How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 541 - 542 The shocking unfolding

Chapter 541 - 542 The shocking unfolding

Chapter 541: Chapter 542 The shocking unfolding

[Well, it seems to have failed again.]

[It's okay. There are still many "sacrificial" Zeshu in the war. Let's try one by one, and we can always find Zeshu that can adapt to our perspective.]

The collectors lamented, not because of the mental breakdown of a seed warrior, but because of the failure of the experiment. After all, these seed warriors are consumables, one less.

Although it is still possible to continue to catch more seed warriors as experiments, it is still time-consuming and laborious, which is more troublesome after all.

The conversation of the collectors was not unavoidable at all. They communicated generously, and all the seed warriors trapped by them could hear it clearly.

A great sense of shame and fear made these seed soldiers anxious and shamed themselves that these soldiers couldn't help but give any damage to the enemy. Instead, they were reduced to experimental products. What they feared was that the experiment was full of unknowns, the experimenter was unknown, the purpose of the experiment was unknown, and the means used were unknown...

The other party is like a god. Even if the other party claims to be so self-proclaimed, the seed warriors will not be surprised at all, because they are so intuitive to feel the gap between them and unknown enemies. josei

" devils!"

"Have the ability to come out! Don't hide!"

A seed warrior roared and cursed. He looked around, hoping to have a good fight.

Admittedly, in the face of an enemy with such an unknown power, the battle must be ten deaths and no life, but such a way of death is like a warrior. Death in battle is a good thing for soldiers. If he is as crazy as his comrades, from the perspective of a seed warrior, life is better than death in the true sense.

Unfortunately, the seed warrior's calculation was wrong.

[It is also full of momentum. I think the psychological quality must pass, so choose it.]

It's not out of any bad taste. That's what the collectors think. In the face of such an unknown situation, they can still shout and shout, which shows that they are full of spirit. That is to say, the nerves are relatively thick and the ability to accept.

Therefore, collectors generally give priority to this kind of seed warrior as the experimental subject, and they also want to end the experiment quickly. After all, time is also a cost.

", no!"

The seed warrior, who was just shouting, suddenly shouted in panic, and his voice became louder and louder, and finally turned into a helpless call for help like a lost child, which showed extreme fear of something.

"Ah - who will help me! Help!"

"Don't be afraid! We are right next to you. Calm down!"

Other seed warriors are beside him. These comrades-in-arms work very hard to encourage the seed warriors who are in mental chaos. Unfortunately, this is of little use at all. The voice of the seed warriors who access the three-dimensional perspective to help does not decrease but increase.

"Where is this? What have I seen? Captain, where are you all? Help me, I'm coming, I'm coming..."

"A soon? What's the matter! Tell us quickly and we'll help you solve it!"

"Broken... Fragmented... Everything is... Fragmented... Hey... Hey hey... Hahaha... Broken... It's all broken..."

Another seed warrior inevitably went to a mental breakdown...

"What on earth did you do? You said there would be no danger!" There were seed warriors who asked the collectors angrily.

[It's true that life is not in danger. We didn't lie. They didn't die, did they?]

"What's the difference between this and death!"

The seed warrior asked loudly in exchange for the serious rebuttal of the collectors.

[Of course, there is a difference. There is a possibility of recovery when you are alive. If you die, there is no chance to do it again. ]

[We don't mean any harm, but look forward to some of you who will be successful. I hope that some of you can respond to our expectations.]

On the other hand, the scholars who set out with the seed warriors arrived at their destination according to time, waiting for the seed warriors who were doomed to fail to arrive.

"It's not right. Why haven't the seed soldiers arrived yet? Members of the military have always been very punctual..."

"There is nothing going on in the Love Seed Alliance. It shouldn't be like this. Are they all fools who don't realize what consequences they will face after making that declaration?"

"The situation is a little strange..."

"I'm a little uneasy."

Just as they talked to each other in this way, they were stunned to find that their position had suddenly changed and been moved to another completely strange place.

"What's going on?"

The scholars of the Cube looked around in panic, and then heard the information delivered by other trees other than them.

"Welcome, Zeshu scholars from the Cube."

"Who are you?"

The calmed scholars observed the situation around them, and the number of each other was only one, which slightly eliminated their inner sense of crisis.

Hearing the questions of the scholars, the other party responded.

"Anger, the chief of the Alliance of Love Seed Alliance."

"What did you just do? Space transfer?"

"Yes...and it's not right." Anger is not trying to drap these scholars, but really doesn't know that this is what the collectors do. Anger is just responsible for meeting these scholars to intidating people.

Anger went straight to the point, "Let you come and meet, just want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Your seed soldiers have been completely destroyed."

The scholars of the cubic country couldn't accept what Anger told.

"What are you talking about?"

"That's impossible!"

"It doesn't make sense whether you believe it or not, because they can't come back. By the way, I will bring my words back to your cubit - our love seed alliance has decided to make your cubit a priority to destroy it. I hope that your cubital countries can disinate by themselves, so that I can save some effort and time."


The cuban scholars who wanted to say something more found that their positions had shifted again and returned to their original place, as if everything that had happened had never existed.

After some exchanges, the scholars of the cubic country returned to their own country. Regardless of whether the matter was true or not, they decided to tell the cubic country what they had learned and shocking things.

When the scholars were transferred, the collectors came in.

[It's a little unexpected. We thought you would be nervous to finish your lines, or make mistakes.]

"It's really a little nervous... How are those cubic seed warriors?" Anger asked a question that he was more concerned about.

[It's all disposed of.]


[War will bring death. After all, they are here to kill you. There is no need to feel too much for them, and... You don't really think that two failures will make the cub countries realize their fear, right?]

The outside meaning of the collector is that the Cube Congress will not only not converge because of these two failures, but will become more and more serious, which makes Anger feel a little ridiculous.

"Don't they have brains?"

[After all, this loss is not enough to scare them, and the loss of war with other countries is above it.]

[I think the Cube will almost use the 'big killer' of your Zeshu civilization.]

"Do you really have a way to defend against fire trees?"

Anger was shocked. Although he had already expected it, he could not help but be timid. After all, it was the most powerful killer in Zeshu civilization.

[There are many ways, but we are thinking about what kind of method is more shocking.]

"...What's the point of doing this?"

[You have to kill people. Don't you want too many deaths of your compatriots? It's a good idea to disintegrate them by themselves.


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