How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 449 - 450 Euler Euler Euler

Chapter 449 - 450 Euler Euler Euler

Chapter 449: Chapter 450 Euler Euler Euler

The two fleets of the empire marched side by side towards Aegean. Although from the perspective of the Aegean Federation, the ships of the fleet are close to each other, but this is a visual error caused by distance. The minimum distance between the two mixed imperial fleets and warships is also 200,000 kilometers, which is for Avoid the attack of sub-light weapons of the Aegean Federation.

The farther the distance, the lower the hit rate of the weapon. Although for sub-light weapons, radar is like waste, it can also rely on this way to reduce the loss of our own side.

Although the empire did not know that there was a construction project of sub-light weapons on the Aegean, they still decided to take such an action. In order to prevent problems, the energy supply of the star size can easily accelerate the low-mass material to the sub-light speed. The fleet commander who does not want the imperial fleet to lose is natural It is to guard against one hand.

From this point, it can be seen how experienced the command class of the two imperial fleets is. While giving morale to the enemy, they guard against the sublight weapons that the Aegean Federation may master in advance. They are like experienced hunters and will not give the prey any chance at all.

They are the natural enemies of prey!

"Commander! The fleet radar detected a large number of entities approaching our ships at high speed!"

Naf, who was staring at the two extinctions, heard the report from his men and then gave the order. josei

"Release all the close-defense autonomous ships."


Open the tactical star map and turn it into a macro perspective. This is the three-dimensional tactical projection of the radar after learning the observation information. If necessary, the perspective can also be changed, which is conducive to the fleet commander to better control the overall situation.

At this time, in the projection, it can be clearly seen that a group of entities arranged in several light strips are approaching the imperial fleet at high speed.

Naff, the fleet commander of the Eighth Fleet, could tell at a glance that the true face of these entities was a large number of explosives, more live ammunition, and autonomous ships.

"Oh, this kind of tactic has been ruined by us for a long time."

Naff sneered disdainfully and shook his head slightly. Until now, he had not observed the fleet of the rebels. From his experience, it can be speculated that the fleet of the Aegean Federation intends to rely on the planets for tenacious resistance, because if it were him, he could only do this to level each other as much as possible. The gap between.

The tactics used by Aegean now are also very simple and easy to understand. The explosion is the main attack, and other live ammunition are to confuse the radar of the imperial fleet, and those autonomous ships mixed in it are hidden killing moves. If the first two weapons cannot play a sufficient role, they will be reduced to the bait for covering the autonomous ships. If The autonomous ship can break through the outer vibration armor of the fleet warship and enter the interior, and the warship will be destroyed.

Very old-fashioned tactical ideas, the empire had done this a long time ago - Nave then continued to give orders.

"Contact the deep space aircraft carrier and drop the autonomous ship to Aegean."


The span between the planets is very large and very empty. In such an empty area, there are several extremely large warships wandering.

These mother-volume warships received orders from the imperial fleet and then began to enter a state of war. Like firing cannonballs, they used a large number of magnetic orbit continuity to release autonomous ships in the direction of Aegean.

Observing from a human perspective can be described as overwhelming. Hundreds of millions of autonomous ships crossed more than a dozen astronomical units at a very high speed and came into contact with the physical groups launched by Aegean before the Imperial Fleet.

Before the fleet arrived, the battle had begun.

Both sides are autonomous combat weapons. Therefore, the final result of the short-term connection will not have anything to do with the collective morale. Some are just cold data calculations. As long as you compare the basic data of the two sides, you don't even need to fight to know what the final result of Kaida is. Which side will win is destined to be long before the start of the fight. These AI It's just to show the existing results at the material level.

Aegean is the crushed party. Among the entities they put, the autonomous ships only account for a part of it. The other two parts are explosive sound and physical shells. In order to ensure that they can play the role of confusing radar, the number of solid shells is more than ten times that of the explosive sound, and on the side of the empire, they are all autonomous ships, and the number is even more capable. It can be described as overwhelming.

The autonomous ships launched from the deep space aircraft carrier and the physical bombs and explosions collided fiercely. Layers of interstellar dust floated in the space like a wisp of gauze, giving a mysterious color to the stars in the sky.

The encounter between the autonomous ship and the autonomous ship is often accompanied by a fierce explosion. The extremely high speed represents the extremely high momentum. The two travel in the same direction, and the momentum will double, which will only make the collision more powerful.

They are equipped with vibration armor. The result is that they die together after colliding. After leaving the last hot and bright fireworks for the universe, they both turn into space garbage floating around in the star system.

The battle between the dead soon came to an end, and the result was obvious. The victory due to the numerical advantage of the empire came to an end. The remaining autonomous ships turned their course under the order of the imperial fleet and headed in the direction of Aegean at a higher speed than the imperial fleet, giving the dust permeating the battlefield. The clouds left straight and obvious trajectories.

Continuing to cross the scale of astronomical units, the autonomous fleet took the lead in fighting against the Aegean Federation. A large number of thermal lasers on the planetary ground destroyed the autonomous ships, but this is a drop in the bucket, because the number of autonomous ships is really too large, and they can't conduct heat in the vacuum. Although the thermal laser can restrain the vibration armor, it can be destroyed. Autonomous ships can only carry out one ship at a time.

The autonomous ships are strong against the firepower of the planets and move around the orbit of the planet. They are searching for the fleet of the Aegean Federation, because that is their goal!

Due to the limitations of their own attack methods, such a high-speed autonomous ship cannot enter the planet's atmospheric environment, because it will soon be vaporized in friction with the atmosphere, so their target was locked on the fleet of the Aegean Federation from the beginning, which is the only target they can attack in this state. . Space is a very open environment. It is not easy to hide in this environment, especially in order to fight with the firepower of the planet. The fleet of the Aegean Federation cannot be too far away from the planet, which makes it easy for the autonomous fleet to capture the fleet of the Aegean Federation and launch an impact offensive unscrupulously!"All the close-defense autonomous ships are put out! All ships have full firepower of close defense weapons!" The fleet commander of the Aegean Federation ordered.

"Let's show these imperial lackeys a little color!"

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