How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 432 - 433 Star-absorbing Dafa

Chapter 432 - 433 Star-absorbing Dafa

Chapter 432: Chapter 433 Star-absorbing Dafa

The golden star scatters its own light in the deep universe. This is an F-type star, which can be judged from the metallic spectral lines.

Its brightness is 6,000 times that of solar luminosity, its mass is equivalent to the sum of the twelve suns, and its diameter is equivalent to 46 times the diameter of the sun. In front of this star, the main sequence star of the solar system can only be regarded as a child who has not grown up.

Because it is larger than the sun, it is also hotter than the sun. The internal nuclear fusion reaction is more violent and more productive. At the same time, it is also more dangerous. Its radiation energy level is terrible. If such a star replaces the position of the sun, the earth will be another Mercury, the atmosphere will be blown away, and the geomagnet will be The surface is dry and full of lava. The surface temperature can reach more than 400 degrees Celsius during the day, and it will drop to minus 170 degrees Celsius at night. When night falls, people on the surface will see volcanic glazes all over the field and rapidly cooling and cracking molten rocks. The terrain is very flat like a plain, like this. The volcanic glaze will extend all the way to the horizon of the sky, where it bends slightly with a slight arc.

This is the power of the main sequence star, the master of a stellar system. Just being too close can turn the world into the horror of purgatory on earth.

However, some little ones now ignore these and act recklessly near this main sequence star.

From a distance, this F-type star no longer has the majesty as it used to be. There are spotted 'feckles' on the glorious and sacred star. It is an antimatter giant organism that is using the energy and resources of the star to produce a large amount of antihydrogen atoms.

Even from a macro-scale perspective such as astronomical units, you can see many small dots between planets and planets, planets and stars, planets and satellites.

The entire star system has lost its former tranquility because of the existence of these small points, and radio signals have filled the entire star system and extended to the Kuiper belt.

"We are short of water resources, and there are hundreds of millions of tons of ice cubes."

"Received, the mining team is already rushing to make artillery shells."

"What about metallic hydrogen? Why hasn't the metal hydrogen arrived yet? We are in urgent need!"

"The transportation biological route is wrong. It is being replanned."

"Is it like this?! Without metal and hydrogen, we can't start work here! What should I do if I catch up with the progress!"

"Regarding the matter of getting lost, the individual just realized that he had run in the wrong place, and its biological radar was located on the wrong planet."

"It is inevitable for newborn individuals to make mistakes. Don't be too impatient. If you are in a hurry, we also have metal hydrogen here. We can just produce it, but the output is not much."

"That's it. Send it quickly."

The matter was settled, but then some collectors noticed that something was wrong, because the same group that gave metal hydrogen was the collector group of gaseous giants. However, the harsh environment of gaseous giants led to the collection of resources from the collectors being limited to the collection of atmospheric gases. If you want to exploit the resources inside the planet, it is not enough for the time being.

So the collectors of other planets will wonder where the metal hydrogen comes from among the family of gas giants. They don't have that kind of condition.

"Huh? Can your gaseous planets also produce metallic hydrogen?

"Of course, we have added new biological individuals."

The collectors of gaseous superstars gave a positive answer, creating conditions without conditions to meet their own needs. This is technology.

Near the fixed orbit of the huge gaseous giant, there is a small individual whose size is equivalent to the sum of the three Mounts of Everest. It is a giant on the earth that is enough to crush any human creation, but it is still insignificant compared to a gaseous giant.

It is it that absorbs the gas of gas giants and then makes metallic hydrogen.

It is also like a topro, but different from the antimatter giant, its appearance is more similar to an inverted cone.

The tip of the cone presents a blunt angle of more than one hundred degrees.Because the size of the centrifugal force depends on the mass of the rotating object, this giant structure can extract gas resources in places closer to the gaseous giant. Its central axis will hang a long ultra-fiber straw to inhale the gas.

In the process of absorbing gas, it always maintains rotation, which is the same as the antimatter giant, but the difference is that the antimatter giant is to make the antiparticles better guided. The rotation of this gas giant will generate centrifugal force, centrifugal force to create artificial gravity, and use water pressure under artificial gravity to compress metal. Hydrogen.

The old routine, to put it bluntly, it is still hydraulic compression of metal hydrogen, which is just moved from the planet to the universe.

After the metal hydrogen is compressed and formed, the giant structure will wrap the metal hydrogen in a layer of colloid, and then eject it from the central axis. The ejection force will not be very large. There is no gravity in space. Although the mass of the giant structure itself is huge, it has not reached the level of strong gravity, so as long as you push it gently, the metal hydrogen can be ejected from the central axis and transported. Biological reception.

The only thing to consider is the rotation of metal hydrogen. In order to make artificial gravity meet the requirements, the giant structure of metal hydrogen will rotate faster, at least faster than car tires. In this way, the metal hydrogen emitted will also carry the torque of rotation.

At this time, it is the turn of the colloid that wraps metal hydrogen to play a role. The colloid itself is very soft, so it is not too lethal. The colloid itself can create resistance to the internal metal hydrogen and terminate its rotation, so it is not difficult for the transportation of thin-skinned and large fillings to receive metal hydrogen. josei

"Don't get lost, okay? The same people on the planet over there are in a hurry.

"I know, there will be no problem."

"Then tell me, in which direction is the destination planet?"

"It's over there, 179,500000km away from us."

"Very good. Let's go now. Time won't wait for us."


Tell them to transport the creatures, and the collectors on the gaseous superstars are put into production and construction again.

After successfully building the first giant structure of the gaseous giant to collect atmospheric compressed metal hydrogen, they can naturally build the second and third. As long as they have enough resources, they can build a lot.

In addition to metallic hydrogen, other resources can be manufactured, such as solid methane, carbon blocks, metals, etc. After all, there is not only hydrogen in gaseous giants. Other elements disassembled by lost electrons can also be compressed into solid resources by water pressure.

The basic knowledge that Hogu stole from the Selin people is still fermenting. The seeds of these technologies are taking root and sprouting. In the foreseeable future, the seeds are destined to thrive and become a big tree that covers the sky and the sun.

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