wind sounds!

“Wow!” Xixi exclaimed again and again. She watched with wide eyes without blinking. Her two small hands were raised in the air, as if she also had a stick in her hands, unconsciously also twisting.

Of course, Yang Yi has never learned monkey play[2] before, but he has always been a big fan of Liu Xiao Ling Tong, so he has watched a lot of videos of his performances. With his skills, it was naturally impossible to be as vivid as Liu Xiao Ling Tong, but it was no problem to imitate it and fool his daughter a little bit.

“in this way, Sun WuKong got the weapon he wanted, and the Dragon King, Shrimp soldiers and Crab generals[3] of East Sea Dragon Palace happily sent the troublemaker away!” Yang Yi wielded the “Golden Cudgel” for a while and then stopped to finish the story.

But at this moment, the little girl could no longer care about listening to the story. Her eyes were full of little stars. She praised admiringly: “Papa is so awesome!”

[1] This is the pose: Here. but he was on tiptoe instead of being on the stick.

[2] Monkey Play/Opera – one of the ancient Chinese performing arts

[3] 虾兵蟹将 – shrimp soldiers and crab generals (in mythology or popular fiction, the army of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea) and it is also a Chinese idiom which mean useless troops.

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