How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 548 - 549 The Start of War Machine

Chapter 548 - 549 The Start of War Machine

Chapter 548: Chapter 549 The Start of War Machine

After the decision to intervene, the collectors have more tasks and began to plan the manufacture of strategic resources. If they can directly compare their size, they will be surprised to find that they are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, lasting one meter a day. With the radius reduced, organic organisms go back and forth between the planets and large meat cubes in the void.

"The construction of strong and huge structures cannot be left behind. We need them to create a large number of strategic resources such as proton lattice and solid helium for clusters. By the way, the large-scale production of various live ammunition should also improve the schedule..."

"The movement should be accelerated. We can't be as leisurely as before. We are in a hurry."

Instructions are issued one by one, and the collector is working in an orderly manner according to these instructions in the channel. The large meat blocks in the universe have revealed cylindrical prototypes. These are the strong pressure giants that are being conceived. After the strong pressure giants are conceived, large quantities of proton lattices and solid helium will be produced. Resources.

The development of collectors is not too much to describe it as rapid, even very vivid, because it is really very 'rapeous', and such exaggerated industrial ability is simply magic.

However, even with such a construction progress, individuals will have doubts.

"Is there enough time?"

"Otherwise, why do you think it will take us 60 years to arrive at a distance of five light years?"

Such a problem has caused complaints from other peers. If the time spent on construction is not taken into account, it will take only five years for the collectors to reach the five-light-year near star system.

The individual who asked the question also reacted, "Well, I misunderstood."

The individual mistakenly thought that after preparing a large amount of antimatter, it accelerates directly through the antimatter, reaches one-tenth of the speed of light, and slows down after arriving at the destination.

But in this way, the cluster must start early and face various armed shortcomings at the same time. Of course, the collectors will not do such a thing so foolishly.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not miss the firewood. After the construction is completed, if the star track is accelerated, it can reach more than 90% of the speed of light, which can completely make up for the time spent on construction and can also have a complete armed capability.

Collectors are not so stupid that they don't know how to choose.

After the construction work is arranged, it is the collectors' discussion on the strategic matters of alien civilization.

"So if it's a black hole bomb, are you going to make it?"

"...Make some, and the quantity is set at 100 pieces."

"I think the construction of the star orbit can be directly directed to the target star, so that once it is built, there is not much time to waste on orbit change, which can greatly save our time and cost."

The proofreading of the star track is very time-consuming and troublesome. It can't be completed without ten days and half months. If the change is too large, it is not surprising that it will take several years to adjust a orbit, so this proposal is still very valuable.

"What is the best number of clusters to go to the target star system?"

"Go to participate in the fight. Of course, the more the number, the better."

More is good - this doctrine has always been implemented by collectors, mainly because of their social structure. They do not cling to the power of individuals, but advocate collective power, and of course, the more the number, the stronger the collective power.

Of course, this is without considering the concept of 'technology'.

A large number of cluster proposals were quickly questioned by other individuals. They either questioned the 'more or the good' doctrine, and they questioned the feasibility of doing so.

"There is an upper limit on the one-time delivery ability of the star track."

"You can invest in several batches, and the number is set at tens of thousands. The opponent has a rich star system. At least we can't lose in terms of quantity."

"No, the time is too short. Proton lattice, solid helium, metal hydrogen and so on are not bad, but the amount of antimatter is too small to meet the number of tens of thousands of individuals in such a short time.

Antimatter is not only used for sub-light speed deceleration, but also for ship-borne sub-light speed shells, black hole bombs, gamma-ray guns, etc., all need anti-mass supply.With such tens of thousands of individuals, the collectors are fully capable of breeding them. The number of fighting with the Selin people at the beginning is much more exaggerated than this, and the number of tens of thousands is already very conservative.

But the problem is that the production of antimatter is so touching that it is basically impossible to meet the antimatter needs of tens of thousands of Leap Forward organisms in such a short time.

This is not a problem that can be solved through hard work, but a solution in the physical sense, unless the fundamental production technology is improved from the underlying technology.

And such an improvement is also not something that collectors can complete in a short time.

Because of these considerations, there is a collector's proposal.

"Do you want to abandon quality and increase quantity?" josei

"No, when the quality expands to a certain extent, the quantity becomes meaningless."

Without thinking about it, most individuals refused this proposal, and the collectors knew the meaning of quality very well.

Therefore, another point of view is determined.

"Then expand the quantity on the premise of ensuring quality, and the number of individuals will be set at hundreds."

Will this quantity be too small? It feels terrible."

Fighting with hundreds of clusters is unique in the history of ethnic groups, but this is the only way to ensure quality.

"That's better than tens of thousands of unarmed people."

In response to this problem, another collector proposed, "Let's call the nearest colonial star to us and let them send support."

"This is a good idea, but their amount of antimatter should not be much. The number of can be piled up to about two or three thousand at most, and it is still far away from tens of thousands. If you call a more distant colonial star, I'm afraid it will take more than 60 years."

"Two or three thousand is two or three thousand. If you can defeat such a number of clusters, that is the alien civilization that the ethnic group should treat solemnly."

The matter of the battle has been finalized, but there is another thing that is particularly important, which must be determined and proposed by the cluster leader.

"So... If the thousands of clusters are defeated, do we need to use black hole bombs to destroy stars?"

"Of course I need to use it. I have decided to make and equip it. Why not? This is a strategic thing in itself. Some individuals reply without thinking about it.

But soon some collectors realized the problem of using black hole bombs.

"But once it is used, the population will gain nothing. The supernova explosion can even crush planets into plasma nebulae. In addition, we have to give up the current star system. The killing distance of the supernova explosion is light-years, and the five light-years are too close. It is estimated that the explosive star is the center, with a range of 25 light-years. No stars inside can be colonized.

To put it simply, stealing chickens is not only forced to give up colonization of stars, but also threatens the safety of the interstellar route. The most important thing is that the ethnic group can't get anything and waste a lot of resources, which is the most uncomfortable point.

After many discussions, the opinions of the collectors finally reached an agreement.

"Depending on the situation, if you are defeated, try to deliver peace information. If the other party is unwilling to accept it, it will decide to drop a black hole bomb, including the Serin. Three alien civilizations have been found in the ethnic group, and more can be found in the future. They don't care about this one. Considering the threat, it is allowed to be eliminated."

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