House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228 – Xixi’s Little Red Riding Hood

On Monday, Xixi happily carried her doll to kindergarten. Every child brought their own doll with them.

However, not all of them were accompanied by their parents to do it together.

Lan Xin was very pitiful. She pouted and complained to Xixi, “My dad is away on a business trip, and my mom can’t make dolls well. It was my nanny aunt who helped me make it.”

In fact, according to Teacher Shen’s instructions, the dolls brought by each child were similar, with the only difference being the color of the fabric. The boys’ dolls were mostly blue, white, and brown, while the girls’ were varied. Xixi’s pink one was more popular, and there were also purple, magenta, light green, and off-white ones.

But differentiation still needed to be demonstrated. Teacher Shen selected a few children who did a great job and had good stitching to praise. Don’t think it was all little girls, most of the praised children were little boys!

After all, their dolls were made by their mothers…

Xixi was one of the 22 little girls who were praised, along with Chen Shiyun, whose boxing coach father married a clever and skillful nurse mother.

Xixi’s doll was praised because it had an extra small red hat sewn from a piece of red fabric compared to other children’s dolls. On Sunday, Mo Fei, who was bored, cut a piece of red cloth and added it to Xixi’s doll.

When Teacher Shen praised Xixi, she specifically took out her doll and showed it to all the children. She also “interviewed” the little girl and said, “Xixi, how did you think of adding a little hat here?”

Xixi stood up, her hands intertwined in front of her chest, feeling a bit shy, but she said honestly, “My Mama made it. Mama said Little Red Riding Hood was very brave and smart, and Xixi should be like Little Red Riding Hood too.”

“Hmm? Why is Little Red Riding Hood very brave and smart?” Teacher Shen asked curiously.

“Because Little Red Riding Hood defeated the Big Bad Wolf and saved her grandmother,” Xixi raised her little head and said with a bit of pride, “My Papa told me.” josei

“Wow!” The surrounding circle of children exclaimed in surprise.

“Is the Big Bad Wolf really scary?” Yang Luoqi asked timidly, shrinking her little head.

“I’ve seen a big bad wolf in the zoo, it’s not scary at all, it’s smaller than my dog!” Chen Shiyun shouted.

Lan Xin pouted and said unhappily, “Who said it’s not scary? My dad said if I don’t behave well, the Big Bad Wolf will eat me!”

Teacher Shen didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh1. After the children finished their lively discussion, she whispered to Xixi in a low voice and led her to the center of the group.

She gently clapped her hands and said, “Xixi told teacher that the story of Little Red Riding Hood is very exciting. Shall we let Xixi tell us the story of Little Red Riding Hood?”

It was unknown whether the children were supporting her or just going along with the fun, but they all applauded enthusiastically. Chen Shiyun even challenged Lan Xin to a competition of clapping hands. Everyone else stopped clapping, but the two of them kept clapping.

Teacher Shen smiled and let them have their fun, but after the teacher walked away, Xixi became nervous. This was Xixi’s first time telling a story to others! It was different from telling stories to her parents. Her little friends were staring at her intently, and Xixi felt like she couldn’t find her words.

“This, this story, was told to me by my, my Papa,” Xixi stuttered as she began, but the more she stutters, the more nervous she became.

Fortunately, Teacher Shen came to her rescue. She smiled and said, “It’s okay, Xixi. Take your time. Shall we give Xixi another round of applause and encouragement?”

On the side, Teacher Mu handed Xixi her doll. With her doll in her arms, with support and prop, the little girl was able to continue telling the story, albeit stuttering.

“Papa said that the Grandma gave the little girl a little red hood, and she liked it very much. Later, she was called Little Red Riding Hood,” Xixi said while holding her doll and pointing at the red hat.

“Afterwards, the Grandma got sick, and the mother said, ‘Little Red Riding Hood, you bring this cake to grandma. If grandma eats the cake, she won’t be sick anymore,'” Xixi’s story was missing some details, and her vocabulary was limited. However, in the ears of the other children, it was just as exciting as a grand adventure story, and its brilliance was in no way diminished!

All the children, including Chen Shiyun, listened intently, their eyes glued to Xixi, without even blinking.

From delivering the cake to grandma, to encountering the Big Bad Wolf on the way and having a conversation with him, then to the Big Bad Wolf rushing to grandma’s house, tricking her to open the door, eating grandma, and pretending to be grandma lying in bed…

Indeed, Xixi’s story did lack many details, such as Little Red Riding Hood’s happy experiences on the road, and the psychological activities of the Big Bad Wolf. However, what was remarkable was that Xixi remembered the main plot of the story and told it in a very organized and logical manner.

All the children were nervous at this moment. Lan Xin clenched her little fists and tightly pursed her lips, as if she were Little Red Riding Hood herself, afraid of being eaten by the Big Bad Wolf when she opened the door.

“Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother’s house, and the Big Bad Wolf was on her grandmother’s bed, wanting to eat Little Red Riding Hood.” Xixi still left out many details, but the story was still thrilling. She held her doll tightly, and the atmosphere became tense.

“But Little Red Riding Hood saw it!” Xixi’s face lit up with a happy smile. The little girl became more fluent as she spoke, and her voice became lively as she continued, “She saw the Big Bad Wolf’s hands, with lots of fur, and it had claws too. It was really scary!”

“What, what should we do?” Lan Xin fearfully grabbed Yang Luqi’s hand next to her.

Yang Luoqi was also very scared, and the two little girls huddled together for warmth.

“Little Red Riding Hood is very smart! She told the Big Bad Wolf that she was going to get the cake,” Xixi said.

The plot of the story had changed from the original version. Yang Yi had adapted the story for Xixi, saying that Little Red Riding Hood tricked the Big Bad Wolf into believing that the cake was outside. In reality, although Little Red Riding Hood discovered the wolf, she was still eaten by him, and the hunter came and saved her in the end.

“Then, Little Red Riding Hood went to find the hunter uncle. Hunter uncle helped her defeat the Big Bad Wolf, and rescue Grandma.” Xixi finished telling the story.

“But wasn’t the Grandma eaten?” Nan Zhaoyu listened carefully and raised his little hand to ask.

“Because the Grandma was in the belly of the Big Bad Wolf, the hunter uncle cut open the belly of the Big Bad Wolf, and the Grandma came out!” Xixi made a circle with her hand and gestured.

“Very good, and thank you, Xixi, for telling us the story! Do the children think it’s a good story?” Teacher Shen came up with a smile and patted Xixi’s shoulder.

“Very good!” The group of children nodded excitedly, as if they were also the brave and clever Little Red Riding Hood.

“So, this story tells us…” Teacher Shen continued with profound teachings, but Xixi wasn’t even paying attention.

The little girl was full of joy, and stood proudly, having finished telling a story, and told it in its entirety. The sense of accomplishment she felt was beyond words!

At this moment, Xixi was eagerly looking forward to the end of the school day. She wanted to hurry home and tell her parents about it!

However, it was still early, it wasn’t even noon yet. So, Xixi might have to wait for a long time.

And she didn’t even notice that her other little friends were also eagerly looking at her, including Lan Xin, Yang Luoqi, and Chen Shiyun, just like they were waiting for lunch together as usual.

But this time, it wasn’t because of the delicious food cooked by Xixi’s father, but because of Xixi’s story. The little ones all wanted to finish class quickly so that they could gather around Xixi and ask if she had any other interesting stories!

It seemed that the little girl was going to be the center of her little friends again!

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