How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 67 - Where Am I?

Chapter 67 - Where Am I?

What was this feeling? It was a feeling I had never felt before.

This feeling of something wet messaging and cleansing my body. It felt refreshing and soothing. I slowly regained my energy and opened my eyes gradually. A cool wipe travelled smoothly across my abdomen, taking out the burning sensation tingling from my skin.

There was a beautiful woman, I had never seen before. She turned away to a small table, which had a small wooden bucket placed on it. She twisted the wet cloth making water drip into the bucket, then dipped the cloth again and repeated, before turning to me and applying the cloth on my naked upper body.

Who was she? I was too dumbstruck to speak. Her golden hair flowed and her white skin complimented her pink lips. She wore ragged and dirty clothing and her hands- they seemed tired from overworking.

I suddenly remembered and instinctively closed my right eye.

"It seems like you're awake, young adventurer." She finally spoke looking at my surprised face, "You don't need to worry, this old woman will take care of you."

Old woman? I didn't speak, instead I looked around the room. Everything was wooden, it was really a small room with only a bed and a single table that her utensils were on. I looked at the utensils. There were lots of plying tools and knives.

"Sorry, but where am I?" I asked politely, before swinging my feet and sitting on the bedside. I looked down at my glistening body and especially looked at the large scar at the centre of my chest. That was where that wooden branch had pierced me from during my fight.

"You're at the infirmary." She said, still dipping the wet cloth into the bucket of water.

"Which infirmary?"

"You don't need to know that, now stop talking and stay still!" she shouted and dark metal chains appeared around my wrists and feet. What the-

I couldn't resist as the chains tightened and I was pulled back onto the bed. I couldn't use my mana. They were completely sealed.

"I haven't finished your treatment yet." She said sinisterly, I couldn't see her face but I had a bad feeling about this. I heard loud cackles, which made my hairs stand up.

Then she slowly turned her head and looked at me. My eyes widened and I felt an unsettling unease envelop me.

Her beautiful face had aged into a disgusting old, wrinkled mess filled with hairy pimples. Her golden hair was turning white and her beautiful posture soon transformed into a round hunchback. A sinister smile stretched on her face from ear to ear, showing her crooked teeth.

She shouldn't have turned around.

She started to approach me and touched my trousers with her disgusting nails. They started to slowly move up from the bottom of my leg all the way up, until they were going to reach my golden prizes.

"You're all mine." She laughed disgustingly.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I shouted, my voice sounded demonic as it reverberated, my voice sounded layered. I opened my right eye and peered at her.

She stepped back flinching, with fear written all over her face. I yanked the chains off, ripping them apart and stood tall towering over her.

"D-Demon." She whispered, her body shivered and she fell backwards knocking the small table over, the bucket fell also and milky water spilled everywhere. Was that what she was putting on my body? What was that sh*t?!

I grabbed her neck with my right arm and lifted her up against the wall. She struggled to get rid of my grip.

"What is this place?!" I shouted, my demonic voice reverberating behind my real voice.

"I-I can't tell you, I-I'm not allowed." she stuttered. I let go of her and she dropped to the floor on her knees going into a fit of coughs.

"Where are my belongings? My rings. My clothes. Where are they?!" I asked her with a deathly stare. I wasn't in the mood to play games. I had to find Malia.

"Th-They're over there." She pointed at a small box in the corner of the room. I looked away and walked over to the box.

"Aaaarghh!" I heard a loud battle cry and looked behind me, she held a large sword and swung it towards my neck. I didn't move out of the way, instead I stopped the sword by grabbing the blade with my index finger and thumb, then pressed them together, shattering the sword's blade into two.

"W-Wait! P-Please spare me!" She screamed, crying in fear. I hated doing this but I had to, I flicked her forehead and she flew back and crashed against the wooden wall. She laid limp on the ground unable to move.

I checked her pulse quickly before obtaining the things inside the box. I put on my silver rings one by one and pulled out fresh clothes from one of the dimension rings. I wore a plain black Shirt enhanced by Earth mana and black trousers and matching shoes. Lastly, I couldn't forget my eye patch; Putting it on, my strength dwindled a little and my demonic aura disappeared.

"What's going on? Room 406!" Someone shouted from outside.

I approached the door before kicking it with force, It blew backwards and shattered into smithereens. I strolled out and looked left and right. A wide hallway stretched both ways. I Was a bit surprised by the decorations on the walls and red carpet.

"You! Get back to your room!" A guard clad in armour shouted, running towards me. I cracked my neck left and right before flash stepping towards the guard. I grabbed the man's face with my hand and slammed him into the ground.

A loud noise could be heard, as the floor became stained with blood and a crack stretched out on the stone ground like a spider's web.

"MALIA! Where are you?!" I shouted. For some reason I couldn't use any mana in the hallway. Was this some sort of prison for mages?

Instead of hearing a response from Malia , several dozen guards appeared from behind me holding spears and a dozen more from in front of me.

"Step back and go back to your room!" one of them shouted, "Otherwise-"

"Otherwise what?" I smiled, while rolling the sleeves of my shirt up. The men moved back a little at the question. They looked at their dead friend's mushed head and gulped, then looked back at me.

"I don't want to kill you all, it would be quite sad causing a genocide for no reason. Don't you agree? Now tell me what this place is, otherwise." I emphasised the 'Otherwise', "Otherwise, there'll be a lot of blood spilled today. Please, I'd rather you just let me go. I'm looking for someone."

"G-Guards get him! Aarghhhhh!!!" the leader shouted before letting out a battle cry. Dozens of soldiers ran at me. I shook my head before putting my hands in my pockets. I couldn't use Seikuken, so this would be good training.

I weaved through the countless number of guards throwing a fit of kicks, I knocked a couple back with a single kick and dodged angry fists of guards. I parried a spear lunge coming from behind me and tornado kicked the guard's jaw, he flew back taking 3 or 4 down with him.

"Why can't I hit him?!" One of them shouted in frustration.

"Because-" I flash stepped towards him and roundhouse kicked his head with force, "I am stronger."

"Okay that's enough!" A domineering and powerful voice shook the air and the guards all stepped back as if they recognised whose voice it was.

"Guards leave! I shall handle this matter." A man wearing a dark suit appeared 5 or so metres away from me. He had white hair and a white beard, with his hands behind his back, he showed off his confidence.

I could tell he was strong when I saw the large scar on the side of his face, It expressed his experience in fighting. He looked to be around Gramps's age, so I had to be cautious; the old guys were never to be underestimated.

After the guards cleared the hallway and only the bodies of the unconscious and dead remained, the old man finally exerted his mana pressure on me. A dark glow coated his body; he was using 'mana skin'.

This man was strong. He was opposing the anti magic in the hallway and was even able to show off his mana pressure to me. Interesting.

I slowly took out my hands from my pockets and cracked my fingers. josei

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