How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 554 - 555 3 Commanders

Chapter 554 - 555 3 Commanders

Chapter 554: Chapter 555 3 Commanders

About a year after the last meeting, the global international conference of Carter people was held again, and representatives from all countries gathered together.

"Norman Empire, now the whole Carter civilization is facing the crisis of invasion by alien enemies. You are still carrying out a military invasion. Are you going to fight against everyone?"

"This question should be asked by us. Now that the enemy is the enemy, your kingdom of Sen has actually raised the price of oil. You can judge who is trying to destroy the unity within civilization when the enemy is in the face of the enemy."

Representatives of the two countries criticized each other at the meeting because the Norman Empire, a major power of the imperialist dictatorship, launched a military action against the neighboring small allies. The reason was that the Kingdom of Sen, as the world's oil exporter, arbitrarily raised the price of oil exports against the Norman Empire.

This targeted behavior stimulated the sensitive nerves of the Norman Empire, and the once friendly two countries have become so tense - the facts once again proved that there is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests. When the interests are inconsistent, they turn over faster than to turn over books.

"What about you? The agreed technology sharing has not been fulfilled at all.

The representatives of the Kingdom of Sen accused the unfaithfulness of the Norman Empire. If it hadn't been for the Norman Empire for such a secret operation, they would not have been guilty of touching the bad luck of a military power.

"We have sent a large number of technical teams to you for hands-on guidance. What else do you want?" The representative of the Norman Empire asked an unhappy question.

"But your order prohibits those technical teams from imparting all the technology. Is this a fulfillment?"

"That's not the reason for you to raise oil prices. Now there are a lot of places in the global strategy that need to use oil. You are preventing all Carterians from fighting against Amoeba."

"Aren't you?" The representative of the Kingdom of Sen questioned in turn.

In fact, in the eyes of representatives of other countries, both countries are half a catty. If they raise the Kingdom of Sen to the height of a great power, they will also take the same actions as the Norman Empire, which are taking action for their own interests, and the same is true for the overall global strategy. Cooperation based on their own interests is against national interests. If you don't cooperate, no one is qualified to blame anyone.

Generally, most countries will have the attitude of watching the show in such quarrels, but this meeting is more important, and some national representatives came forward to stop them.

"You two, if you just want to negotiate for national affairs, please talk about it later. We have more important things to do now."

When the representatives of the two countries heard this, they were like a basin of cold water. The posture that had just been arguing disappeared in an instant and returned to normal sitting in their seats.

"The following is the announcement of three military strategists who can lead all Carters against Amoeba."

The host of the meeting stood on the podium and introduced the three well-selected global strategic commanders to a group of national representatives in a very solemn tone.

"First, Mellon. Buka, the commander-in-chief of military strategy of the Odo Empire, ranks first in the world in terms of war planning. He has participated in half of the world's war planning. He has rich experience in the deployment of war resources, and far beyond ordinary people's insight, foresight, etc. The famous Thunder Campaign is derived from his strategic ideas. The highly mechanized armored cluster troops have completely fallen into the short 30 rotating wheels of the Duchy of Mann, creating the shortest war time and being known as the father of war victory.

A Carter man with the rank of marshal slowly walked to the podium. Although he looked a little old, he was more energetic than the ordinary Carter man. People who saw it could feel at first sight that he was a well-trained soldier.

After a friendly nod to the first selected person, the host of the meeting continued to announce the candidate for the commander-in-chief.

"Second, Stephen. Edward, who has participated in the most types of wars, is the world's leading strategic and tactical expert. He is good at making counter-war plans by speculating on enemy war trends.

In terms of protracted war, he has rich experience that no one can match. He has made a war plan for the Mori Kingdom, blocking the powerful highly mechanized troops of the Odo Empire in the wilderness and changing the direction of the whole war.This second is also a soldier. It can be judged from the military uniform. His pace is very steady, but he is not as energetic and energetic as the first one. It can only be said that it is very ordinary.

"Third place, Dopps. Stein, an outstanding academic member in the field of science, has a deep understanding of science and technology. He is the founder of Carterian psychology, civilized, Acting, Change, Learning, relativity, and the designer of nuclear weapons theory, and plays a pivotal position in the field of science.

He is a Carter in a white coat experimental suit, which is very different from the first two. Although his identity background is also very strong, he is not an expert in military strategy.

This candidate was selected out of consideration of the balance of power. The first two are the big countries representing the egalitarian camp and the big countries of the imperial dictatorship camp, and the third represents many small countries. In this way, there will be no more complaints from the country.

"Next, I announce that will become the supreme commander-in-chief of our alien defense army. They will unconditionally be given the authority to allocate all resources of the entire Carter civilization and have the right to demand that countries take measures to end some operations that hinder civilization as a whole. Irrational behavior."

The host of the meeting looked at the Norman Empire and the Kingdom of Sen with deep meaning, and the faces of the representatives of the two countries were slightly stiff.

After the meeting, the three global strategic commanders gathered together.

"Do you have a mature strategy?"

Mellen. Buca looked at the two colleagues who were with him and asked.

Stephen. Edward shook his head slightly and turned his eyes to Dopps next to him. Stein.

"Not yet. It's being planned, Mr. Dopps. In the whole civilization, your technical vision is the strongest. According to your knowledge and cognition, what is the probability that we will delay victory?"

"Do you want to hear the truth? Mr. Stephen."

"It's not true. Why should I ask you?" Stephen. Edward laughed.

"Under 1%." josei

Dopps. Stein answered seriously, which also caused the other two military strategy experts to have a momentary breathing disorder, but they soon returned to normal.

"...Can you tell me the reason?" Mellon asked.

"Simple empathy, if we are going to go on an expedition for five light years, what extent should we at least do it? What should I consider? We can think of it, and they should also think of it.

Following Dopps's thinking, the two military strategy experts soon had a clear picture of thinking.

"I wish it was just my nightmare."

Stephen muttered to himself, and Melan on the other side answered.

"There will always be a way..."

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