How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 452 - 453 This melon is bitter! Middle)

Chapter 452 - 453 This melon is bitter! Middle)

Chapter 452: Chapter 453 This melon is bitter! Middle)

[Implantation plan? What is that? Do you want to install something in your own race?

"No, I don't think it should be like this. If it's this kind of thing, we must be able to find out something. It may be something like the current Aegean Federation."

[Undercover agent?! It's just... the kind of spy films you brought back, wearing a black coat, holding a gun and saying cool words, killing all the enemy with a word?!]

[The empire actually developed that kind of humanoid weapon?!]

"...I've said many times that don't take artistically processed things too seriously. The real undercover agent is very dangerous, and it's not that powerful, and he won't kill all the enemies with one shot."

"What kind of undercover agent can you be with this ability? Isn't it much easier to kill all the enemies directly?"

[It's not good to say that you can't perform without sneaking into the enemy.]

"Forget it, let's talk about business..."

"According to this information, it can be determined that there are undercover agents of empires in the Aegean Federation, but the number should not be large, and a large number of endomities exist. It is impossible to be watertight, and it is impossible to exceed 20 at most, or even less."

"The situation should be that the people of the imperial side are mixed inside the rebel organization."

"But what I can't figure out is, what can such a person do?"

"Information leaked? No, the empire is sure to win. It doesn't have to lose manpower to do such a thing.

[Huh? Huo Gu, didn't you say before that the Aegean Federation is likely to win the first battle?

"That's the general situation. Now that the empire sends the deep space aircraft carrier to participate in the war, it can only evolve into a crushing situation. The empire may suffer from the fleet shelling, because the strategic positioning is different, but the deep space aircraft carrier, which breaks the existing routine, can avoid this situation. The fleet of the Aegean Federation can't Attacking the deep space aircraft carrier, the deep space aircraft carrier can gradually wear out the Aegean Federal Fleet with a large number of autonomous ships, so that there is no difference in strategic positioning.

[That's it.]

"It should not be possible to save the current situation. Even if the empire terminates its military operations against the Aegean Federation, it will inevitably face many problems. After seeing the successful independence of the Aegean Federation, many ambitious people will immediately find ways to become independent to meet their own interests."

"It's not going in, it's not going to retreat, it's not going to stop. How should the empire be chosen?"

With the help of radar biological observation, Huo Gujiu stared at the Aegean in the distance and fell into his thoughts.

[If you ask me, I don't choose at all. Anyway, it's not good. Why do you choose?]


The battle in Aegean is still continuing. Although with the ground firepower of the planet and the close defense capability of the Aegean Federation Fleet, the number of attacking autonomous ships is still ten times the original, but at this time, there are already some damage to battleships.

In the final analysis, Aegean can't compare with Selene. As a colonial star, Aegean lacks sufficient industrial foundation, so the planetary firepower is not enough to compare with Celine, the imperial mother star. It is impossible to bombard with planetary firepower directly on the planetary scale like Red Prison and Celine. Aegean lacks infrastructure.

"The actual combat data of the deep space aircraft carrier is almost complete. We should be more serious."

"Then use 'that' to deal with the enemy fleet at one time."

The fleet commanders of the two fleets communicated with each other, and then gave instructions to their own fleets.

A large number of live ammunition are fired from the mother ship class through magnetic orbit. Their speed is comparable to that of autonomous ships, so it is convenient for the subsequent wave of autonomous ships of deep space aircraft carriers to mix together. It is dense and stretches for several light points and rushes straight to the Aegean.

Because it is mixed with autonomous ships, it is naturally ignored by the federal fleet that is busy dealing with autonomous ships and lacks actual combat experience. In the view of the Aegean Federal Fleet, there is nothing more dangerous than these autonomous ships now.

And this has also become a key factor in their failure.

The live ammunition dropped by the Imperial Fleet is not a shell. Its interior is similar to that of the autonomous ship. There are thrusters and energy sources, but there is no vibrating armor, and it does not have the ability to directly penetrate enemy targets.

When these live ammunition rushed into the Aegean Federal Fleet with the autonomous ships, the Aegean Federal Fleet stalled...

The whole fleet no longer releases close-defense autonomous ships, nor does it use main guns to attack these incoming autonomous ships, and even the vibration armor is no longer effective.

This result is extremely fatal, especially in combat. Imagine that all the dumb fire of your weapons in a position, not to mention cannonballs, not a single bullet can be fired, and the consequences can be imagined.

"What's going on!"

The commander of the Aegean Federal Fleet stood up from his position in an out-of-control mood and looked at the dim flagship bridge in consternment. Just at that moment, the whole flagship was scrapped, the engine was turned off, and even the sanitary equipment could not start. The mother class became a steel coffin.

Soon, the communicator with the federal commander rang, and it was the cabin captain calling him.

"Commander, the engineering nanometer in the warship destroyed the control system of the warship.

"What are you talking about..." josei

However, it was late. With a violent vibration, the bridge was pierced by the autonomous ship and went all the way, leaving a big hole in the mother class, which was many times larger than itself, and then went away.

A large amount of air passed away, and the vacuum depressurization environment instantly made the body fluids of each Selin inside the mother class boil. The painful death process was accompanied by the ejected out of a breath of gas and completely fell into death.

The Aegean Federal Fleet was completely destroyed.

The Imperial Fleet is intact.

"It's really a farce. The war that is destined to be impossible to win is still brave enough to stand up. I don't know whether to be stupid or brave." Nave looked at the tactical projection and muttered unconsciously.

"Maybe both? If they are smart enough, they should realize that these warships are the weapons deliberately left by the empire. Joseph replied like this.

"In the end, war or serving politics, I just hope the plan goes well."

Naf shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

"It's hard to say, Amoeba is likely to stop us. Don't forget who is the leader of all this? What they do is just those fools, peace and friendship? Oh, that's ridiculous."

"The deterrence hasn't disappeared yet. They won't be hard unless they want to die together. Doesn't what they do now mean that they don't want to over-irritate us?"

"Then the next step is to wait for the fermentation of the implant plan. Even if Amoeba knows, it is useless. They will not have an excuse to intervene."

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