How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 116 - Blood Moon Apocalypse II

Chapter 116 - Blood Moon Apocalypse II

-Malia's POV, after Zeref and her separated and she ran down the stairs-

I ran down the stairs, seeing everything in a new light. My eyes were shining golden and canines formed in my mouth. 

There was no mana in the air but there was still spirit magic. Spirit magic was everywhere. It was a new type of magic particle I had discovered. 

It was the reason why spirit wolves were so powerful and ancient. They didn't rely fully on mana. They had access to something more special. Something no one else knew existed or how to control. 

I ran into the clearing, watching as the army ran towards me. I stood at the gate for a second, not having a clear plan.

'Woooow! Just wing it.' Nina encouraged sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, pushing my hands up. A blue opaque wall started to form at the gates as I started to create my own barrier. It was stupid to think the old barrier would hold these beasts. 

We needed a barrier a thousand times stronger but would mine be strong enough? I pushed my hands up and forwards, adding layers and layers.

They approached at a deadly speed, crashing against my barrier and bouncing back. I slid back, screaming out while my hands shook. I stiffened, sliding back as hundreds of beasts banged at my barrier, pushing it.

"ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed, letting the barrier push back before springing forwards with all I had. The barrier flew towards them, pushing their force back at them and sending some flying. 

My nose started to bleed from the mental strength it took. Their eyes were all glowing red at me, staring at me through the barrier. Read eyes meant the blood moon had possessed them.

I held my hands up, letting out another shout and pushing them back with my barrier while stepping forwards.

One of them roared in anger, activating its mana fully. The blood moon had possessed them in a torturous way and now they wanted to take out their rage on the school. 

I refused to break, pushing the barrier against them again. They all jumped back as I forced them back into the forest, my eyes glowing like a torch. My hair blew back out of my face as I pushed an army.

"Malia?!" Zeref said, his face in shock at the strength I had. His eyes widened looking at the beast at the other side of my shield.

The A rank beasts roared, banging against the barrier and throwing attacks at it.

"I can use a little mana. I can help!" Zeref said, activating his mana. But before he could do anything my barrier was already broken.josei

I fell to my knees as an immense fatigue rushed over me.

"Switch." He said and I got up and jumped back to where he was initially. 

"Rest up for a while, Ima bring us some time." He sped across the battlefield, before punching one of the beasts with such power it toppled backwards, dying instantly.

His demon magic was helpful even without mana. He still had super speed and strength at his advantage. It just shows how much power he has access too.

This was the first time I was seeing him without his eye patch. His eyes never rested and darted left and right processing every move the beasts were making, dodging them in succession. Even without the usage of mana he was still holding his own.

Some beasts ran past Zeref as I lifted my hand up, pulling up what felt like millions of elephants. The ground started to rise before something exploded, creating a ripple effect and a large hole. Some of the beast lost balance, falling into the hole while others leaped over it, continuing their way to the school. 

I had no time to rest as I let my white ears surface on my head. I could hear every movement, clearer than I ever could.

I blasted weird surges of energy out of my hands, leaping, twisting and killing. Heads fell to the ground, bodies flew back and beasts started to flee.

Sweat ran down my forehead as I still haven't gained a single scratch. I glanced at Zeref to see him overwhelmed, covered in blood and wounds. I was about to help when a loud noise rang through my ears.


A large explosion made Zeref fly back and slide against the ground. I watched as he grimaced and got up. I rushed by his side.

"What was that?" I asked, as the wild beasts began charging towards us again.

"One of the A rank beasts can use mana attacks so be careful. It shoots a ball of exploding flames from its mouth." He replied providing me with intel, "You think you can fight now?"

I nodded, even though my body was already feeling the fatigue.

We both roared, speeding across and colliding with the army of beasts. Under the glowing red moon, the battlefield was becoming splattered with the blood of beasts. I didn't know how Zeref had this much power even without using any lightning attacks but it was the same for me. 

Due to the beasts' wild attacks and lack of teamwork we were able to dodge and counter attack in time.

Soon around a quarter of them had been wiped out, but we were both running on fumes. 

"I've got a plan. Hold them off just for 2 minutes." Zeref stepped back onto a large boulder and extended his palm up facing the sky. What was he planning?

I kept the monsters at bay as he gathered his mana into his palm. An orange ball of condensed flames grew larger and larger and soon he started to grit his teeth at the weight of it. He was putting in all of his remaining mana.

Zeref it's now or never.

"Good job." He smiled, before levitating up about 100 meters.

He spoke his incantation out loud and dropped the punishment from hell that he was brewing.

"Grande Sole. Versione El Drago."

The large ball of scorching heat had a total circumference of about 200m and radiated an intense heat that even began to melt my mana enhanced armour. 

With one flick of his wrist it descended from the sky like a meteor and at impact shook the Earth to its core. The tremor could be felt for miles and wiped out over half of the remaining mana beasts.

A clear and barren crater was left as a mark of Zeref's Colossal Spell, engraved into the Earth. I reappeared from my hiding spot, behind the boulder and spotted most of the A rank beasts rising again, shaking off the pain. 

The lower ranked beasts hadn't survived and were decimated into dust, only the strong remained.

Zeref's body fell from the sky and I could see a smile on his face. Why was this crazy guy happy? 

I ran through the air in speed, catching his body and laying him down. His eyes were still open but he looked dizzy as he laid limp where I had placed him.

'How are we going to kill the rest of them you're clearly fatigued.' Nina's voice echoed in my head.

'I don't know but I'll have to try. Zeref gave it his all so I have to as well.'

I turned my head round to see how far the Magic beasts were?


I stood in front of Zeref's body, charging with an opaque aura around me. I felt a surge of energy rush into me as I started to see everything in tunnel vision.

The three strongest species of A rank beasts were coming for the school and I was taking them on… head to head.

Only one side will make it out alive and the school is depending on me.

One of them tried to barge into me but I dodged it swiftly with no struggle. It was like my body was gathering all the spirit magic it could and expelling it in high voltages.

I couldn't keep track of my movements as the three beasts stopped in confusion, trying to catch sight of me. They were practically chasing their own tails before I pounced on one. It roared at the sky, lifting its paws up like a horse and trying to shake me off.

I gripped onto its fur, my palm dripping in what looked like thick mist. The mist travelled the beast's body like poison as the other two watched their accomplice, hesitantly stepping back. The mist entered its body though its mouth, suffocating it before I leaped off its back.

I brang my hands up, splitting the air with a swift hand motion and the beast ripped in two, each one flying at the two remaining beasts.

They roared in anger as the trees started to rustle again. My ears picked up on thousands of footsteps as trees tumbled down. There were not many trees left in this forest so when I looked up, an army of beasts charged. From A to D rank.

I pissed off the whole forest.

The two A rank beasts pounced at me but I quickly lifted my palm off, bouncing their bodies off with a shield.

I grew a surge of energy in me while putting myself in a protection bubble. Something started to form in the sky from my magic but it wasn't forming fast enough. I pushed as my bubble was being attacked by two A rank beasts.



A glistening sound came from the sky as a ray of colours decorated the army of angered beasts. The dark clouds struck it with lightning but it was no use. I had formed something that looked like the northern lights. It looked like the aurora borealis except it was way bigger.

I pushed my hand down, feeling as if I'm bringing down the upper realm. The colours crashed down onto the army, surprisingly even damaging the ground as a surge of wind gushed out from the impact.

Sadly, it only wiped out half as there were still 1000s left who dodged the blow.

My bubble finally burst as the army reached me. I can't give up… but it's so tempting.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled in frustration, feeling something in me snap.

It was like the chains that were holding me back had finally let go, releasing the demon inside. An image of a white wolf in shackles being freed flashed in my head as my eyes lit up again and I saw black.

I expelled a roar, so mighty and holding so much dominance, everything shook around me. I expected the army of beasts to attack but they never did.

I opened my eyes to see all the beasts surrounding me were now kneeling towards me in respect. My roar had broken the blood moons curse on them. Their eyes were back to normal as they all bowed their heads at my feet. I felt way taller as I looked to my feet to see paws.

My silky tails shimmered around me like I was a peacock as I levitated towards the moon. It was so close to me. I faced it, not knowing my plan but I did know something. A spirit wolf's roar means something to these animals.

I howled at the moon as beasts started to howl and roar with me.

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