House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 – I Want to Sing My Heart to You

TN: The song in this chapter: HERE.(Will open a new tab, so that you can listen to the song while reading)

Yang Yi took the guitar over, then moved a chair to sit in front of the TV, propped up his right leg to support the guitar, facing Mo Fei and the others sitting on the sofa. josei

Xixi, who was next to them, was still working hard to deal with her big cake, her mouth smacking non-stop. However, the little girl’s big eyes looked over curiously at her father.

“Did you really write a song for me?” Seeing Yang Yi getting ready with his guitar, Mo Fei finally reacted with a daze. She couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised in her heart and asked.

“Of course! I want to sing my heart to you.” Seeing the puzzled expression of Mo Fei and the others, Yang Yi smiled. “It’s the name of this song!”

“Yo! ‘I Want to Sing My Heart to You.’ Tsk, tsk!” Mo Xiaojuan nudged Mo Fei with her elbow and winked at her with an ambiguous look.

“Don’t be silly, listen seriously.” Mo Fei was a little embarrassed and scolded her.

Yang Yi smiled slightly and began his performance.

The prelude started off relatively gentle, with the guitar producing a slightly heavy but pleasant sound, gradually unveiling the opening. However, it was only a short section. Yang Yi tapped the fingerboard lightly a few times, and when he plucked the strings again, it was as if he had suddenly switched from walking slowly to sprinting 100 meters, with the rhythm suddenly accelerating…

Mo Fei was a little surprised. She looked at Yang Yi in amazement. It seemed that the songs he had written before had never had such a big change in rhythm!

But Mo Fei still focused and listened carefully, because the melody was still beautiful. It was her first time listening to it. She wanted to carefully understand the emotions expressed by the melody.

There seemed to be some cheerfulness and joy in it?

Yang Yi paused for a moment and began to sing, “I want to sing my heart to you…”

The melody resumed, but it became gentle, not overpowering.

It was the first time Mo Xiaojuan heard Yang Yi sing. As soon as he started, the deep and magnetic tone in his voice made her scalp tingle.

It sounded so good!

In the original song, this opening part was sung by a female voice, but Yang Yi didn’t show off his skills just for the sake of it. He lowered the pitch and changed it to a male voice for the entire melody.

“…While we are young like flowers, let the flowers bloom to their hearts’ content, adorning your years with my branches.” The lyrics indeed matched the mood of a female voice, but Mo Fei didn’t react. She locked eyes with Yang Yi, feeling the love in his eyes.

Intense and fragrant, like a flower.

“Who can replace you? Let’s love passionately while we’re young, my dearest person. The journey is long, let’s be together… ” The lyrics were almost sweet enough to turn into honey.

Mo Xiaojuan, who was listening on the side, was actually a bit distracted. After all, she didn’t have the same passion for music as Mo Fei. As she listened, she suddenly realized that this song seemed to have nothing to do with her…

Then, she glanced at her cousin and saw her and Yang Yi gazing at each other affectionately. She suddenly felt like she shouldn’t be sitting here, next to Mo Fei, like a glaring 10,000-watt light bulb… and the kind that was blinding but still gets ignored.

“I swear, why did I have to open my big mouth and made that suggestion?” Mo Xiaojuan regretted a bit. “Isn’t this like not having enough dog food?”

“I want to sing my heart to you, give me your innocent and pure smile…” Yang Yi suddenly raised the rhythm and his voice, and the joy in his voice seemed to rise like scattered grains.

He suddenly stopped and extended his left hand.

Without rehearsing, Mo Fei understood Yang Yi’s meaning. Her face was filled with happiness as she walked over and held Yang Yi’s hand.

“Let’s do it together.” Yang Yi withdrew his hand, still resting it on the strings, and looked at her encouragingly.

Mo Fei was somewhat surprised, but still nodded.

The melody resumed, and Yang Yi hummed softly, “I want to sing my heart to you.”

“I want to sing my heart to you.” Mo Fei also hummed along, but her talent was extraordinary. She modified the emphasis slightly and sang with a different flavor than Yang Yi, almost like harmonizing with him.

“Can I move you with my passionate emotions? The years are worth remembering, lingering, shy blushing cheeks…” Yang Yi didn’t stop and continued singing, while Mo Fei swayed gently beside him, humming softly along.

“Who can replace you?” Yang Yi sang while lifting his head and looked into Mo Fei’s eyes. Regardless of time, this was the best confession.

The woman also lowered her head, looking at him tenderly, humming and smiling.

Mo Xiaojuan was also watching them, especially Mo Fei. The charming smile on her cousin’s slightly red face seemed like a peony in full bloom.

Mo Xiaojuan understood Mo Fei too well. When has she ever smiled like this before? She was smiling so brightly that it was as if flowers were blooming all around her!1

This was not only happiness but also genuine joy from the heart. The love between them was evident in their eyes and there was no need to hide it!

When mountains and rivers meet their kindred spirits, when the qin and se harmonize, when the phoenix and dragon sing together, perhaps they were referring to Yang Yi and Mo Fei?

“The journey is long, let’s be together… ” When Mo Xiaojuan came back to her senses, she realized that, unknowingly, Yang Yi had already finished singing the song. Although Mo Fei hadn’t learned it yet, she also hummed along until the end.

“It sounds great! So beautiful!” Mo Xiaojuan waved her arms in excitement and applauded, “Brother-in-law, how can you sing so well? I didn’t even know!”

Xixi, who had finished eating her cake at some point, felt that her Aunt Mo Xiaojuan was questioning her father and immediately stood up unhappily, with her bulging little belly, and proudly said, “My Papa has always been amazing! He can also sing ‘Let it go, let it go!'”

Although Yang Yi rarely sang it to Xixi afterward, fearing that she might reveal his secret, she still remembered it clearly.

“What’s that?” Mo Xiaojuan asked in surprised.

“Let it go!” Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi with bright eyes. “Yang Yi, you haven’t sung that song to me yet. According to Xixi, it’s an English song you sing.”

The night when Yang Yi was exposed was too crazy that Mo Fei forgot to ask about this. It was only now that Xixi mentioned it that she remembered.

“Wow, brother-in-law can also sing English songs? Did you write it too?” Mo Xiaojuan was really surprised this time.

“He knows many foreign languages, so it’s not surprising that he knows English,” Mo Fei explained, but she still looked at Yang Yi.

“I wrote it. I was telling Xixi the fairy tale of ‘Frozen’ before and got inspired to write this song. At first it was a Chinese version called ‘Let it be’, but later I felt that the Chinese version didn’t convey the same atmosphere. So, I tried to change it into English lyrics, and that’s why it’s called ‘Let it go.'” Yang Yi said with a slight smile.

“Quick, quick, sing it and let us hear it!” Mo Xiaojuan excitedly clapped her hands. “Let’s listen to the Chinese version first and then the English version.”

“Actually, it would be better if Mo Fei sings this song. Let’s save the Chinese version for another time. I’ll teach Mo Fei to sing it. For now, I’ll sing the English version for you.” Yang Yi gently strummed the guitar.

The familiar melody immediately excited Xixi, and the little girl hurried over to her father’s side.

“Let it go…” Yang Yi sang the opening line, and Xixi immediately followed along. Yang Yi then lowered his voice, allowing the little girl’s pure, immature, and pleasant singing voice to resonate in the living room, while he simply accompanied her.

Of course, Xixi only knew those two lines, but being able to sing these two lines made her extremely happy. The little girl ran over with a smile and snuggled into her mother’s arms.

Only then did Yang Yi raise his volume and continue singing. He didn’t use falsetto, so his voice wasn’t as high-pitched as the original, but Yang Yi’s diction was clear, showcasing his English proficiency to Mo Fei and the others.

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